Blessed be, and Merry Meet

I would like to welcome you all to my wicca site.
But first a small disclaimer.

I do not claime to be an expert in the knowledge of wicca. All information on my site, is just my opinion, and translation from what I have read in books, and gathered over the internet.

Now that I have gotten that of my chest, lets continue.

First thing first, Wicca has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with Satan. For wiccans, Satan does not even exsist. Don't get me wrong, there is evil in the world, but that evil is just a manifestation of the darker side of humanity. Secondly wiccans, or witches do not look hagardly, with moles and warts covering their faces. In fact they are so "normal" looking (if there is such a thing), that you can't tell unless that person tells you so. Wicca is not like any other religion, were people try to convert you into "joining" them, but is more of a religious journey you must start of on your own. Once you have decided that this religion is something you would like to persue, you begin gathering all the information you can get your hands on. There are houndreds of thousands of sites devoted to wicca on the internet. You can also try reading books, to get a more in-depth feeling for this religion.

Wicca is a pagan religion that centers on beign one with nature and the universe. Unfortunatly since most wiccans also use magik as part of the religion, they have been seen as using evil force to manipulate objects and people. Most of the accusations have been made by Christians, who don't understand the workings of this religion. So they choose to take drastic actions into their own hands, and we have "The Burnings Times" of the late 15th, and early 16th century.

Today's modern witch lives by the sacred Wiccan Reed (Click here to view the Wiccan Reed), as they did in the past. A wiccan tries to live by these rules, the most important one beign, "An' ye harm none, do what ye will". In other words, practice the riligion, but don't harm anyone in the process. Another rule, or better said, advantage/consequence of using magik, is the "Three fold Law". It states that for what ever you do, wether it be good or evil, it will return to you three times strong.

As in other religions, were a diety is worshiped, wiccans worship the God and Goddess. Neither is more poweful than each other, but different. Both shine down upon us and have their own "domain". To the point , the God and Goddess are the Eternal Mother. She is love, fertility, and wisdom. She is life, death, and rebirth all in one. All creatures are sacred to Her, for Her domain is over the earth, sea, and moon.

The God is not all powerful as in other religions, nor is he the Goddesses consort. The God and Goddess are one, equal, only different. His domain is over wild creatures, the beast of th forest, often beign depicted with horns. He, along with the Goddess, celebrate sex and wild passion. He is represented by the sun.

Soon to come:

Simple and practical spells
for everyday life

Thank you for visiting my wicca site. Though my journey has just begun, I hope yours has too.

Merry meet, and marry part, and merry meet again

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