Rayne's Stories
A little bit about myself.

I was born in San Diego, California in December of 1973.  While I was raised in southern California I now reside in Upstate New York.  It's definitely a change to see the seasons change.  My youngest sister has recently moved out here with me, although, with the exception of my older sister who lives in New Mexico, the rest of my family still resides in San Diego.

This page is mostly my stories, and pictures of myself and my family.  I have written for years, and while I don't claim to be any good at it, it's something I enjoy doing.

I hope you enjoy your visit.  And feel free to come back as often as you like =).
Myself with my niece Alexis.
Taking a break from the California sun
My Stories

My Pictures

In Memory of My Grandmother
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!