Sometimes I would like to write the X-men comics magazines, just to give a less suffering romance to the lovebirds Rogue and Gambit !!!
We know how they suffer!!! although Gambit makes her suffering
too much, we know he loves her. He needs her. He can have any girl, but he wants her. He
had many girls, but she had never been with a man, she doens`t know anything about men.
About a man`s touch. She had a chance with joseph, but gambit was in her heart. She had
a chance to be loved by a man. But why she said no? Why she still loves a man who
will never touch her? Why she loves a man who lied for her? I know the answer. It`s just
because gambit is the most mysterious, intriguing, wonderful, insistent and charming
man of the world! He has only one problem. And this problem is: Mrs Sinister.
Here we have some musics composed by girls and guy like us, who love rogue and gambit!!!
This is rogue singing to gambit.
I'll Do Anything To Be With You
Do you love me, or do you not?
You told me once, but I forgot,
So tell me now and tell me true,
So I can tell you
I do love you!
Of all the boys I've ever met,
You're the one I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to heaven and wait for you.
If you are not there by judgement day,
I'll know you went the other way,
I'll give the angels back their wings,
And risk the loss of everything,
Just to prove my love is true,
I'll go to Hell to be with you.
Here we have some musics composed by girls and guy like us, who love rogue and gambit!!!
This is gambit singing for rogue.