The Serpent's Lair

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|- Wrappedup's Lair
  |- Alex 2

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Alex 2

Alex had spent the last 2 days in his quarters replaying his experience in the false jungle with the snake again and again. At first his mind convinced him it had been some sort of very real dream, but he had the bruises all over his body to bring him back to reality. Secondly, he had been through many examinations with his keepers. They would continue to check for any signs of internal damage. They seemed relieved that the snake had treated him gently, and seemed delighted that the snake had also taken to him so well. Alex said very little and only answered direct questions given to him. He was functioning in a state of disbelief over what he had been through. His keepers had explained to him that their snake had been developed, born and raised entirely in captivity. It functioned like most snakes, eating, sleeping etc but had at times taken male workers by surprise and done exactly what it had just done to Alex. The difference was, the various workers had not been co-operative with the snake, had put up a considerable struggle and ultimately had been crushed by the snake. What led the owners to realize the snake was establashing sexual dominance was its refusal to consume its prey afterwards. The snake simply left the dead men where they were and moved on. This led its owners to try an experiment and the experiment was Alex. Purchase a slave, someone who was used to being controlled and give him to the snake. They wanted Alex back in the jungle as soon as possible to see if this would continue. The snake had rarely posed a threat to its owners. Everyone was well aware of the capabalities of a snake this size and everyone who had to come in contact with it used caution and common sense. The snake was kept on a normal feeding pattern and its owners recognized all the signs when feeding time came around. Nobody who ever worked with the snake had ever been attacked for the purpose of food. The snake seemed quite content with the deer and cow it was fed on a bi-monthly basis. Any and all attacks had only occured when the snake seemed to be sexually active. And again, these attacks were not part of a feeding pattern. Nobody had ever been consumed, they had only been sexually assaulted by the great snake. What made this peculiar behavior all the more strange, was the snake only ever seemed to pursue men. There were hopes that the snake would also take to women, and various attempts had been made for this to happen, but nothing yet. Alex was the first attempt at providing the snake with a regular plaything, and so far the results had been spectacular. Of most importance it had treated him as gently as a 50 foot constrictor could, and had left him alive. Alex felt very good knowing his Master had been pleased with him. He could not wait for the opportunity to please him again.

This time Alex was allowed into the jungle without a blindfold. He was dressed simply in a pair of khaki shorts this time. His owners had explained to him that they chose his dress based on what prior workmen had worn when the snake had used them. Alex was told he could slowly wander the jungle, but again, remain quiet and do not make any sudden moves. If he was again taken by the snake, he was to again submit entirely to it. It was explained to him that his first encounter he had been led directly to where the snake was, and that the snake had spent some time assesing how much of a threat Alex was. By remaining still and quiet, Alex had communicated his submission and obedience. Once the snake felt comfortable with Alex's lack of struggles, it had used him for its own needs and desires, but had left him relatively unharmed. This time hopes were high that Alex would be found by the snake. It should recognize his scent and if Alex behaved in the same fashion as he had during his previous encounter. the snake should have no problem taking him again. Alex understood these requirements entirely and did his best to hide his excitement and anticipation. He watched as the glass door seperating the jungle from the observation room was closed and sealed. Alex finally got a look at his surroundings, having not had the opportunity to do so last time. He was impressed at the size of the false jungle. It seemed to stretch around him and above for great distances. He slowly started walking through some lush foliage, quietly, the only sound was the brushing sounds he made as he parted leaves. He wandered for some time and stopped to look around. He noticed that first, he really had no idea what direction he had come from. This mattered little to him as getting lost was not an issue. He knew either the snake would find him or his owners would. Secondly, he noticed how dark it had grown. He had thought the light was quite reasonable when he entered. Now, he could really only see a couple of feet ahead of him. He thought that perhaps, the environment simulated day and night and he thought perhaps night was coming on in the jungle. This brought on a new sense of fear. Again he had to realize exactly what he was locked in here with. It may have enjoyed him the first time, but what about this time? Again he did not want to be snake food. He reminded himself that the snake had actually never eaten a person. It had only used humans sexually. And he had to remind himself how amazing the experience had been. He knew he had enjoyed it far beyond anything else he had ever done in his life. Going over the events of 2 nights ago helped calm his fears some and assisted in keeping him excited about what tonight could bring. He continued on through the jungle with all senses alert and his heart pounding in his chest.

