About *N Sync
How the guys met
Chris met Joey in Orlando, Florida while he was working as a doo-wop singer at Universal Studios.

Justin and JC knew each other because they were both members of the Mickey Mouse Club.

Justin knew Chris from auditions

JC knew Joey because he had a high school buddy also in the Mickey Mouse Club.

None of them knew Lance. They needed a solid bass voice though so Justin called his vocal coach. They found a solid bass voice, Lance.
How they got their name
Justin's mom came up with the name. While she was watching them, she said they were very in sync. The guys like the idea but she didn't think they liked it that much. So she played around with their initials. She realized that all their initials spelled out N SYNC. JustiN ChriS JoeY LansteN JC. So there you have it, this had to be fate. We are glad they are so N SYNC.
Why they put a star before *N Sync
The star before N Sync is there for a reason. A star has 5 points on it, there are 5 guys in a group. If you have the N the mix video you see the part where the lines are drawn between their names and it makes a star. That is another reason. They make up the 5 points of the star.
Here's something I betcha didn't know
*N Sync was supposed to have 6 members in the group. The 6th member's name was Jason. But he quit the group because he didn't think they would make it. He must feel pretty stupid.