EPISODE GUIDE-- Star Trek: Voyager

*Episodes with links have a fanfiction story to go with them. Click on the link to go there.*



Caretaker: One of your better pilot episodes. The short version is that Voyager and the Maquis ship get thrown into the Delta Quadrant by a single-minded alien and in the end join crews and pick up two locals. But it's much more interesting than that.

Parallax: And now we see why this isn't going to be easy. A good look at what happens when you combine the rules of Starfleet and the quick thinking of the Maquis. Problems are bound to arise. It's a bonding episode for B'Elanna and Janeway (one of many) and also begins to show us that Chakotay is not going to be Janeway's yes-man. (That's Tuvok's job, after all.) Good episode.

Time and Again: Now we get to see how well Janeway can handle her "project"-Tom Paris. The two of them get sucked back in time on a planet that is doomed to explode the next day. This episode shows that Janeway isn't going to loosen up, especially in regard to the Prime Directive. We also begin to see that Kes is not just an ordinary gardener. All right episode.

Phage: Our first run in with the Vidiians. Charming folk, really. Poor Neelix gets his lungs stolen and he's given holographic lungs. Only problem is he can't move and he certainly can't leave Sick Bay. Kes is allowed to start training as the Doctor's assistant. In the end, all is well, even though Kes only has one lung. I don't really like Neelix, but I did feel bad for Kes. An okay episode.

The Cloud: Good episode as far as shippers are concerned. Janeway contacts her animal guide with the help of her very handsome first officer, Commander Chakotay. Also, Tom introduces Harry to Sandrine's, a place we see quite a bit of in the first couple of seasons. The main gist of the episode however is that Voyager flies into something, think it's a space cloud and end up having to fix an organism that they damage. We also learn that Janeway can play pool. Great episode.

Eye of the Needle: We see Janeway out of uniform for a bit on the Holodeck, which is nice. Harry finds a small wormhole and they send a message through to a Romulan. Turns out, the guy is not from our time line (yes, more time travel…don't you love it?). What's worse, of course, is that even though he agrees to send the messages the crew wants, is that he will die four years before Voyager gets lost. Not a very interesting episode.

Ex Post Facto: Poor Tom. The guy just can't seem to stay away from women. He gets accused of murdering a scientist on the Banean homeworld and is forced to relive his crime through his victim's eyes every fourteen hours. Unfortunately, Banean and human DNA aren't very compatible and Tom's brain starts to malfunction. Tuvok comes to the rescue and Tom is ultimately cleared…by a dog? Interesting.

Emanations: Harry Kim's first big episode. Poor guy gets sucked through a vacuole and ends up on a planet very far from his ship. What's worse, everyone thinks he's actually come back from the dead. And all Harry wants to do is go home. Not a terribly interesting episode, although it must be noted that Jerry Hardin, the beloved Deep Throat of The X-Files fame, plays Dr. Neria in this episode. You can tell by his voice.

Prime Factors: Take that Starfleet! See what it's like when you're on the other side of the Prime Directive! B'Elanna, Carey and Seska go against the captain's wishes…and so does Tuvok? Harry gets a little action; Janeway is attracted to the alien. Very odd episode.

State of Flux: Bad Seska, bad! Getting involved with the Kazon like that. By the end of this episode, you have to feel really bad for Chakotay. Although the thought of him with Seska is just nauseating.

Heroes and Demons: The Doctor saves the day! Woo hoo! I love the Doctor. Kim, Tuvok and Chakotay all disappear on the Holodeck, which is not good. Photonic creatures have abducted them and the only one who can save them safely is the Doctor. The Doctor picks a name (Schweitzer) but in the end decides not to use it because of a holographic woman's death. A cute episode for the Doctor, and the panic on Janeway's face upon losing her first officer is quite priceless.

Cathexis: You have to love Chakotay episodes, even though the man is in a coma for most of it. This episode gives a good hint that Chakotay and B'Elanna were good friends before they came aboard Voyager. Quite an ingenious man, that first officer. He spends most of the episode hopping bodies, trying to get the crew to not go into a nebula. Tuvok getting possessed by an alien is…interesting.

