Expect more things that go bump in the night to make their way here eventually.
So, the real reason we're here. Fanfic and fantasy.
1 On my Tripod site. My better things are in here.
2 Junk that wasn't good enough for the first gallery. And there's lots of junk. Fiction
Suspension of Belief A short Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic.
Diplomacy Uber-Sailor Moon, very short.
Everlasting Story based on the S Dub of Sailor Moon.
The Heart of Snow White Very short Utena story, requires familiarity with the series.
Naughty Bard Tales A silly adult uber-Xena fairytale.
Paradise Regained - A follow-up to the issues raised (and unfortunately dismissed) in Paradise Found.
Triomance Xena/Gabrielle story, comments more than welcome!
Bridging the Rift An uber-Xena story, about friendship and second chances.
A Web of Spun Crystal - Uber-Xena/Labyrinth novel. pt 1 pt 2 pt 3
Of Mars And Moon Uber-Xena series, in progress.
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