check out the site i had going before i started here!

This page is dedicated to the Werewolf system, from White Wolfs' wonderful RPGs. If you don't know what the World of Darkness is, check out my link to White Wolfs' online site down at the bottom of the page.

The Litany of this Site:

Ye Shall Take no action that Causes this site to be Violated:

Reality: Do it and die, baby.

Combat the Wyrm Whever It Dwells:

Reality: It has been proven that all other sites which may be linked to this one are of the Wyrm.

White Wolf--Grrsh'trank the Urge of Corruption
Seattle--Deeshvorya the Urge of Paranoia
Las Vegas--Eediyot the Urge of Lies
Jack's page--Ammiapata the Urge of Amusement
Tazz's page--Grrsh'iaptzi the Urge of Destruction

The Veil of Secrecy Shall not be Lifted

Reality: I won't tell who you are, if you don't tell who i am. Deal?

Respect the Home Page of another:

Reality: Don't hack a site i've got linked. It will tick me off. I don't like to be ticked off. I get mean when i get ticked off. You don't want me mean. You want me to stay nice and it?

Do not Suffer Thy Ruler to Tend to Thy Whining:

Reality: I know some of the links may not work all of the time, and i Know that my spelling is horrendous, and that i don't type too well, but please Don't Gripe about it to me.

The Tribes:
Black Furies:
Of all of the tribes of Garou who roam the world, none are so fierce in the ways of Woman's fight as the Black Furies. This tribe, composed almost entirely of females, is as brutal as the Get, without being blind, and as loving as the Children of Gaia without being soft. Their numbers are dwindling, though, and it may be soon when the last Fury falls.
Bone Gnawers:Those "fallen from grace", the Bone Gnawers are the scavengers and "street mongrels" of the Garou. This tribe makes its home in the slums of the cities, and it is likely that any new Garou in their city is known about and watched within the hour of his/her arrival. Sneaky, yet well informed, the Bone Gnawers are generally despised and treated like dogs.
Children of Gaia:The Children of Gaia are the most kind and understanding of all Garou tribes. Preferring peace over war, this tribe strives to bring its members closer to Gaia by mediating disputes among other tribes, and helping defend the growing human population. They are widely thought of as cowards, but it would be a biger fool than you or I, the man who finally angered a Child.
Fianna:The Celtic tribe of Garou. The Fianna despise most metis garou, and are both quick to anger, and to laugh. Their brew is as deadly as their warriors, to those unprepared few who attend Fianna revels, and they cherish their Fae ties.
Get of Fenris:Bloodthirsty and wyld, the Get of Fenris is by far the most war hungry tribe, for even their Ragabash members could bring down the heartiest Spiral. A man who fights like a Get, dies like a Get, their blood wattering Gaia's fields, and surrounded by dead foes.
Glass Walkers:Almost as widely despised and distrusted as the Bone Gnawers, the Glass Walkers are the second of the two "city wolf" tribes. Preferring the wealthier districts of the scabs, these Garou vie for leadership of banks and big businesses with the Kindred who lurk within the shadows. Well versed in the language of mechanical spirits, the Glass Walkers are handy to have around when raiding large scale Pentex facilities.
Red Talons:Radical to an extreme, the Red talons strive for the extinction of man kind. Composed almost entirely of Lupus Garou. Their Revels usually include the death of any humans unwise enough to be in the woodlands nearby. The Red Talons are great allies when hunting the Wyrm in the deep Wyld, but their numbers are small, and they are difficult to find these days.
Shadow Lords:By far the largest of the thirteen Gaian tribes, the Shadow Lords are sneaky decievers. They feel that the right to rule the garou should, of course, fall upon themselves, and their sole purpose is to prove this to all other Garou, forcing the Silver Fangs out of their Kingly positions. Never trust a Shadow Lord who doesn't owe you a life-favor, and trust one who does only so far as you can watch him.
Silent Striders:Having no homelad to call their own, the Silent Striders are one of the most mysterious of the tribes. These sleek Garou roam from one Caern to the next bringing news and strange stories from distant lands. Never staying in one place for long, they are prized for their speed and stamina. Traveling on the road with a Silent Strider is always an...adventure.
Silver Fangs:Pure Bred and proud, the Silver Fangs are the "rulers" of the Garou. This tribe is composed of aristocrats and social manipulators who are known for their wisdom and strength. Many of the tribes do not follow the council of the Silver Fang leaders, though they are widely accepted as Alphas in most Septs, given high positions within the Garou nation.
Stargazers:Calm. That is the first word that generally pops into the minds of those garou who are asked to describe Stargazers they have met on their journies. This tribe prides itself on their self-control, and seemingly inexhaustable patience. Their wisdom is uncanny, even if they are a little..odd.
Uktena:Eerie and secretive, this tribe has by far the greatest knowledge of Spiritual matters of any. The Uktena are the keepers of secrets, and the guardians of forgotten lore. It is said they even know the workings of the Wyrms most powerful minions. They are the guardians of the Great Banes...
Wendigo:This tribe of Native American Garou is composed of fiercely proud warriors. They tend to distrust most European Garou, and maintain strong ties with their Uktena bretheren. The Wendigo are wise in the ways of the Spirit Realms.