Faces: Our first real look into the head of B'Elanna Torres. It's also time for another run-in with the Vidiians (and you thought you'd seen the last of them.). This episode shows the beginnings of friendship between B'Elanna and Tom Paris, which is nice. Chakotay saves the day (yay!).

Jetrel: A Neelix episode. A doctor from the Haakonian race, the people who destroyed Neelix's home world, comes aboard and says that Neelix is dying. The man is lying, actually. It is he that is dying. He's trying to redeem himself. It doesn't work and Neelix forgives him in the end. Stupid episode.

Learning Curve: A Tuvok episode. Some of the Maquis crewmembers aren't fitting in very well. Tuvok, because he was an instructor at the Academy, is given the job of bringing the troublemakers up to speed. An all right episode for a season-ender. Of course, the best scene is when Chakotay hauls off and punches Dalby in the jaw. Priceless.



The 37's: An SOS signal, cryogenically frozen people, and Amelia Earhart. Humans were being abducted in 1937 and brought to this planet. Now, a colony exists on the planet. The rulers offer to allow anyone who wishes to stay on the planet to do just that. Janeway decides to let everyone decide for him or herself. We see Chakotay as very supportive and it's another shipper moment. A fairly good episode, all in all.

Initiations: Woo hoo, more Chakotay for the eye to feast on. The guy is out just performing a Native American ritual and he ends up kidnapped by the Kazon. (Don't these people ever give up?) He saves a young Kazon man who was trying to earn his name. The young man doesn't appreciate it very much. Janeway sends out a whole bunch of people to find her lost first officer. (Isn't that sweet?) Pretty good episode.

Projections: The Doctor's program starts to degrade and he begins the question the nature of his being. We also learn the poor Doc has a thing for Kes and that Lt. Barclay (yes, from the Enterprise) assisted in the building of his program. An interesting episode, although I don't care much for Barclay.

Elogium: Kes hits puberty and must decide whether or not to have a child. Neelix fears fatherhood and asks Tuvok for advice. The ship is caught in a mating ritual with a large space organism. Janeway and Chakotay discuss whether or not the crew should have children. Samantha Wildman announces she's pregnant. Not so interesting as far as plot is concerned, although the scenes with Janeway and Chakotay are good.

Non Sequitor: Another Harry episode. He wakes up and finds himself living with Libby, the girl he left at home (Time and Again is when she is first mentioned.), and engaged to her. Problem is that he remembers being on Voyager. Seems he fell into a hole into the space-time continuum and things are quite different. We get a look at Tom before he joined Voyager, and it's not a pretty sight. I don't know; this episode just didn't do it for me.

Twisted: Kes' second birthday and then the ship starts to get all weird. Rooms are moving around, and no one can get to where they want to be. Everyone ends up back at the Holodeck. About halfway through, Janeway comes into contact with the anomaly and loses consciousness. So now Chakotay is in charge and Tuvok is not happy about that. The subplot includes jealous overtones on Neelix's part because Tom's present to Kes is a locket that cost two weeks of replicator rations. A pretty good episode, although there's a scene with Chakotay and B'Elanna that I'm not too fond of.

Parturition: Suspicions confirmed-Tom has a thing for Kes and Neelix is none too happy about it. Of course, the captain sends the two of them on an away mission together and they get stuck on the planet. Kes feels really bad about being so angry with them. Stupid episode although the food fight in the Mess Hall is worth noting.

Persistence of Vision: An alien begins infiltrating the minds of the crew. Janeway thinks she's losing her mind. Kes is the only one who can see the visions for what they are-hallucinations. We learn quite a bit about B'Elanna's relationship with Chakotay, or what she'd like it to be and that Janeway feels guilty about her affair with the Holodeck man. I would like to note that when she says that she hasn't been unfaithful that it's a load of crap because it's SO obvious that she has a thing for Chakotay.