Alex wandered the jungle aimlessly for what felt like hours. He constantly scanned the trees over him looking for the great snake. The darkness of the jungle prevented any real view of what was above him, but he remained convinced that had it been there, he would see it. How hard could it be to miss 50 feet of snake? Occasionally he would stop and listen. Hoping to hear a rustle in a bush or movement through the grass. Other times he would stop and wait for an ambush. He figured the snake knew he was there. He was the only other occupant of the jungle. It must be able to sense vibration, movements and pick up his scent. At times he had been so convinced that an ambush would take place that his cock had grown hard inside his shorts as he waited for the inevitable first coil to take him. Minutes would pass and he would be greeted with only silence and his erection would slowly go soft. Thoughts of being stalked by a 50 foot horny constrictor would bring it back to attention but so far nothing had happened. Alex continued on through the bush. He was not sure how big this jungle was. Only once had he found concrete wall obscured by vines and he had just simply picked another direction. It seemed quite the holding cell for a snake, but this seemed like a very special snake. Alex eventually found himself in a bit of a clearing. This seemed like an ideal place for an ambush so he waited patiently for his Master to come hold him again. He stood quietly for at least 15 minutes before he grew distracted. Distraction did not come from the half expected and fully desired attack but instead came from a growing desire to urinate. This seemed like an unfortunate time for this to happen but Alex felt it necessary to deal with it. He wondered exactly what kind of trouble he could get into for peeing inside the snakes cell. He knew he was being observed by a multitude of cameras, all alert to catch every exciting detail of his ultimate rape. He finally decided that if a 50 foot snake could conduct his business here, then surely he could get away with it too. He reached down, undid his belt and unzipped his shorts as he walked to the nearest bush. He let his shorts drop to his knees as he began to relieve himself onto the bush. While having his piss, he continued to scan the area looking for the snake. He studied the trees for any sign of movement. Nothing. And as he finished his business he felt that perhaps the snake just wasn't in the mood tonight. He decided that once he was done here he would sit in the clearing and quietly wait. He figured that sitting would give the impression of vulnerability that perhaps the snake was looking for. Alex reached down to pull his shorts back up and thats when he noticed movement. It was impossible to mistake it as anything other then the snake. He felt his breath stop as he watched a continuos flow of snake emerge from the bush. He slowly turned his head as far to the right as he could and noticed at least 8 feet of snake moving beyond his field of vision. He then turned his head to the left and found himself looking directly into the cold eyes of his Master. His hands let his shorts drop back down around his knees as he felt the snakes tongue tasting his body. It's massive head came in contact with his him as it came to rest against his chest. He felt its tongue tasting the air around Alex and ultimately tasting his adam's apple. Alex stopped swallowing out of fear. He had also stopped breathing. He wondered if he should slowly stand up or stay in his slightly stooped position. He was getting tense and uncomfortable as the snakes head continued moving within the realm of his neck. The head slowly made its way down his body, past his stomach and down his legs. The smooth, cold skin brushing up against him caused his cock to grow hard again. He tried his best to keep it under control but this task was nearly impossible. His eyes followed the head of the snake as it joined the mass of muscle and shimmering coil still spilling out of the bush. Alex noted the width of the snake moving between his bare feet had to be at least 20 inches and he could feel it passing against his ankles. Alex slowly stood to his full height and stole a quick glance behind him. Again he almost grew faint at the sight of the mass amount of muscle rapidly forming loops and twisting and turning as the entire snake finally emerged from the bushes. Alex turned back in time to see the tail of the great snake pass beyond the bush and slide between his legs. He turned left and right looking for the head of the snake when it happened. He felt something brush up against his lower back, then his shoulder blades, and finally something passed over his head. Alex's vision caught the site of the first coil pass before his eyes and slide down his chest. He followed it and watched mesmerized as it came to a halt at his hips and quickly gripped him. He felt the pressure increase around his body as he understood it finally had him. Alex felt his hands pushed against his body as