Without God being at the center of our lives, we are lost, and we try to fill the place in our hearts meant to be filled with love with things that will not satisfy in the long run. Jeremiah 2:13
For our disobedience to God's instructions we deserve punishment, but instead, God sees how much we end up hurting ourselves, and instead wants to give us mercy. Romans 6:23
Therefore, He came to earth as a man- Jesus Christ- in order to teach us how to live together in a proper relationship with each other and with God.
Jesus then took our debt of sin and disobedience and paid it for us with His life, so that we could be reconciled to God the Father. Three days after he was crucified, he rose from the grave, which shows that he can give us eternal life.
If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and accept his offer to pay your debt, then you can be reconciled to God, and enjoy a living relationship with Him. Jesus promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to dwell in believers. The Spirit is a wise counselor who will help you pray and understand God's will. John 3:16, John 14:26
This is sort of a rough outline of what i believe, with what i consider to be the most important points. I hope to get my thoughts a little more organized, and be able to provide Biblical references. But hopefully this makes it a little clearer as to where i'm coming from, and how i manage to see examples of biblical principles in the interactions between various cartoon characters ^_^