Episode Guide
Season One
1-1 Sins of the Past
1-2 Chariots of War
1-3 Dreamworker
1-4 Cradle of Hope
1-5 The Path Not Taken
1-6 The Reckoning
1-7 The Titans
1-8 Prometheus
1-9 Death in Chains
1-10 Hooves and Harlots
1-11 The Black Wolf
1-12 Beware Greeks...
1-13 Athens City of Performing Bards
1-14 A Fistfull of Dinars
1-15 Warrior...Princess
1-16 Mortal Beloved
1-17 Royal Couple of Thieves
1-18 The Prodigal
1-19 Altared States
1-20 The Ties That Bind
1-21 The Greater Good
1-22 Callisto
1-23 Death Mask
1-24 Is There a Doctor in the House?
Season Two
2-25 Orphan of War
2-26 Remember Nothing
2-27 The Giant Killer
2-28 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
2-29 Return Of Callisto
2-30 Warrior...Princess...Tramp
2-31 Intimate Stranger
2-32 Ten Little Warlords
2-33 Solstice Carol
2-34 The Xena Scrolls
2-35 Here She Comes, Miss Amphipolis
2-36 Destiny
2-37 The Quest
2-38 A Necessary Evil
2-39 A Day in the LIfe
2-40 For Him The Bell Tolls
2-41 The Execution
2-42 Blind Faith
2-43 Ulysses
2-44 The Price
2-45 The Lost Mariner
2-46 A Comedy of Eros
Season Three
3-47 The Furies
3-48 Been There, Done That
3-49 The Dirty Half Dozen
3-50 The Deliverer
3-51 Gabrielle's Hope
3-52 The Debt (Part I)
3-53 The Debt (Part II)
3-54 King of Assassins
3-55 Warrior...Priestess...Tramp
3-56 The Quill is Mightier
3-57 Maternal Instincts
3-58 The Bitter Suite
3-59 One Against An Army
3-60 Forgiven
3-61 King Con
3-62 When in Rome...
3-63 Forget Me Not
3-64 Fins, Femmes and Gems
3-65 Tsunami
3-66 Vanishing Act
3-67 Sacrifice I
3-68 Sacrifice II
Season Four
4-69 Adventures in the Sin Trade I
4-70 Adventures in the Sin Trade II
4-71 Family Affair
4-72 In Sickness and in Hell
4-73 A Good Day
4-74 A Tale of Two Muses
4-75 Locked Up and Tied Down
4-76 Crusader
4-77 Past Imperfect
4-78 Key to the Kingdom
4-79 Daughter of Pomira
4-80 If the Shoe Fits
4-81 Paradise Found
4-82 Devi
4-83 Between the Lines
4-84 The Way
4-85 The Play's The Thing
4-86 The Convert
4-87 Takes One to Know One
4-88 End Game
4-89 Ides of March (Season Finale)
4-90 Deja Vu All Over Again
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