~Greetings to One and All~
I am Kaeldra Anmar Sea of Silva Mare, a land where the forest and sea combined into one. Powers present in the stones and gems of the earth, especially the Aquamrine Beryl gem. Where elves and dragons are at war, but love is a powerful treaty. Where halfbreeds are outcasts and killed if half of their blood belongs to an enemy. This is a glimnce into my hidden past.
"...power that swerves every where, a love that is instinctual to nature, a spirit that wraps her love around us, always.."
"...it is the troubles that one encounters in life that causes growth, yet the lessons are not always learned the first time..."
By K. A. M. S.
          It is long been since I was born on high tide in late summer 19 years past. Living as a symbol of unacceptable love between two waring species, I have learned much from my parents. Each possessing different wisdom of the world in which I grew up in. A world which is hateful and loving at the same time, depending on which emotion is accepted sooner is how you see it.
        From my mother, a dragoness of the sea, I learned of peace and nature. Plus the importance of love and how we treat others. Her power of mind in thought control and the possiblities possessed in there gave her the insight of understanding the force which created the world. Most of the magic in one's possesion is due to the powerful force of the earth spirit which surrounds us all the time. Her understanding of such things gave me a chance to understand a little of what she has told me through my few years of living. Such an education gave me the power to utilize the energy in the beryl aquamarine gem. A power that I use to morph between my dragon and elven heritage.
By K. A. M. S.
       From my father, a once powerful warrior, now herbist, living his hermit life in Flangor forest, taught me of the physical world. That certain herbs  can cause great outcomes if mixed properly with an incantation. Because of my breeding, he taught me of self defense. For times when my dragonhalf would not be accessable to defend myself, I learned Hand-to-Hand combat. Though being of a weaker frame than most, I rely on my dexterity and agility. Violence is not part of me, but part of my past...and possible future, so precaution is wisdom well learned.
       Being not truly excepted into either of my cultures, I go forth exploring the world beyond the land I grew up in. Exploration and meeting to new folks have become my new hobbies. Learning new tricks in my talent, has made me able to travel about by myself without worrying greatly of my wellfair. Carrying a pouch of potions given to me by my father, I walk about with no weapon and no intention to do harm unto others.
By K. A. M. S.