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Welcome to Subdued Insanity Online!  Here I offer a glimpse into the random firings of my synapses that comes out in various forms -- most often fanfiction or my meagerly-talented artwork.

I am Jay "2K" Winger, your host-for-the-moment.  Until you surf away to another page, I will handle your goings-about on this page.

At left, you will see buttons that will lead you to another part of my page, where you can read my fanfiction, see my artwork, learn about the myriad characters my demented little mind has come up with, see how obsessed I am with WWF wrestling, look at random things that come to mind, or check out what other sites I find really cool.

As time goes on, I may add other things to the front page, but for the most part, anything that doesn't fit in the top four categories will go under Miscellaneous.

Oh, and sign the guestbook!

04 June 2004: I've been doing updates to the comics section for a while without noting it. Big change recently, though, as half of them have been moved off the site to In Search of Ritalin's new home. NOTES: Guestbook is disabled until I can figure out what the frell is wrong with it. A great deal of my wrestling-related material has been taken down.

Keep creativity alive: check out the Yellow Ribbon of Creativity!