Tattoo: Another Chakotay episode and this time we get to see what he was like growing up. Ends up that his entire tribe is related to aliens from the planet they've landed on. He gets naked at one point. ;) The sub-plot includes the Doctor giving himself a flu virus so that he can better understand the pain humans go through. Interesting episode.

Cold Fire: We finally run into the other Caretaker and she's not nearly as nice as the other one was. Kes starts to learn about her powers but doesn't know how to control them, which is never a good thing. In the end, Kes goes back to being Tuvok's student and the crew of Voyager is no closer to home. An all right episode.

Maneuvers: Seska is back. And not very nice at all. Chakotay misbehaves terribly and sets out to find her, which does not make Captain Janeway very happy at all. Of course she goes out after him; how could she just leave him there? To add insult to injury, Seska makes an announcement at the end of the episode.

Resistance: While on a planet trying to get a much needed energy source, Torres and Tuvok are captured. A man who believes she is his daughter saves Janeway. She ends up impersonating a hooker in order to get into the prison. She forms a bond with the crazy man and is very sad when he dies.

Prototype: B'Elanna fixes a robot and is then kidnapped and forced to help build a prototype so that the robots can reproduce. She ends up finding out that the robots killed their builders and are fighting a war with robots of another species. Bonding moment for she and the captain at the end.

Alliances: At the advice of her first officer, Janeway decides to persue a tentative alliance with the Kazon and ends up allying with the Trabe, the race that had imprisoned the Kazon for generations. By the end, Janeway is reminded of why she hangs onto the Prime Directive so dearly. Kind of a stupid episode, but not really.

Threshold: Tom breaks the warp barrier and then his body starts to hyperevolve. A very bizzare episode with an interesting twist at the end. Amusing scene with Chakotay and Tuvok.

Meld: After a murder on board, Tuvok melds with the perpetrator, a Maquis man named Suder. Very strange things begin to happen to him as he cannot control is emotions. We learn a little bit about Vulcan history. Bizzare episode.

Dreadnought: B'Elanna's past comes back to haunt her when a re-programmed Cardassian warship is found in the Delta Quadrant on a destruction course for a benign planet. More B'Elanna/Chakotay suggestions and a good scene with B'Elanna and Tom.

Death Wish: Q! You have to love Q! Janeway and crew beam aboard a renegade Q who then seeks asylum in order to kill himself. I love this episode; Q is so cool. Did I mention that already?

Lifesigns: The Doctor falls in love with his Vidiian patient and has to learn the subtle nuances of romancing a woman. She names him Shmullus after her uncle. (Gee, can't imagine why he didn't keep that name.) On the sub-plot level, Paris is still acting up and actually shoves Chakotay. It's a bit disturbing that the commander went down after a shove. A cute episode nonetheless.

Investigations: Ah yes, "A Briefing with Neelix" of fanfiction fame. A bit disturbing. Tom leaves the ship because he is disgruntled and is then abducted by the Kazon-Nistrim. We all know what that means--Seska, that's right. Very good, you're learning. As a completely unrelated note, Hogan got cooler as the first season and second progressed. Actually, the episode is quite stupid. Too much Neelix for my taste.

Deadlock: The birth of Naomi Wildman, her death, and her return. We also see the death of Harry Kim and his return. Confused? Voyager+a spacial rift=2 ships sharing one anti-matter source. Throw in the Vidiians and you've got one hell of a problem. Good episode.

Innocence: A first contact situation in an attempt to get some much needed minerals. Tuvok crashlands on a moon and takes three young children under his wing. Things are not always as they seem of course. Wouldn't make for very interesting television that way. Tolerable episode.

The Thaw: It appears that humans cannot get over their fear of clowns. Voyager beams aboard a five-person stasis unit and discovers the people can't get out. Harry is trapped inside and, with the Doctor's help, Janeway saves the day. Michael McKean (you know, Morris Fletcher of The X-Files) plays the Clown. Look at all these X-Files people showing up.