The Breeds:
Born and raised as humans until their first change, these homids are also know by the derogatory nicknames of "monkey" and "ape". They tend to be more comfortable in cities and around humans, though they adapt well to Garou life if given the proper chance. Most homids find the Umbra difficult to reach, and Spiritual matters a little bit hard to grasp.
Lupus:Born and raised with the wolves, Lupus garou tend to have the most difficulty of all breeds when attempting to adjust to life in another form. These Garou are the most intuned to their Wyld, Spiritual nature, and are useful to have along on long trecks through the wilderness. Given the nickname "feral", they are just that.
Metis:Garou shall Not Mate with Garou. The first rule in the Great Litany of the Garou, metis are the products of those who break this rule. Generally disfigured, always sterile Crinos born children, Metis are widely despised, and treaty poorly among the Garou nation. Their nickname of "mule" is well earned, though it is sad that they must pay for the crimes of their parents.

The Auspices:
Tricksters, New Moons, Dark Skies. These Garou were born on the night them moon went dark. They tend to prefer a good joke to any physical combat, though they can be just as deadly as any Ahroun warrior. They are the least trusted of all Auspices, and wisely so.
Theurge:Seers, Crescent Moons, Shamans. These Garou were born on the night the moon was a mere sliver in the sky. They tend to lean towards matters of the Umbra, and Spirit, and make the best Rite Masters. Known for their wide ability to speak easily with the spirits, Theurges are good to have along when you perform any tasks in the Umbra.
Philodox:Judges, Half Moons, Keepers of Knowledge. These Garou were born when the moon was half full in the sky. They tend to lean towards matters of judgement, good at keeping the peace and making fair and impartial decisions when it come to matters of Garou vs Garou. They tend to make the best Masters of Challenge, and Truthcatchers.
Galliard:Moon Dancers, Gibbous Moons, Bards. These Garou were born on the Gibbous moon, when the sky was nearly full in her brightness. They tend to lean towards matters of amusement, having extensive knowledge of music, Garou Lore, History, and poetry. They tend to make the best Gatekeepers, for some odd, unknown reason. Maybe it's the brew.
Ahroun:Warriors, Full Moons, Rageful Spirits. These Garou were born when Luna was full in her cycle within the sky. They tend to lean towards matters of Battle, and strategy, having extensive knowledge of the uses of many weapons. They tend to make the best Warders, and Guardians.


hanchra Quick-To-Kill


The following is a list of Sites that may be useful to you when surfing this page:
Jack's Page--Great for you Nuwisha out There
White Wolf Official Hompage--bow Before your maker
Seattle--A good RP sight
Charleston by Night--...for Experienced Role Players only!
White Wolf Chats--Much Fun..
Durtro's page--Another Awtan link...
Tazz's Page--very nice
all html done by hanch

Wolf Images thanks to The Searching Wolf