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Here are some links.



Blizzard Latest information on starcraft & diablo.


Gamespot One of the best in PC gaming information.


Cheat Code Central Many cheats & codes.


Secrets of the GameSages Best place for codes.


Gamepro Online Good site for videogames info.


Starcraft.Org Lots of info about Starcraft.




Sports Illustrated Lots o' information on all sports.

Wwf Official site of the World Wrestling Federation..


Mp3.Com Best resource for mp3's.

Ultimate Band List Best site for finding bands.

Winamp Download the best mp3 player on the net.

Realplayer Play streaming media on your computer.

Here are some useful downloads:

BattleFont- change your font. (9K)

Mpqview- Extract sounds, movies and graphics from the Starcraft data file. (153K)

Go!Zilla v3.3- Resume broken downloads (very useful). (1.28MB)

McAfee Viruscan v4.0.2 (Win95/98)- Very good virus detector and cleaner. (8.32MB)

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UBL               Realplayer G2               Starcraft.Org               Winamp



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