Tuvix: A transporter accident causes Tuvok and Neelix to be melded into one being. As the Doctor tries to find a way to reverse the process, the crew grows accustomed to having Mr. Tuvix around. A Kes-Janeway bonding episode and also a look at Janeway in full captain mode. Personally, I agree with her decision at the end because Tuvix was, arguably, more annoying than Neelix.

Resolutions: I freakin' LOVE this episode! Janeway and Chakotay get some weird virus and the only place they can survive is on this planet. So the crew drops them off. Very Adam&Eve-ish and it's just so sweet. The "Angry Warrior" story is enough to melt anyone's heart.

Basics, Part 1: Seska is back. It had to happen after her announcement at the end of Maneuvers. And this time, she's just mean. Voyager's crew ends up dropped on a planet and left to fend for themselves.



Basics, Part 2: The Doctor and Suder (Yeah, Suder. Can we say random?) Must save the ship. Well, them and Tom, who didn' t die. He couldn't die. That would just be no fun. Some very good lines come from this episode. On another note...poor Hogan =(

Flashback: Tuvok enters into a mind-meld with Janeway in an attempt to discover why his memories are resurfacing. Basically, they needed a reason for George Takei to be on the show. I don't think I've seen this episode, but it sounds REALLY familliar.

The Chute: Tom and Harry are accused of bombing a cantina and are sentanced to life imprisonment in a space-going prison. Voyager has to find a way to get them back. Harry starts to lose his mind. Kind of a stupid episode, but there have been worse.

The Swarm: We see the beginnings of Tom and B'Elanna at the start of this episode. Voyager must face an unknown alien race as they try to cross an expanse of space. The Doctor's program starts to degrade and he can't remember anything. Good episode for the Doc.

False Profits: The Ferengi are in the Delta Quadrant, posing as deities. An interesting Prime Directive episode, but that's really all there is to say about it. Oh yeah, and Chakotay walks around for most of it without his tattoo.

Remember: After bringing on some passengers, B'Elanna begins to have very lucid dreams that eventually begin to interfere with her work. Did I mention the people coming on board are telepaths? Pretty good episode.

Sacred Ground: The crew of Voyager is on shore leave and Kes ends up getting electrocuted, essentially. Janeway decides to go through a possibly quite dangerous ritual to save the Ocampan girl. A good episode, with quite a few shipper moments to make anyone say "awww."

Future's End, Part 1: Voyager is transported back to late 20th century Earth when they try to save themselves from destruction by 29th century Starfleet captain Braxton. Chakotay, Janeway, Tuvok and Paris end up beaming down to Los Angeles in an attempt to get back to the future. This is the first episode where Harry gets to sit in the "big chair." The episode ends with the Doctor being downloaded to Starling's (the bad guy's) office. The infamous "Well, she does have your legs" line is from this episode.

Future's End, Part 2: Tom falls for the girl. (Like you didn't see that coming.) This is also the episode where the Doctor gets his mobile emitter. And Kes gets to use her new-found medical knowledge. The Doctor also gets into a fist fight, which is quite amusing. There's a scene with B'Elanna and Chakotay in a shuttle that I wasn't too fond of, but it wasn't anything that can't be ignored when we remember that Chakotay checks out Janeway's legs.

Warlord: Kes's body is overtaken by a 200 year old military leader bent on reclaiming the throne of his planet. The crew has to save her. Pretty good episode.

The Q and the Grey: Yes, he's back. And this time, he wants Janeway to have his child. We meet Lady Q and also see a good show of jealousness on Chakotay's part. "I know I have no right to feel this way, but this bothers the hell out of me." Extremely amusing episode; lots of great lines.

Macrocosm: Janeway and Neelix return to Voyager to find that no one is responding to hails. Very big bugs who make everyone sick, and this is our first time seeing Commando Janeway. All right episode, but not her concern for her first officer when she discovers him.

