The reason's these illustrations came about is due to the fact that to graduate from Wallowa High School, a senior has to try their time into some carreer based project. Mine was Illustrating. Though I did work for only two people, Mrs. Steele's poems are the only ones I was able to get a copy of that also have the poems on them. The poem illustrations done for Mrs. Steele were for the personal copy of her book of poems, entitled Other Rivers, Distant Songs. None of these images were in the mass printing of her book. The Hunter Returns to Bed was the first poem I did for Mrs. Steele. After she saw the finished effort, she wished for me to do four more poems: Other Rivers, Distant Songs, Katherine, and Webs. Webs was too difficult for my abilities to compentently do, though Mrs. Steele and I did try test ways to draw her imagination. I passed my Senior Project. |