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Nate was born June 20th, 2000!  BIG SURPRISE!  Check out his own webpage for more info!

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[Photo 1] [Photo 2]

Glad you could make it to Pryor's Place!  I hope you enjoy your visit here!  :)

My name is Jonathan.  I was born in a city near Atlanta and all of my family still lives in this area and most of my relatives, but I also lived in Washington state (where I am now) and Texas for a few years.  So, I grew up living in many different places mainly because my father was a medical officer in the U.S. Army.  That makes me an Army Brat that loves jets, so working for the Boeing Co. is a great place for me to be!  I am a manufacturing engineering project planner (darn long title) in the Interiors Responsibility Center which supports the manufacturing of our commercial wide body airplanes in Everett, WA.  In other words, I get design engineering data/drawings and generate/create plans and bill of materials for the closets and crew rests that will be built by our shop mechanics, which will eventually go into my (bias based) favorite jet the Boeing 777

Boeing 777 family of planes

Enough about me and my the fact is everybody in my family is the medical field (except me)!  My mother is a professional herbalist & photographer, and CAT scan operator; she is real cool and is in to earthy and spiritual stuff (it is interesting to say the least)!  My dad is the best ER doctor you could hope to see if you had a medical emergency, and is pretty cool himself.  My only sibling is a doctor like my dad I'm afraid to say, so at least one of us turned out O.K.  HeHe!  And last, but not least my loving and so very cute, wife Jocie - Established on Nov. 2, 1996.  I also graduated from Brookwood High School in Snellville, GA in 1990 and Georgia Southern University in 1996 with a B.S. in Manufacturing - Industrial Management.  I'm currently working on my M.S. in Project Management at City course work is scheduled to be completed in Nov. 1999.  Then the fun starts with my thesis which will be due sometime in the year 2000.  Lastly, I plan on becoming a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) or at least a MCP. 

All of my pages found in the links on the top left have been revised and formatted for quicker downloads in the form of picture thumbnails.  Just remember after viewing full size versions of the thumbnails to hit the back button on your browser to return to the previous page Some of the newest pictures didn't scan very well, so I adjusted them as best I could.  I got a digital camera for Christmas, so I hope to update this website more often with pictures.  -JP  Enjoy!  :)

I have updated many of these pages and hope you like the new style and themes.  Please feel free to email what you think!  Thanks and I hope you come back again soon!  -JP   

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NASCAR - Where JP's Rebel Yell Racing goes to get data to win!


New Misc. Pics

Shadow_Frisbee_Jocelyn.jpg 04/02/2000 (64052 bytes)

Jocelyn_Shadow_Gardening2.jpg 04/02/2000 (62551 bytes)

Jocelyn_Shadow_Gardening.jpg 04/02/2000 (58376 bytes)

Shadow_Jocelyn_Sofa.jpg 04/01/2000 (61185 bytes)

Us kissing at Buchart Gardens 03/04/2000 (214288 bytes)

Jocelyn at Buchart Gardens 03/04/2000 (216280 bytes)

Jocelyn at Buchart Gardens 03/04/2000  (60177 bytes)

Jocelyn on Ferry Boat ride to Vancouver Island 03/03/2000 (57461 bytes)

Jocelyn say cheese!  =P  03/01/2000 (53 bytes)

JP having dinner at the Empress Hotel Victoria, BC 03/03/2000 (56 bytes)

JP and Dad at the Round House on Whistler Mtn. 03/02/2000  (58864 bytes)

JP after snowmobile ride 03/01/2000 (61028 bytes)


Everett, WA Weather - Home of Pryor's Place