The Serpent's Lair

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|- Vorister's Lair
  |- Sid 3: Freedom

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Sid 3: Freedom

Sid was tasting the air, he could sense the perfume, the smell of a meal he wanted. She was close, but still out of reach. For a long time now he had seen, and smelled, the woman from a distance. His outside pen looked down on a beach, and the woman was there again, wearing nothing, enjoying the sun. She was there almost every morning for a few hours, then, she would get up and walk up the beach along the raised wood walkway and out of sight. Sid was stuck in his pen, unable to go out and take the sweet smelling woman.

As he relaxed, he watched her get up, wrap her body in a towel and walk up the beach. Flicking his tongue as she got within a few yards Sid tasted her, and wanted her. She was about 30, dark haired and not too bad looking. Firm but small breasts, a nice waist, and a still firm ass, but Sid did not care about these things. It was her taste that he liked and he wanted to eat her. He already had a plan.

If he was out, he would wait in the shadows in the early morning, in a place under the walkway he had already chosen. As the meal walked down he would take her from behind as she walked past, and drag her down to a hiding place under the walkway. Once under the walkway, he would slowly ingest her, and enjoy the firm sweet body. Once she was inside him, he could return. If only he could leave his pen, and get under the walkway, just outside. Sid had been waiting for months, but his simple plan was beyond his doing. His pen was made of concrete and metal. The open part had thick metal bars, and the wall was thick concrete. His only tool was a tongue, he needed a hammer and chisel. Azura had helped him eat sweet tasting women, but she was gone, and he was hungry for others, but unable to get them.

She did not come the next morning, and all that day Sid felt a strange vibration in the air. There was a big storm coming, he could feel the danger. As he rested, uneasy, the owner and his staff, were packing up, and had boarded up the house. They left as the wind began to pick up, and the ocean was starting to rage. Now alone Sid lifted his head and watched the storm come in off the ocean. There was only his enclosure to hide in because his owner had boarded up his room door, and Sid was down in the pit he had made in the sand as the hurricane exploded ashore. The rising water swamped his pen area, and Sid ended up curled up on top of his enclosures roof. He had moved back in a safe corner out of the wind when a loud shrill whine came through only a dozen yards away bringing a sudden strong twirling wind. The concrete corner he was in had been made to keep him safe, and he felt the wind but was not in danger. Suddenly there was a large jolt and a huge abnormal wave of water almost engulfed him. There was only the one big wave, then, the storm settled back to a strong wind and an unruly ocean.

It went on like this for almost and hour before the wind died down. As the wind died, and the air was suddenly calm, Sid looked out at his world. His pen was under water, there was a boat on the pen fence, and the fence had collapsed! Sid slipped into the water, and swimming with easy turns of his long body was over, and out of the pen. The water was moving with fierce rolling waves off the ocean, but he managed to swim up the pen fence, and down the ally alongside the house up to higher ground. Moving swiftly in the now shallow water, he came to one of the many canals, and used the water way to flee inland. As the eye of the hurricane became the second onslaught, Sid was already several miles inland and hiding in a large pond that was a covered parking garage. Here he waited out the storm, safe from the howling wind.

When the storm was over, Sid moved from the garage over to a cluster of trees along the canal he had escaped down. It was late in the day, and as the sun went down, Sid waited until it was dark by the trees, then moved out to find a secure home. As the water was receding, he found that the canal had good cover in the form of tunnels. He made a careful inspection, and inside a long tunnel found a large hole out of the water where the earth had collapsed. In a few hours he had enlarged and made the hole snug and comfortable. Here he would wait until the area had returned to normal after the huge storm.

Moving out from his new home, Sid had a good look at the area, looking for a meal. He was hungry, he had been hiding for almost two weeks, and it was past the time he was normally given a goat. He missed the added meals that had been provided by Azura. Women were softer, tastier and more filling than a goat. Along the canal was a walkway that ran along the backs of houses. As he was inspecting the walkway, a light came on inside a house, and a woman came into view and was looking out at the canal through an open back gate. Sid froze for a moment, then, slowly lowered his body down off the walkway. He stopped so he could see in the gate and watched as the woman removed her clothes, and lay down naked to watch her television.

Sid tasted the air with his tongue, here was a meal. His expert eye could see she was younger, in her 20s, brown hair, and just the right size for him. He judged all his meals based on his first woman, Nadine. This woman was shorter and a bit fuller, but was still eatable. While watching a show, she got up and opened the door to let in the cool breeze from the ocean. She stretched out, and in a few minutes seemed to be sleeping.

Sid was excited now, he sensed an opportunity. He moved quickly through the gate and across the yard to the open door. He tasted the sent of the woman, now very close. Sid put his head in the door and tasted for any other occupants, but the small house had only one occupant, his meal. Moving slowly Sid moved his head and part of his body through the door, and over to where the woman was dozing. She was sitting up, and slumped over, her television was on drowning out any noise Sid had made. Sid raised his head, and lowered his mouth down over the woman's head and shoulders. With a quick easy pull Sid had her up and over the couch and pulled her rapidly out the open door.

The woman was still not fully awake, and did not understand her peril as Sid, holding her by the head and shoulders prepared to ingest her and un-hinged his jaws. She tried to lift up her head and upper body, and was reaching down to her put her hands behind her to pick herself up when Sid made a lunge forward, and trapped her head and shoulders in his throat. Suddenly realizing her peril, the woman tried to get free of Sid, but it was too late.

In triumph, Sid held her in his mouth, her head and shoulders in his throat. He moved over to a dark corner of the yard out of the light. The woman was fighting to get free, but he had her contained. Sid began to swallow the woman, taking long slow swallows, enjoying her taste and feel. She was still trying to get free, even as her breasts were flattened by his upper mouth, her legs were pumping the air. He took his time, slowly taking her upper body into his throat.

Sid rested as the sweet woman was in to her waist. She was no longer kicking, but had collapsed, her ass in the pit of his lower jaw, her shapely legs the only thing showing out of his mouth. Sid opened, and started to take her ass. She bucked and made a few hopeless kicks, and slumped as he pushed on her upper body with his throat muscles, and swallowed with his mouth. Once he had the sweet and tasty ass through, Sid easily gulped down the rest of her, her toes twitching on his upper jaw, and her torso and hips were twisting as she slid down his long throat.

With the woman inside, Sid re-hinged his jaw, and waited for her to reach his stomach. He felt her kick, and try to stop her progress down his throat, but as she went, she slowly began to lose strength. By the time the tasty woman reached his stomach, she was no longer fighting, she was almost limp. As he put her in to digest, she came alive for a few minutes, kicking again, trying to turn over to push her way out. Sid felt the last kick, a sudden twitch and was happy.

With the meal secure, Sid moved to the open the gate, and checked for any late night walkers. The way was clear, and in a few moments, he was over the walkway, and in the canal heading home. He moved slowly, until he was at his home. Carefully he moved up, and into his nest, and curled up. Resting, happy, full and very satisfied Sid stretched out to digest the woman. In a couple weeks, he would look for other places to hide, then, hunt again. He would spread out his meals, so there was no pattern to lead back to one area, one place. Sid could think, and plan.

Sid dreamily curled tighter as the sweet woman in his stomach made a sudden twitch. Who would be next on his menu, his next midnight snack? Now he was free to pick and choose his meals. His mind turned to the one meal in his dreams, Azura, even now he still desired his old handler. He would look for her, and if he could he would find her, make her his.