Leaving My Hometown

        As I was walking home every thing seemed to be speaking to me. Silently wishing, “forget me not.” Even the fresh green grass wisping in the wind, reminding me of summer days when I laid in such grass reading or loving the sun’s carress, soft and inviting. The rustling leaves in the tall trees, whose branches I had once climbed instinctually racing the squirrels on their tenuous heights. The clouds, caressed in evening sun light, soothing in their mellow easy going nature, had perfected themselves as if painted in the sky, colors lush and vibraint, striking the heart with a simple beauty. This valley has made more of imprint on my heart and mind then I admit or even am aware of, so much of it’s nature is imbedded into my sense of beauty, of nature’s magnificence.

Forget not me, for I was here,
When the grass grew fresh and green,
Where the flowers bloomed,
And where the stars crested the moon.
Forget not me, for I learned here,
Of times long ago,
Of summer’s solace,
And of winter’s indolence.
Forget not me, for I loved here,
With the tentative first,
The sweetness in first kisses,
Of youth’s  first love lost.
Forget not me, for I began here,
With experiences learned,
With trials vanquished,
And with loves gone astray.
Forget not me, for I became me here.

              -Anna 05/30/2001
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