Fair Trade: While Voyager is bartering for goods, Neelix runs into an old friend who needs a little help getting back on his feet. Mayhem ensues and Neelix gets quite the tongue lashing from Janeway at the end. As I'm not all that fond of Neelix, not the best episode

Alter Ego: Harry falls in love with a Holodeck character, then gets mad when he perceives that Tuvok is moving in on his turf (highly illogical, no?). Then, of course, there is the alien bad person behind the whole situation. All right episode. Watch Tom's reaction to young Ensign Vorik.

Coda: Janeway believes she is stuck in some sort of temporal rift and later finds out that she's "dead." Well, she's not really dead. The show wouldn't still be going on if that were the case. Major Chakotay angst, which can only be categorized as a good thing.

Blood Fever: Vorik starts going through the Pon Far and wants to mate with B'Elanna. This brings out B'Elanna's Klingon mating instincts and Tom has to make a decision. I saw the episode, but it was awhile ago, so I remember like it then. If that helps. Stupid WB, why won't they show this episode? It was a good one.

Unity: Chakotay and an ensign are checking out the Necrid expanse and detect a distress beacon. Being the good souls that they are, they set the shuttle down and are promptly attacked; Ensign Kaplan dies. Chakotay is saved by a group of people who later turn out to be former-Borg. Bad Riley, bad.

The Darkling: The Doctor decides to add some new subroutines to his program and then becomes Mr. Hyde. After breaking up with Neelix (When did that happen?), Kes starts to fall for an alien named Zahir and she considers leaving Voyager to explore the universe. All right episode.

Rise: Voyager is trying to help save a planet being bombarded with asteroids and the Neelix/Tuvok away team gets stuck on the planet. Of course, that's not the whole story, but the episode is really quite dumb and once you've seen it, you'll understand why.

Favorite Son: Harry starts having really bad deja-vu and then an alien species says that he is actually one of them. Chaos ensues. An all right episode; watching Tom be jealous of Harry is tres amusment.

Before and After: Kes is all out of temporal sync and starts living her life backwards. Interesting "what if's" are brought to light.

Real Life: The Doctor creates a holographic family for himself but they're a little too perfect. Torres "fixes" it and he must adjust. In other news, the ship is being bombarded by a weird spacial anamoly. An okay episode.

Distant Origin: A lizard-type race called the Voth discovers the body of a Starfleet officer (Hogan, perhaps) and finds that they share 47 genetic markers. The Voth scientists that discovered it set out to prove that they are related to the humans at any cost. Fairly good episode, says a lot about challenging athority.

Worst Case Scenario: Torres stumbles upon a Holodeck program that leads to thoughts of mutiny. Seska shows up. Seska is a bad woman.

Displaced: One by one, Voyager's crew disappears and is replaced by an alien species. Eventually, they all end up in a biosphere and have to fight their way out. Good episode.

Scorpion, Part 1: Our first run in with Species 8472. Janeway makes a tentative alliance with the Borg; she and Chakotay have quite a fight. It is a very good episode.



Scorpion, Part 2: We meet Seven of Nine and find out why 8472 is so mad at the Borg. Janeway goes a little crazy. Another good episode, and we get to keep the Borg who followed us home. Yay!

The Gift: Say 'adieu' to Kes. Poor thing starts to hyperevolve and has to get off the ship lest structural integrity go down to zilch. She does, however, end up sending our dear captain and crew clear of Borg space. Wasn't that thoughtful?

Day of Honor: Seven wants to have something to do, an alien race wants Voyager's help and Tom and B'Elanna have a few fights. Just your average day in the Delta Quadrant. Good episode. Always interesting to see what they originally put Jeri Ryan in before they settled on valour jump suits.

Nemesis: Chakotay gets stuck on a planet and then goes through a training simulation. He gets really warrior-like and starts killing people. Sort of. I didn't explain it very well, but it's a good episode.


The Raven: Seven of Nine has some flashbacks to before she was assimilated. We see the ship she lived on. It was called The Raven, hence the name of the episode. Not outstanding, but pretty good.

