<Hello. How is it going out there in the Universe. Or wherever you may be. My name is Shéron. I am the first female Andalite Prince, but recently my attention has been turned to earth, and these Animorphs. You will find many interactive activities on this page. Welcome to the all knowing purple andalite web site.> 

My name is Blablover5, but you can just call me Blab. I am Shéron's "assistant." You'll mostly hear from me with updates, but this is still her web site. Really. I'm not kidding.

Current Website
If you have no idea what Animorphs is, go to the main website, and check it out. Then you can come back later, after you have broadened your knowledge of Animorphs.

All of my information shall come from valuable sources (except if it says so.)

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Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. 7-26-2000 HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY
Well, it is our first year anniversary, yep we've lasted for one whole year. I also, hope that you have all noticed the change in frames. I'm thinking of keeping it as a horizontal frame, but I might change the pics . . . again.
Now, on another side bar. Shéron is leaving us. She will be gone in a week, and I hope that you will all say good-bye to her. No, that doesn't mean that TAKPA's closing, and I am planing on keeping the name. Actually, Shéron's letting me, and I am planning on overhauling the site, in order of her leaving. This place may look a little cluttered, and confusing for a while, but I hope you guys keep coming back for more. P.S. I just finished book 43. Expect more later.

7-5-2000 I hope you all enjoyed the Fourth yesterday. I got to put up a chain-link fence. No, it was not fun. Anywho, I've completly overhauled the books section, and have checked for any broken links, pictures so on and so forth. I've also updated on my Stars. So now it looks all fangle-dangley good an new. I've also been cleaning up my files, you don't want to know what kind of junk I've had lying around. Plus, courtesy a la Morphz we've got some great info on The Deception or book 46. I suppose that that'd be it. Hope you guys have a nice day.

Blab, signing out.

6-29-2000 Howdy, I give you. The R Books. In other words I give you the titles and official summaries for books #47 and #48. To start off. Book #47 is called The Resistance. And comeone, who's surprised that book #48 is called The Return. We all saw that one coming a mile away. Anywho, I've also added another, more kind of dorky game. It's memory Animorph style, but it's still fun. Oh and one more thing. Seeing as how my Drawing abilities should be scorned, Zera has sent me a picture of her own Alien. And here is the link to it. http://tatooine.fortunecity.com/simak/446/totran.html definetly a lot better than mine.

6-22-2000 Well, everyone needs to congratulate Zera for creating the Coolest alien, adn Arwen for getting Second place. Go to the Monthly Contest page to see the awards. I've updated the postcards page, for the most part, and I have finally added book #23 to the quotes page. That only took like an hour. I've also, thanks to Morphz, added The Ellimist Chronicles. I suppose that'd be it. Toodles.

I peed your pants. I'm not sure how.

Just a quote I felt like adding. ;-)

6-20-2000 I'm ba-ack. I've been up in Minnesotta for, like the past two weeks and we just got back. SO, here's a nice re-do sort of update. I'm going to string out this "Spring Clean" update over two or three days. First off, I've fixed all of my navigator menus, so they will go where they're supposed too. I added a link to the AniStreet Journal. Also, the voting for the Alien Species Contest has been closed and right now I'm tallying up the winner. Shéron has changed her poll question once again. And we have a new game in our mits called Taxxon. Enjoy.

5-18-2000 Howdy, do you all remmeber me? You know the, okay ONE of the owners of this site. Well, I have been sort of, well, busy. See, school where I live is winding down and I have Seven Semester tests comming up next week, so most of my free time has been spent studying. Okay, I'm done whinning. Well, I just got done reading book 41 and my response to it was: HUH?! What was going on? Was it a dream, do we have another all-powerful something-or-other expiramenting with humans. You'd think that with both the Ellimist and the Crayak, we would have enough omnicient beings watching us. And what was with that book. The discrepentcies could be measured by the ton. I mean, one minute Rachel's dead then she's not. Jake see's Tobias flying around, then he's Elfangor, then he's in a morph of Ax. Jake's dead, but he's not. Cassie is a controller, yet her Yeerk wasn't some all-powerful or completly (stupid) loyal to Visser Three. What was going on? Okay, now the big reason why I updated. We have, thanks to Morphz. The title too book #46, it's The Deception. This is the book where Visser Two shows up. Well, I suppose that's it. I'll be out of school by the end of next week, and by then expect mundo updates. Even if they are for naught.

