Calathor and Dawnstar's Hide Out
You walk up to a little stick fort. It's not very big but rather tall, you think it was made by creatures with out hands. Just then two little silvery faces peak out at you. You see that they look a little like Lathor........ then you remember Calathor and Dawnstar his bother and sister! You think Calathor's head is the bigger one. Hello down there! Who might you be? I'm Calathor, this Dawn Star. Welcome to our Hide out!
Come on up! She doesn't bite! And I certainly don't! You walk up some steps and find that this 'hide out' is a like a house.You see four doors, each leading up or down.Calathor looks at you. We're going to go see some or this stuff. Want to come? He looks up at you. Plllllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase? You follow him. OK, where should we go?
The Sky
Our Book
Our Tree
Our small tavern
Thanks for coming! Calathor grins. I told you Dawn Star wouldn't bite. And I haven't even thought about it! Dawn Star winks at you and tip toes up behind Calathor................ then......... she nips him! You smile. Well Calathor, you didn't say she would nip you here and there!
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