My Spirit Flowers

You walk through a glass door to find yourself in a huge greenhouse. There are all kinds of plants hanging from the ceiling in pots, sitting on tables in pots, or on the ground. The plants have flowered and they are very interesting. You spend some time looking at the pictures on the pots. You become so engrossed in studying the pictures that you don't hear the footsteps behind you. You jump when you hear a person cough lightly behind you.

"Hello, my name is Teha," the woman says behind you, laughing. "I am the guardian of the flowers. How do you like our little garden?" You smile and reply. You tell Teha your name and say that you are exploring. Teha smiles and says, "The plants have finally flowered. It took a very long time for them to grow to maturity. Now, this is a sight to see." You ask if any more plants will be added. Teha looks thoughtful and takes a few seconds to reply.

"Possibly. Remanth may get more cuttings later. But then, she might have to change the meadow where she keeps her stories. You see, she chose that meadow because it reminded her the most of the flowers we have here. If she doesn't want to move the meadow, she may take some cuttings from here and transplant them there," Teha finally replies. You nod and look around some more. Teha follows you with a slight smile as you wander around the garden.

You ask when the flowers bloomed. Teha answers, "It took a month for all the flowers to bloom. Since Remanth adopted them all at different times, some flowerpots were completely grown while others weren't even budding." She watches you walk around a bit longer then says, "I'm sorry, but I must leave. I have some more things to take care of around Remanth's home. You can keep looking here or go back to the main building. Oh, by the way, if you want to adopt some flowers of your own, go here." Then she walks away, whistling a tune you vaguely recognize.