the coil positioned itself around him. Alex had a short second to note that, although his defences against such a snake were few, a large portion of his ability to defend himself had just been removed from him. His hands were already pinned, he could probably pull them loose with some effort but he felt they would have little effect. The strength of one coil alone was enough to pretty much prevent him from escaping. Its width was substantial, at least 12 to 15 inches, and its weight was enough to make the idea of lifting this coil off seem impossible. As he took the time to make these observations, a second coil had come to pass over his head again and was finding perch directly above the first one. Again the thickness of the coil was astonishing, it seemed the size of a small tree. It came to tighten snugly around his stomach and he felt his posture change slightly to accomadate the pressure it had placed on the small of his back. His arms were firmly pressed against his sides as he saw a third coil pass beyond his vision and find his chest. That was when his knees began to shake as his body was forced to try and handle the weight of the great snake. He knew he could not last much longer like this. He felt more movement around his feet and did his best to look beyond the coils around his body to tell what was happening. To him it fell like the snake was trying to remove the shorts that lay in a puddle at his feet. He felt a strong coil wrap around his calf and lift his leg out of the shorts. Alex almost lost his balance as he was forced to accomadate the weight of the snake wrapped around him on one leg. Then another coil around his other calf and he was lifted entirely out of the shorts. That gave Alex a slight sense of relief as the snake seemed to be following a similiar pattern. He grew confident that he was not going to be dinner. He felt excitement grow as he recognized that again the snake would use him as it pleased. Alex closed his eyes in pleasure as he felt one more coil pass over his head and form below his neck. And that was when he finally lost balance. Alex did his best to make his collapse easy but once his body gave way, the weight of the snake gave him no chance to control his descent. He landed on his ass in a very small area of grass not occupied by the snake. The wind was knocked out of him but he was able to get it back as all four coils were loosened on impact. The loose coils wasted no time in reasserting their hold on Alex. They seemed hell bent on allowing him no chance to have loose coils again. They immediately found their position and tightened against him with double the pressure. Alex looked around him as best as he could and saw nothing but a mass of snake moving around him. It seemed to completely surround him with loose coils, eventually Alex knew every coil would find themselves around him. Just as he thought this he felt another coil make its way around his ankles, pulling his feet together. This coil wasted no time in pulling his legs straight out and forcing Alex to come to rest fully on the ground. Alex looked at the trees growing into the blackness above him as he felt coil after coil bind his legs in an iron grip. He felt his body being lifted up as more snake pushed underneath him. He felt more loops being built around his waist and thighs. He felt his hard cock being crushed against him as a coil quickly wrapped itself around his ass. This feeling he enjoyed immensely. The pressure seemd to be increasing intensely as the snake built more and more coils around him. Alex briefly thought it funny that the snake felt it necessary to use every inch of itself around him when less then half of the snake would more than do. Alex decided to try and se what level of movement he had. He attempted to push his arms away from his sides and aginst the coils holding them there. He got the slightest movement from them. The snake seemed to sense this and quickly increased pressure around Alex. Air was forced from his lungs and he found it difficult to catch another breath. Eventually the pressure subsided enough to let him breathe but did not allowe any opportunity for movement. Alex fully understood that the snake did not want him to be harmed, but it did want him immobolized. Again Alex allowed the snake to do as it pleased. He soon felt the movement stop as the snake concluded the coiling process. Alex could barely move his head, he did not need to see to understand that the snake had again completely wrapped his entire body in coils. No part of his body was available for exposure or movement. The last coil formed across his face, covering his mouth and making its way across his forehead. His eyes and nose were left exposed. Alex didnt mind if the snake blinded him, but was thankful for the opportunity to breathe. He could not believe that again he was the prisoner of a massive 50 foot snake. He could not believe that again he was the subject of the most intense form of bondage ever. He could not believe that he was this lucky.