Scientific Method: The crew starts to get sick from various ailments. They start behaving very strangely. Bad aliens, bad.

Year of Hell, Part 1: More time travel. I really don't like time travel anymore. This guy is trying to restore the empire he destroyed by eliminating entire races of people. He becomes obsessed with restoring one colony, where his wife is er was er, you get the idea. Voyager gets caught in the crossfire.

Year of Hell, Part 2: Tom and Chakotay are on the bad guy's ship. Voyager is falling apart. Tuvok goes blind. In the end, things get back to normal. I liked these two episodes. Gotta love the watch.

Random Thoughts:

Concerning Flight:

Mortal Coil:

Waking Moments: The crew is being bombarded by a group of aliens that invade dreams because that is where they live. Chakotay to the rescue!

Message in a Bottle: The Doctor to the rescue again. He and his new buddy, EMH-2 (aka Andy Dick) must save the Prometheus from the Romulans before the crew's messages can be transmitted. Good episode.

Hunters: Oh goodie! The Hirogens! Voyager finds a relay station to contact the Alpha Quadrant but things aren't ever that easy.

Prey: The Hirogen and 8472; can the day get any worse?


The Killing Game, Part 1: I really liked this two part episode. The crew is thrown into several battle simulations by the aliens that have taken over the ship. Harry is left alone so that he can expand the hologrid. The Doctor is left alone to fix the crew as they are hurt.

The Killing Game, Part 2: Conclusion to the first part. Lots of things getting blown up. These are the only two episodes where Roxanne Dawson doens't have to hide the fact that she's pregnant. In the end, all is well. Janeway is a "gung-ho kind of gal."


The Omega Directive: Seven searches for perfection in the Omega molecule; something she remembers from her Borg days. It is likened to a religious experience. Bizarre episode. I think they were still trying to convince us that Seven was a good addition to the cast. I like Seven.


Living Witness:

Demon: The Y-class planet that Harry and Tom beam to in order to get deutirum has an unexpected affect on them.

One: Seven and the Doctor are the only two not affected by the spacial anamoly Voyager must pass through. This is the first time since she is disconnected from the Collective that Seven is truly alone. Actually quite a good episode. Great lines such as "Shall we replicate you a teddy bear?" come from this episode.

Hope&Fear: Let's see, we have an alien genius, the introduction of the Quantum Slipstream drive, some left over problems from Scorpion, and Janeway turning into MacGuyver using her commlink. It all makes lots of sense if you see the episode. Pretty good, you get to see a lot of the tension between characters like B'Elanna and Seven.



Night: You know, I really liked this episode. The crew is flying through an expanse of space that shows nothing--no stars, no planets, nada. Janeway gets all depressed and starts hiding in her quarters. Chakotay to her rescue. Some very sweet scenes.

Drone: Seven's Borg technology and the Doctor's holoemitter meld to form a 29th century drone. Seven must now teach someone how to be human rather than being taught. Fairly good episode.

Extreme Risk:

In the Flesh: Bad 8472. And bad Chakotay for kissing 8472. Especially AFTER he knew who she was. Eeeeew. Pretty good episode, if a bit bizarre.

Once Upon a Time:

Timeless: The 100th episode. Harry screwed up with the slipstream drive and Voyager is destroyed. Now, 15 years later, he and Chakotay (the only other survivor 'cause they were in a shuttle craft) come back (with Chakotay's girlfriend Tessa) to right the wrongs. The Doctor helps and so does the dead Seven. (If you watch, you'll understand.) When Chakotay asks Tessa if she's sure she wants to do this, she says "Your heart was always here, on Voyager." I think every 'shipper went, "well, duh!" when she said that. Check out the look on his face when he hears Janeway's voice on the recording.

Infinite Regress:

Nothing Human:

Thirty Days: Tom is a bad, bad boy. He spends thirty days in the brig for breaking the Prime Directive. He gets demoted to Ensign at the end too. That'll teach him to mess with Kathryn Janeway.

