The Serpent's Lair

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|- Wrappedup's Lair
  |- Alex

E-mail Konstricta


Alex was led into a a makeshift jungle room. Dressed simply in jeans and a white t-shirt, he was led blindfolded by his captors. Without a word, a firm hand forced Alex to his knees. He was told very firmly to stay in this spot and position. Do not move under any circumstances. Alex was then informed by his captor that he would feel some pain from his "New Master" but, that he ws also going to experience his ultimate desires come true. He was also told to remain as quiet as possible so as to not upset his "New Master". To dissatisfy his new master will most certainly mean instant death. If Alex were a good slave, he will become the property of his "New Master".as well as spend the rest of his years as its slave. Alex had always prepared himself for some form of ownership. His desires to be owned, used and controlled had been with him since he was a child. Being only 18, he was all too aware that his goal was now being achieved. He was told by his purchasers that his blond, blue eyed good looks, and slim build were in particular demand.

Initially Alex had been adopted and owned by a couple who were particularly fond of Alex. Noticing his obedience and particular desire for extreme bondage led them to sell him off to his current owners. Alex did not question his place and therefore accepted that he was now the property of someone else. His goal was to follow his instructions and do his absolute best to satisfy his "New Master". At last his blindfold was removed. Alex kept his gaze fixed to the ground out of respect for his captors. This was noted by the female who had led him here. She informed that she was going to leave him here to meet his master or his maker and reminded him of the importance of complete silence as well as obedience.

" Allow your master to use you as he pleases " she told him. " and you will easily take on the role of slave ".Alex listened to this information but said nothing. This seemed to be an acceptable response as the female continued. " Remember , you are his property and you are here to satisfy only him, not yourself". Alex again remained silent, keeping his head bowed in respect for his new owners. " Trust your Master, he intends to keep you, but, you must Respect him. ". Alex understood the need for respect when it came to being a slave. He lived for the need to satisfy others. The female began to move but stopped and gave Alex one final instruction. " It is important that you remain exactly as you are right now. Do not remove regardless of what you see, hear, or feel. If you are required to move, your Master will ensure that you understand this." She walked a little further but gave Alex one final piece of advice. " And you must remain perfectly quiet at all times, not a sound from you". And with that, she disappeared into the dimly lit false jungle.