Very quickly Alex felt a familiar pressure grow against his ass. He knew again that he was going to experience snake molestation and he could not wait. This time he noted more aggresiveness on behalf of the snake. Ther was no probing of the mouth with the snakes tongue. There was no gentle squeezing leading up to his ass being fucked. In fact the snake seemed desperate to get down to business. Its enormous cock pushed and strained against his ass looking for his hole. Its coils squeezed much harder this time as if trying to force Alex onto its cock. Alex wanted to accomadate the snake again, but learned from his previous experience not to assist the snake. Alex had done all he needed to for the snake by simply being there and not putting up a struggle. He wondered how intense this experience was for the other men who had been unwillingly taken. He wondered what levels of pain they felt as the snake crushed their struggles and then fucked them hard. He wanted to be fucked by the snake and that made it easier for it too happen, but, he wondered what a full blown assault felt like. He thought that perhaps next time he would struggle just a bit to feel the intensity of the snake. This thought quickly exploded into a thousand fragments as the snakes cock found him and viciously entered him. Alex squeezed his eyes shut and focused on not crying out at the painful intrusion. He tried to move within the confines of the snake to allow it the opportunity to get its head well into him, but his attempts were futile. Movement was not an option. He felt the coils squeeze him tight as the snakes cock moved and thrashed inside Alex, attempting to gain full entry. Alex felt his cock again flattened against his own body by the force of the snake. Each ripple of the snakes muscles sent waves of ecstasy coursing through his body. Everytime the snake rammed its cock further into Alex, his body was forced against the restraining coils. His cock felt as if it was recieving a handjob from a giant. He could not control himself and exploded deep within the confines of the great snakes coils. Alex's orgasm seemed to coincide with the snakes own pleasures reaching new heights. Its cocked rammed in and out of Alex at what felt like blinding speeds. He felt the snake crush him further in its coils as it pushed itself deeper. It seemed to use its coils to manipulate his body into allowing the snakes cock to travel as deep as possible. Alex closed his eyes and felt his body being manipulated from one end to the other as the snake drove him violently. At times it felt like too much and he could feel himself slipping into unconsciousness. He had become aware that his breathing had grown more shallow and it was getting difficult to catch a breath. He was aware that it felt like a vice grip was tightening and loosening on him rapidly. He tried to time his breaths to the brief loosening of the snake but it was growing more difficult. The snake continued to plow Alex'a ass very deeply and Alex began to note that the snake was taking a much longer time to reach its climax. He closed his eyes and focused on breathing as the snake continued its long, violent assault on his ass. Alex was so focused on the tightening and loosening of the snakes muscles and the enormous cock buried deep inside him that he never noticed the coil lift off his forehead. Soon he felt his mouth exposed and he desperately tried to catch a breath. As he opened his mouth he felt a new intrusion. The great snakes tail entered him orally and began using his mouth in much the same way as his ass. He felt it wrap around his tongue as it made its way to his throat. The sensation was fantastic but it made breathing that much more difficult. Alex found himself able to catch one small breath and hold it only to have it crushed out of him. It was enough to keep him alive so he decided that was good enough. His body consumed by crushing coils, his ass filled entirely by snake meat, and his mouth being molested by the snakes tail, Alex squeezed his eyes shut as his cock gave way again. Alex was on his second orgasm as the snake continued to work on its first. He had prayed before that this would never stop and it seemed as though his wish was coming true. He realized how much the first encounter had just been a test. The snake was truly establishing its dominanace on him. He thought that perhaps strugglineg next time might be a bad idea. With this thought Alex felt the snakes assault increase in intensity. He felt the snakes cock explode deep inside. Its cum filling his ass as the snake drove as deep as possible. The tail worked his mouth wildly as the snake experienced violent orgasm. And finally, one huge squeeze sent Alex reeling off into the darkness. There he stayed for what felt like an eternity.