There was a boy named Billy who had a ten foot willy and he showed it to the girl next door she thought it was a snake and dug it with her rake so now its only four foot four
There was an old man named Sam who once bought half a gram of prime cuban coke he wanted to smoke untill he melted the can |
Do your balls hang low can you swing 'em to and fro can you tie them in a knot can you tie 'em in a bow do they hang down behind you as your sack grows do your balls hang low? |
Oh what a glorius thing to be a healthy grown up busy buzzy bee winding away the passing hours picking all the pollen from the corned beef flowers bzzzzzup bzzzzzzzup |
Chitty shitty bang bang , i can smell your van, it smells of pee , your weak wee wee, bitter than vineger but nicer than tea!
My my my delerium i just don't know were i am i'm collapsed by your door an' i think i've pissed on ur floor forgive me delila i jus couldn't hold it no more forgive me delila i just couldn't hold it no mooooorrrreee! |