5-8-2000 Well, I've gotten books 40, 41, and MM #4 I would like to thank yeerkiller9 Bookworm and Fangor for all their help. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really enjoyed book 40. I've been hearing around the web that not to many people did, (maybe it's because I haven't read books for months) but I thought that book #40 was good. I've also finished MM#4 and I'm starting up book #41. I also have a little bit of info. We now have the official summaries for books 43, 44, and 45. Go have a gander. Thanks again. I'm enjoying being able to read again.

4-21-2000 Guess what, I finally have done something constructive. I updated my TIMELINE! Not very much, but at least a little. Actually I have a few problems and I would kind of like you guys help. Okay, my book stores for some odd reason have stopped getting the new Animorphs. Okay fine, I'll try On-line ordering. The only other problem is that the one book store online that I know of is Barnes&Noble and they only have up to 39 which I have. Can anybody help me. I know that there's another one, I just can't remember what it's called. And if you know a great place that get's them early please e-mail me. Please. Oh one more thing, did anybody else watch the Discovery Channel special "Walking with Dinosaurs." It was cool. If you loved Mega Morphs #2 and you didn't see it get a hold of your local T.V. listengs and see if The Discovery Channel will play it again. It is so cool. Trust me, I don't know if the Disney movie Dinosaurs could really top this. It's got a lot of facts about the Dinosaurs. Sorry, no Mecorra or Nesk though.

4-13-2000 Howdy. Well, thanks to Morphz we now have a BETTER picture of Book 43 The Test, and the Title for book 45 is The Revelation. You know the one where Marco tells his dad everything. My bookstore is being evil, they haven't even gotten book 40 in yet!!!! Of course everyones talking about MM #4! HELLO! I'm just lagging behind by a little huh?! Sorry, I'm just a little stressed over here on this end of the web. See tomorrow is a major contest for my band, and I have to play a solo (which, well, you can put in whatever adjective you want for really bad) and I'm in a Clarinet Choir. Oh, it is NOT going to be a good day. Just wish me good-luck, and hope I don't bomb. Oh yeah, there's something we need, our school blowing up. Ha. Bye. Hey, I just got done having an unconstructive chat with Shéron, and she semmed a little snippy, so I saved it, and you can all go here to read it. :::Just smiles inadvertantly:::

4-10-2000 Well, TAKPA'S now got TWO poems. Yep, two poems. Cool. Okay, it's a neat poem by Stephanie all about (and coincidentally called) Elfangor. Go read it. I also cleaned up the index a little. Yep, shamrocks are gone. Aw. I know how sad that is.

4-4-2000 Well guess what, that new fangled official site has finally decided to update. Or I've finally decided to go and check it out. :::Grins Sheepishly::: All right, what we've got here is the official summary for The Journey and a tiny picture (with a young Tobias for some reason) for The Test. Now you are all going to find out about them, because I said so. Te-He I'm getting to be pretty demanding aren't I? Well I guess that that is it. I'll be back soon. I finally have one entire weekend off. Whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Of course that doesn't mean that I will do anything during it. Okay, I'm leaving now, really. G'Bye.

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I would like for you all to meet Shéron's 'dog' Barshu. He is nice. Just don't get too close.

Click here to enjoy the fabulous Animorphs Mystery Science Theater 3000 A very funny lil ditty by Shyara
If there ever was a FanFic for me to recommend this would be it. You'll laugh your head off.

Disclaimer. I don't own anything except a small piece of brain, and one computer plus modem. (Not to mention Shéron) <I heard that> If I make anyone mad. Please, tell someone else, I have enough problems out there. Animorphs is a © of Scholastic and a creation of K.A. Applegate.
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