Counterpoint: Why do they insist on giving Janeway and Chakotay other love interests? The ship is periodically boarded to ensure that there are no telepaths on board. Some sort of xenophobic paranoia, or something. Janeway falls for the leader when he "defects." Pretty good episode, but I wanted to smack Janeway.

Latent Image: This episode is just weird. I've seen it twice now and I'm still not sure whether I like it or not. Brings up lots of interesting questions on morality. The Doctor is very confuzzled.

Bride of Chaotica: Captain Proton strikes again! Very amusing episode; Seven doesn't do very well as the buxom assistant. Janeway is quite the actor and the Doctor looks damn good in a suit.



Dark Frontier: Always shown as a two-hour event, so I don't feel the need to separate it. It was, essentially, the writers of Voyager trying to redo First Contact. If you forget that, however, it is a pretty good episode. Jeri Ryan does a good job of being conflicted.

The Disease: More episodes for Harry Kim. He falls in love with a woman he's not supposed to have contact with (at least we know where he gets it from *coughTOMPARIScough*). Janeway gets very mad at him, but for some reason doesn' t demote him. (Probably 'cause there isn't very far to go.) Seven is actually quite helpful. I love seeing things through Seven's eyes.

Course: Oblivion: The Demon planet comes back to haunt us. This episode has always made me question just what ship we've been following around since the end of the fourth season. Rather touching when "Chakotay" dies and Janeway has to deal with it.

The Fight:

Think Tank: You have to love Jason Alexander, although this episode was a bit weird. The crew has a problem, the Think Tank is willing to solve it, for a price. And part of that price includes Seven of Nine. Oh the suspsense.


Someone to Watch over Me: The Doctor just can't seem to get it right. While teaching Seven how to date, our dear EMH falls in love with her. I admit I cried at the end of this episode the first time I saw it. Very sweet.

11:59: All right, I can safely say I didn't really like this episode. It was just sort of...well, dumb. Mulgrew did a good job acting-wise, but I just didn't enjoy it. Probably because there wasn't a lot of the rest of the crew in it. Oh wait...you wanted plot? Okay, Janeway begins to study the ancestor that inspired her to become a scientist and learns that history is often distorted.

Relativity: More friggin' time travel. This time, Seven gets to save the day. Voyager is blown up during it's fifth year of flight and the Federation of the future discovers that their was a bomb placed on the ship sometime during drydock. Seven of Nine is the only one who can dismantle the bomb because she had no way of being in the Alpha Quadrant at that time. It's a very good episode; I didn't explain it very well.

Warhead: Harry makes a mistake. The Doctor gets posessed by alien machinery. Chakotay is awakened well before he would have liked to have been. A good episode, although a little weird.

Equinox, Part 1: Another Federation ship? In the Delta Quadrant? How very odd. Captain Ransom has a secret though, and Seven is going to try and find out. The Doctor tries to find out what's going on and ends up on the Equinox, which cannot be a good thing.



Equinox, Part 2: Janeway loses it. That's the only way I can explain it. She flips and starts acting very un-captain-like. The Doctor's ethical subroutine is turned off and he agrees to help Ransom in finding the access codes in Seven. Ransom falls for Seven. All's well that ends well, although I look at Janeway a little differently.

Survival Instinct: Seven's past comes back to haunt her as three members of her unimatrix return in order to sever the mini-Collective bond that they have formed. Good episode, mucho Seven angst.

Barge of the Dead: A good B'Elanna episode. She has to deal with being Klingon again (aka Faces) and this time it's to save her mother's life...or soul. That part is still a little fuzzy. Good episode, although I kind of wonder why she hugged Janeway at the end and not Tom. All those slashfic people must have been ecstatic.

Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy: I love this episode. All the Voyager women fawning over the Doctor, who can become Super-EMH if the need arises. The real problem, however, is that an alien ship is planning on taking over Voyager because they believe that the Doctor is the one in charge. A line you will understand once you hear it: "That was a platonic gesture; do not expect me to pose for you."

