Name: James Lance Bass
Nickname: Lansten
Birthday: May 4, 1979
Star Sign: Taurus
Born In: Clinton, Mississippi
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Fave. Color: vivid red and vivid blue
Fave. Food: French Toast, Mexican
Fave. TV personalities: Rosie O'Donnell and Lucille Ball
Fave. Film Stars: Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan
Favorite Movies: Armageddon and Clue
Fave. TV Shows: Friends and I Love Lucy
Fave. Music: Brian McKnight and Garth Brooks
Car: None
Family: Mom: Diane, Dad: Jim Sister: stacy (22)
Home: Orlando, Florida and Mississippi
Colector's Items: Pictures, old comic books, stamps, antique knives and guns
Fave. Childhood toy (according to mom): "A Mickey Mouse that he carried around until he was 5 years old. "Mik Mouse" as he was called, was lost for a day once and Lance cried himself to sleep. But we found him, and Mik Mouse is still around.
Favorite *N Sync song: "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You becausr the words and melody are incredible. I get chill bumps whenever I listen to it."