Note: All Characters that are displayed here were created via my hard work and long hours of serious Role Play. If you wish to use any of the information here, or play one of the Character Templates, e-mail me with your request, and i'll get back to you. All information is STRICTLY out of Character. Thanks


Breed: Lupus
Auspice: Galliard(Waning Moon)
Tribe: Black Furies
Kuklo: Bacchante
Age: 17

Mainpoint History:
Born in the Wylds of the Amazon, she has called the Brazilian Rainforest her home since her first day of life. Her mother was Fury Kin, her father unknown. She traveled with a barzoi pack, from the last three remaining Gaian Caerns in the Amazon, relaying messages and assisting on Raids. Shortly after her sixteenth year, her barzoi pack was slaughtered, she recieved word of this, and was sent by the Elders to North America, where she could start a new life. She has now found herself on the outskirts of Las Vegas, in the Nevada destert.

Roleplaying Hints:
She speaks of her pack almost obsessively, and she has a cheerful demeanor. She has vast respect for Gol Gol Fangs-First, the Battle Mongrel Leader of the Amazonian War, as well as the Uktena and Wendigo who have taken her into their lands. She will fight, and die, to protect these people, and killing her may prove to be no easy feat...

She has knowledge of Rituals and Gifts, and her strengths lean more towards the Occult, she is heavy in dexterity, but light in all other physical attributes.

Dagger, Rope, Dedicated Clothing, Lyre

A small blackish wolf, her fur is lightly coated with dust, giving it an almost tannish appearance. Her eyes are deep brown, and seem to laugh constantly, though more likely at than with you.