Alice: Tom is at it again, but this time he has to deal with the wrath of B'Elanna when he screws up. The crew acquires a ship which takes on whatever shape the pilot wants. But the ship has ulterior motives. Actually, the episode is quite good.

Riddles: Tuvok and Neelix bonding. I'm not really sure why they keep pushing this, but it's extremely annoying. Tuvok loses his memory (that's the simplified version) and Neelix is the one who must try to get it back for him.

Dragon's Teeth: The crew finds a planet that appears to be abandonned until they discover lifesigns underground. Seven, being the Borg woman that she is, wakes one of them up. Chaos ensues, and Seven feels bad at the end.

One Small Step: Chakotay being a total pig-headed fool; Seven telling him off. Seven ends up showing a bit of compassion. The early stages of the "Mars Project" are involved. The Yankees won.

The Voyager Conspiracy: Oh, can we say paranoid? I really liked this episode, if for no other reason than the beginning and end scenes with Janeway and Chakotay. Seven believes that the captain and first officer have intentionally kept Voyager in the Delta Quadrant.

Pathfinder: Barclay is back. I dislike Barclay. But, he does end up contacting Voyager at the end of the episode, so he is partially redeemed. Thank you Counselor Troi for stopping by.

Fair Haven: To keep morale up while waiting out a neutron storm (or something), the crew of Voyager becomes enthralled with a holodeck program called "Fair Haven." Janeway starts messing around with the bartender's subroutines and then ends up falling in love with him. A good episode, even if it is detrimental to the JetC cause. Oh, did I mention that everyone is okay with Janeway loving this holodeck character? Does no one else find this a little odd?

Blink of an Eye: The crew gets sucked into a planet which evolves a year for every second on a ship. Voyager is causing geological disturbances by their very presence and it is up to the Doctor and an astronaught from the planet to make things all right.

Memorial: Chakotay, Tom, Harry and Neelix go on an away mission and then start having flashbacks to a battle they can't remember participating in. Janeway et al go to investigate and then everyone else starts having flashbacks too. Good episode, although I'll admit I was confused for a good portion of it.

Tsunkatse: While on shore leave, the crew gets swept up in a local game that looks a lot like American Gladiators. Through the Fates, Seven must participate to save Tuvok's life. (Awwwwww) The wrestler The Rock appears, but don't let that dissuade you; the episode was okay.

Collective: Chakotay, Tom, Harry and Neelix (again) in a shuttlecraft and they get caputred by a Borg cube. Only problem is, the oldest Borg on board is around fourteen years old. See how things all of a sudden get interesting?

Spirit Folk: Look at that, we're back in Fair Haven. Only the characters start wondering after they see Tom "magically" fix a car that he broke. Chakotay gives Michael a death look. You'll know it when you see it.

Ashes to Ashes; Dead crew member comes to bang on Voyager's door. Harry gets lucky. Interested?

Child's Play: More Borg children.

Good Shepherd: Janeway and misfit crew members, next on Springer!

Live Fast and Prosper: People impersonating Janeway and her crew. Janeway is not happy about this. Do you blame her?

Muse: B'Elanna crashes on a planet and a man reads the history of Voyager in the shuttle. She inspires in him many plays. Cute JetC scene even if they weren't there.

Fury: Kes! She's back! Don't you just love her? Okay, so she's trying to destroy the ship and she's pretty much lost her mind, but don't hold that against her.

Life Line: Voyager gets in contact with the Alpha Quadrant again; the Doctor goes to cure his maker, Zimmerman. Interesting episode.

The Haunting of Deck 12: Things that go bump in nebulas tend to scare Borg Children.

Unimatrix Zero: Seven starts "dreaming" of a little paradise, only to find she isn't dreaming, that it exists in the minds of certain drones. She agrees, with Janeway's help, to help them on their way to freedom. That's a REALLY brief rundown. Much more complicated. Oh, did I mention Tom gets RE-promoted?


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