So, the S dub is unfolding before us, with the new twists and turns that dubbies are now going to be stuck with in their continuity. But I haven't seen anyone try to tackle it yet, so I'm going to make a stab - and remember, I'm in England atm and HAVE NOT SEEN the dub, my details are based on comments from afsm only. Always look on the bright side and think of the *possibilities* offered by the mistakes/changes... Oh, and the title is a possible translation of "Amara" - the other possible translation only adds to the irony if you know it. Everlasting --- Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be as fast as the wind. My greatest wish was to fly beyond the sky, to let the wind carry me away to new worlds, new adventures, new experiences, a new destiny. Anything to avoid the fate that had been placed on me. I knew, even as a child too young to love I knew, that my world was not what was meant to be. I simply didn't realise what was wrong - not until later. I wrap the scarf around my neck and mouth before settling the helmet into place. Never overlook safety. Even when you're thinking about driving off the edge. Michelle. Close as a second self, my partner. I remember when we were just tiny things, dressing up in our respective parents' clothing, staging mock weddings, swearing we'd never be parted. And our parents just laughed and thought it was cute. Until we got a little older, that is. My father, flushed and fidgeting, trying to find out if our relationship was 'inappropriate' without actually having to say the hurtful words. Trying to find out if my choice of clothing meant that I was more a son to him than a daughter. The motorcycle purrs responsively under me and I speed through the streets. We hadn't done anything much. A bit of kissing and fooling around - it's actually more common among cousins than you would think. I'm sure it was all just another childish game to her, nothing serious, but with my father's accusations and warnings in my ears I shut her out of my life. I knew then what was wrong with my world. My partner, my soulmate, my second self - through accident of birth was my *family*, and I could never touch her. The air smells like rain. You think you can understand it now, seeing her as she is, beautiful, talented, accomplished. She's had her share of boyfriends and if she hangs back from social situations, it's more because she's tired of dazzling people than anything else. But I loved her when she was just a little girl climbing trees with me, skinning her knees and splashing in the mud. I would marry her. I would bear - or sire - her children. And she's my goddamned cousin. Mist has turned into a gentle sprinkling, and I seek refuge in a little cafe. The first half-hour after the rain starts is the most dangerous time on the road. The water hasn't sunk in yet and the surfaces are slippery. The helmet and my damp scarf are piled up on the table next to me while I look blankly over the menu. A cute ponytailed waitress shows up to take my order. "Coffee," I say. It's traditional, isn't it? Tough-guy, depressed-guy, either taking coffee black or getting drunk, and I'm not that far gone. Yet. I don't remember all the details of the Silver Millenium. Hell, maybe we were all sisters serving the Moon Queen or something. Maybe I'm the one that's wrong, feeling the way I do. A cup slides itself onto my table. "Hey, Amara," says the waitress. I blink at her, suddenly recognising Elizabeth - Lizzie. "My shift ends in a few," she continues. "Can I get a lift home?" "It's wet out, and I'm on a bike," I point out. She grins cutely at me. "That's okay. I don't mind getting wet." And I can't help but smile back at her. "Okay." Sweet girl. I'm glad we didn't damage her heart crystal. "I'd hate to break your heart," I murmur to myself before I can stop. She was on her way to another table, I don't think she heard me. Of course, Michelle could hear a sour note at ten yards, but she... Oh, God, Michelle, why did you have to be born my cousin? And when will I be able to look at another woman without thinking of you?