Some time passed and Alex continued to remain rooted to the spot. Head bowed, silent and unmoving.He did not allow himself to look around, as he was unsure who was watching. Alex continued to remain unmoveable, head remained bowed, arms kept to his sides, but he felt instinctively tuned into his surroundings. He felt someone or something was nearby. This was only a feeling but it seemed to be confirmed by the odd sound of leaves rustling and branches creaking. Alex was unsure how long he had been waiting and was not bothered by this, he felt he could stay here forever waiting in anticipation. He had never seen his new Master, had been told very little about him, had only been informed that his Master was very powerful and demanding. Alex was mentally prepared not to fail his Master, had only complete interest in serving his Master to the best of his........Wait. Alex felt something land on his right shoulder. He had not felt anyone come up behind him, nor had he heard anything. The touch was gentle, yet cold, not at all like a persons hand. Alex remained rooted in the same position, on his knees, head bowed, blond hair tumbling into his face, obscuring the fixed expression of determination on his face to follow the instructions he had been issued. Whatever had come to rest on his shoulder remained there but was slowly massaging and exploring his shoulder and neck. It felt tremendous to realize that his "Master" had finally emerged to pleasure himself with Alex's body. Alex was ready......or so he thought. It did not take long for Alex to grow apprehensive as he realized that it was not a hand that was touching him. Soon he could feel it begin to move down his shoulder and start to cross his chest. Alex became aware of a substantial weight bearing down on him as something travelled across his body. No instructions had been issued to Alex so he continued to hold his position, his gaze averted from the ground to the unusual appendage holding his chest. Whatever it was had moved across his left arm and was making its way around his body. The weight on his shoulder continued to grow. Alex was growing concerned at his possible inabilty to support whatever it was that was on him. Alex finally caught a glance of what was moving around him, he caught glimpse of it just as it crossed his chest from his shoulder and began to make its way around his left arm and travel across his back. His training as a submissive and his desire to please allowed him to follow instructiions and remain in place, but his mind began to reel. Alex's view came to rest on what appeared to be a brownish greenish tentacle forming around him. Its width was easily 5 inches and seemed to be increasing. Its touch was cold, its weight considerable, and its hold firm. He suppressed the desire to bolt and allowed whatever it was to form another coil directly below the one around his torso. The coil kept travelling and the thickness of the tentacle increased to 7 inches and more. He felt his arms being pinned to his body as the second coil came to rest firmly against him. As the tentacle began to form its third coil, Alex became aware that whatever it was that was holding him, officially had him now. The third coil complete and Alex became very aware of the strength of whatever it was that had him. Had he fled with the first coil he had a chance. That chance dwindled significantly with the second one and now as the third wrapped him tightly, he realized that escape was beyond him.He now felt his love of bondage overtaking his fears as a fourth coil began to press tightly against his ass and crotch. It's hold was strong enough to keep Alex from moving, but he had no difficulty in breathing. It was not extraordinairly tight but was certainly much stronger than him. He still felt fear and a certain level of panic but he knew he had been promised lifetime worship if he obeyed the simple instructions he had been issued. So far, so good. And he had to be honest with himself, so far it was the most incredible feeling he had yet experienced. His only question was, what is this thing? It's alive, that much he could tell. It was very strong, that was evident as well, but, what was it? This question left his mind as he now realized he was having extreme difficulty in supporting the weight of whatever it was. He was now four coils deep and he could feel the fifth one working on him when he felt an increase in pressure and then felt his body being pulled upwards. He was relieved by this turn of events as he felt he could no longer support the growing weight running down his shoulders, around his torso, his waist, his hips and now his thighs. He was forced to his feet by the beast and turned twice as the coils worked their way down his legs. The sixth coil easily formed as Alex was turned around to face whatever it was that had a hold of him. He could not resist the need to see what had a hold of him and who was controlling the scenario. He moved his head up to follow the tentacle beyond his shoulder. He wanted to know what it was attached to. He shuddered when he realized that it was not attached to anything, but, instead it was one. At first Alex could not clearly make out what was happening above him. At least 8 feet above him continued the rest of what had a hold of him. An enormous mass of coils spread itself out across 2 trees and continued to move down and around Alex's body. Alex had to suppress a scream when he realized that he was in the grasp of an enormous snake. Alex was unsure how much of the snake currently held him. He knew there was enough coils around him for it to easily crush him, but what alarmed him the most was seeing how much of the snake still remained. He estimated roughly that there remained another 30 to 35 feet of snake still hanging across the trees. The width of the snake travelling from his body up the tree easily grew to 20 inches. Alex felt faint, not from the coils wrapped around him, for they were still quite delicate in comparison to the obvious power of the great snake. Alex's faintness grew from the situation he found himself in.Trapped in the coils of what had to be the worlds largest snake . Alex began to crumble slightly, all too aware he was breaking the most important instruction he had recieved. Allow his "Master" to control his body, not Alex. He quickly regained composure as he reverted back to satisfying his Master. That was one of the more difficult issues for his brain to deal with. So far he had only seen the snake, no person had emerged to admire Alex trapped and at the mercy of his Master. Perhaps it was a see how long Alex could function mentally in living, breathing, bondage. Perhaps the snake was his Master. This thought shocked Alex and caused his fear to return. He had promised he would not be hurt if he followed his Masters few instructions and so far he had done as he was told. Could he have been purchased as snake food??. His previous masters would not have allowed that too happen. He was rapidly pulled away from these thoughts as the snake began making its way down the tree. To watch its massive body drop and form in a pile of shimmering scales and coils around Alex was stunning. Alex felt as though he should bow before what he recognized as the most powerful force he had yet witnessed but, he knew that would be foolish. He remained in position until the weight of the snake forced him to his knees again. The coils began moving again, The feel was firm and solid as the muscles moved with insane ease around his body. Soon, a coil had been lifted from his hips and a new situation began to unfold. Alex actually felt the tail of the snake begin to manipulate his clothing. First his belt was slowly undone, then his pants were forced to his knees by the power of the tail of the beast. He felt the snake travelling up the back of his legs and again to his hips. The tip of the tail made its way underneath his underwear, and again with relative ease they were torn away. Then the body of the snake began to flow down him, he was soon encased in coils down to his knees. The weight again forced Alex to the ground where he collapsed in a flowing river of brown and green. The snake kept moving over and around him. The entire body was travelling across his face, neck, and continued around his whole body. And the feeling was amazing, Alex had to use every inch of mental strength to rermain quiet. His cock had sprung to life as the cool scales moved around him. Alex already felt on the verge of exploding and did everything in his power to not cum. This was an impossible task for him and he prayed he was not violating his Masters wishes by doing so.. He soon let go and was pleased when this seemed not to trouble the snake at all. Nobody had emerged from the bushes to punish him for being so pleasured. And that was somewhat alarming. Not one human seemed to be present. Alex was almost completely convinced he had been purchased entirely for the snakes benefit. Again, this seemed trouibling since what pleasure does a snake recieve from holding a person. Wasn't the end result most certainly consumption? Alex did not want to be dinner but he was also aware it was entirely impossible to escape the binds that held him. This was exciting as he had always seen the potential to escape most bondage situations. A word, a look of pain, whatever could signal a Master that a limit had been met. But, this was different, entirely different. And as far as Alex was concerned, he was positive snakes did not take the time to remove garments and expose their prey as this snake had. He saw little choice but to submit entirely. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the massive beast wrapping him up entirely. He had no idea exactly how much snake was now around him . He was almost incapable of moving his head but was able to catch a glance of at least another 15 feet of snake making its way down the tree. How much snake does it take to hold me in place? How much does it take to make sure i cant get away? Alex decided 3 coils had immobilized him very quickly but he should not complain, this was an incredible luxury very few must be lucky enough to experience. Alex decided that if he did not become snake food then he would forever pledge his entire exisence to his new Master. He would be the best slave ever.

