Note: All Characters that are displayed here were created via my hard work and long hours of serious Role Play. If you wish to use any of the information here, or play one of the Character Templates, e-mail me with your request, and i'll get back to you. All information is STRICTLY out of Character. Thanks.

hanchra Quick-To-Kill

Breed: Lupus
Auspice: Ragabash(waning Moon)
Tribe: Black Furies
Kuklo: Freebooter
Rank: Legend
Mainpoint History Outline:
Born to a small wolf pack on the Island of Crete, she was the runt of the litter, being smaller than her other packsisters, yet much more fierce and clever, her birth name was Nonia True-Hunter. The winter had been hard, and the packs numbers had dwindled, so a litter of seven was a blessing. She grew up strong and hard, and in the summer of her first year, strange apes began moving through "her" woods. She would see them at night, as she moved with the pack, but it was not until the fall of her third year that the apes began to capture members of the pack, never to be seen again. It was not long before she and her mother were taken to strange laboratories where the creaturees performed violent "tests" upon the animals they kept. Many of these tests included strange moldings of flesh and bone, changing mere wolves and larger species of cats into strange beasts of horrendous appearance. Her mother died as a result of these tests. For 2 1\2 years she remained at the whim of the Sabbat, huntil her first change and her escape, which took the lives of four of her captors, and caused severe damage to their haven. She left Crete for the mainland, and was found by a small pack of Freebooters. Trained in the arts of War, Rituals, and the Occult, she has been and will continue be a strong member of the Fury tribe; the sisters come first, always. Cursed at one point by a Time/Life mage, her body no longer ages. She can die only by murder, accidental death, or suicide. Her adventures lead her across the globe, and she has only ever traveled with one pack. She has long since lost contact with the remaning members, and has found herself somehow stuck in Kansas, a member of the Sept of the Silver Moon.

Role Playing hints:
You live to be aloof. It's your passion, your lust, your everything. If someone figures out something about you you hasn't intended them to know, you leave...or better make THEM leave..You are cold, angry, and more than a little insane, but you do your best to hide it. Emotions are an instrument you've learned to play well, and and you keep a tight lid on them at most points. You pride yourself on never losing your temper, and you despise dishonorable, unintelligent, or rude people, especially Get. Your knowledges are limited to what Wylds you were exposed to, and you are a master of those knowledges, of which you take fierce pride.
She is heavy in the occult and Rituals, having extensive knowledge of Garou, Bastet, Camarilla, and Sabbat lore. She is heavy in any stats dealing directly with battle and hunting, and her gifts tend to lean towards the gruesome and odd. hanchra has very high Gnosis, Rage, and Willpower, as well as a high rating in Kailindo.
Backgrounds: Purebreed 5
Allies: Spirit Ally Shartric: Golden Eagle, strong Jaggling.
Merits: Eidetic Memory, Metamorph
Flaws: Nightmares, Enemy 3, Cursed 4
Derangement: Insanity
Equipment: Moonsilver Grand Klaive, Rituals Staff, Bow, 2 Quivers, Bloodstained Cloak, Rituals Bag.

Appearance: Standing roughly 6'11", muscular, yet not overly so. Dark Silver Streaked Midnight curls fall to about her waist. She wears long flowing materials such as silk, and heavy cloaks. Her skin is a deep rich olive, her eyes are somewhat odd the left being a brilliant emerald shade, the right a dull faded orangish-green. Due to a past injury, a bit of her skull can be seen just behind her left temple, in all forms. In lupus, her eyes are surrounded by pale silver fur, and she walks with a limp on her left forepaw. Her hair changes colors as frequently as her eyes, but her fur is always black.