Us to Be?

Warmth rushes into my heart,
at the sound of your voice.
Uplifted I become with a thought,
of you, about you, or to feel you.
Away you fill my mind,
thinking of the set past,
and the possible future.
A chuckle seeps through my lips,
as thoughts of your wit appear.

Yet, with all this joy I have doubt,
can this truelly ever be?
Need I climb the mountain heights,
and swim the ocean's deep?
Will you like what you see
when looking at me?

More and more I fret about it,
and the more I hate to doubt it.
Why stomp out something that
has yet to a chance to breath.
Let it be for now,
let the seed grow,
and make a tree for us to sit below.
I can only be me,
so let us wait and see,
can you be you?
For now, I will sit and see,
hearing you in my dreams.

- Anna 10/29/99

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