Soon Alex felt very little movement from the snake. He felt its body force him into whatever position it desired. He was lost in a sea of skin stronger than anything Alex had ever experienced. Alex's face was exposed and his head was resting on what seem to be a pillow of flesh. He felt one foot exposed at the other end and grew excited again when he realized the rest of his body was completely engulfed by the snake. Movement was next to impossible and Alex was able to see that in some areas coils criss crossed each other. He was only capable of looking slightly down his chest and what he saw was amazing. Coil upon coil wrapped completely around, allowed his body no exposure whatsoever. The thickness of the snake was astounding and the weight of it quite substantial. Despite the weight, Alex knew fully well what these snakes were capable of and was surprised when breathing was not an issue for him. He came to realize that although the snake completely owned him, it was being quite gentle with him. There was no way this was not done on purpose. Had the snake truly wanted to kill Alex it would have been almost immediate. Alex was now convinced that he was indeed the property of the snake. Alex turned his head as far as he could and gently kissed his new Master. This seemed to cause a rippling effect in the snake. Alex could see the muscles beginning to work. More importantly he could feel the snake beginning a slight squeeze. This was enough to cause Alex's breath to grow shallow, but he was obviously not being crushed by the full power of the snake. Alex felt that the snake had communicated to him this way. The snake had used the squeeze to prove to Alex exactly who his new Master was. Alex was truly excited to be in the grasp, his cock had grown again, although it could not travel upwards. Instead his cock found itself in thecrevice of a coil and was being massaged by the great snake. Alex felt as though he should return the favour, but was incapable of doing anything other than kissing the snake again. Again another squeeze forced some air out of Alex's lungs , but allowed him to catch it again as the snake relaxed slightly. Its grip was still like iron but again Alex was aware of how gentle the snake truly was. The snake continued to squeeze Alex's cock as well and this caused Alex the most amazing feelings he had ever experienced in his life. Again it was impossible to keep himself from reaching a climax and he reluctantly exploded within the confines of the snake. The snake squeezed his cock almost flat in respone to Alex's orgasm and soon the snakes entire body was squeezing Alex tighter than it had before. The feeling was amazing and truly frightening. Fear was replaced by complete and total ecstasy as the snake held him tighter than any rope ever could. Alex estimated at least an hour within the confines of the snake and wondered how long this would go on for. He secretly prayed it would last forever. He prayed this pleasure in confinement would never cease. He felt it necessary to thank his new Master again and gently kissed the snake a third time. Instead of the customary squeeze Alex had longed for he was met with movement. He was being turned around inside the great coils. Lengths of body would pass over his face, and Alex is positive he finally got a look at the head of the snake. It was enormous and truly frightening. Nothing could force Alex to appreciate the power of his new owner than the knowledge that this snake could easily pass him entirely through that mouth down into its stomach with considerable ease. And yet that did not occur. The snakes grip did not let up on Alex nor did it increase. The coils kept forming and reforming on Alex until he found himself repositioned entirely. He had been turned completely around and was now laying stomach down inside the great snake.Again the coils found their place around his body, from his neck down to his waist and again from his thighs down to his feet. Alex was aware that his ass had been left exposed but stopped focusing on this when a coil around his neck turned to face him. Alex slowly lifted his head and was stunned to be face to face with the great snake. It's studied Alex with a coldness that shook Alex to the bone and he quicly dropped his gaze out of respect and fear. Soon he felt the tongue of the beast flicking around his lips. Alex did not look at his captor but obediently accepted the tongue as it entered and probed his mouth. This was truly a first for Alex. He now understood the snake was accepting him as its slave. Alex had behaved exactly as it demanded, had put up no struggle verbally or physicaly, and had been thankful for everything the snake had done for it. Alex gladly accepted this kiss from the snake.

While the snake kissed Alex long and deep it formed a most critical coil around his ass. Alex's excitement grew to new levels as the snake both tounged him deeper n deeper and squeezed his ass and cock with each thrust from its tongue. Alex felt he knew what was coming next and waited in ecstatic expectation. Soon enough he felt a new sensation around his ass. Something was growing and probing him insistently for entrance. Alex felt new waves of pleasure travelling through his body as the snake continued to tongue him deeply, squeeze his entire body in an iron grip, and use its enormous cock to search for Alex's elusive hole. Alex was slightly fearful of the power as it entered him but he could not help but feel the desire to have the snake fuck him. He attempted to assist the snake in its quest but movement was next to impossible. The snake was alsodisapproving of Alex's assistance and gave him the strongest squeeze yet. All the breath drained from Alex immediately as the most intense pressure wracked his entire body. This was incredibly painful and disoreinting but Alex did not mistake it as a love embrace. He knew he had just been warned by his Master. Alex immediately stopped any attempt of assistance and allowed his Master to have complete control of him. Soon the tip of the snakes penis found Alex's hole. Immediately it thrust forward in an exceptionally violent fashion. The snake squeezed its new slave in intense pleasure as it made its way inside Alex. Alex suppressed a scream at the intrusion as the snake began working its way deeper. A firm squeeze communicated to Alex that crying out would not be tolerated. Instead the snake wrapped another coil around the back of Alex's head and then drove its tongue deeper into Alex's throat. Its cock plowed further and further into Alex, expanding his ass in a way that his previous Master had never been able to. The snake squeezed Alex with every thrust of its massive cock until it had driven itself as deep as it could. Now it began fucking him fiercely. Pounding his hole with immense thrusts from its massive cock. Alex felt himself being expanded, he felt its tongue working its way into his throat, he felt every immense squeeze from the snake as it explored Alex internally. Soon he felt his own cock forced in between two massive coils again, the squeezes caused Alex's own cock to grow and explode again in the most intense orgasm Alex had ever experienced. Alex was completely and thoroughly fucked by the great snake and he was loving every minute of it. He desperately wanted to return a thank you kiss to the snake again but felt that the snake was in complete control now and liked it that way. Alex understood that he needed to completely submit to his new owner and he simply closed his eyes and experienced the most intense intrusion he had ever felt. Alex was convinced that he would continue to be the snakes young slave for as long as Alex continued to submit. Alex was aware that for the most part, submission was enforced physically by the snake. Alex was incapable of fighting its incredible strength and did now ever want to. Alex was aware that as long as he was wrapped within the coils of the great snake, it could do whatever it wanted. If the snake chose to fuck him all night it could. If it chose to squeeze him to death it could. Alex prayed possesion and not death and felt that this was also his masters desire. Alex was only to happy to recieve whatever the snake presented to him. Every cock thrust brought the most intenese feelings ever. Every squeeze was like being embraced by the most powerful lover ever. Every flick of its tongue inside Alex was liked being kissed by the devil himself. And Alex loved it and was now going to do everything he could to please his new Master. And so the fucking continued, the snakes cock pounding and pounding its young slaves ass with incredible power, until it too could no longer hold on. The snake released a jet of semen into Alex's ass and squeezed its slave so intensly that Alex immediately lost consciousness.

Slowly, Alex came too, aware he was still alive. He could feel snake spunk surrounding his entire ass and was dimly aware the snakes cock was still inside him growing soft. The kisses had stopped as had the crushing power of the snake. The snake did not move, nor did it relenquish its slave. The coils had grown considerably loose around Alex, but he was far too weak to work himself out of the coils. Also, he had to admit, he didnt really want to. Instead he slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep. When he awoke later, the snake had left him and he was being assisted out of the jungle by several individuals. He assumed that they were the people who had purchased him. They said nothing to Alex as they helped him into a bed. He realized his pants were completely gons and his shirt was in tatters. He was sticky from sweat and snake cum and despite being incredibly tired, he felt great. A quick examination of Alex showed no serious injuries. Nothing broken but definite bruising. The snake had indeed been gentle with him.

He was sent to a shower, told to clean himself thoroughly, dressed in an all white robe and fed dinner. As he was led to his quarters, the same female who had led him into the jungle, informed Alex that his destiny was sealed. He was officially the pet of their pet. After a couple days rest he could expect to find himself in the jungle again. He could hardly wait.