The Serpent's Lair

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  |- Movie Props 3

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Movie Props 3

Hollywood was the perfect spot for suckers. Everyone wanted to be a star, and the stars always blinded their eyes until it was too late. He understood this all too well, and patted his creation as he watches the latest video of the captive woman, putting up such a struggle against his huge snake until she expired. She even came back a little to kick and squirm, but the smell of rotted flesh inside finished her off. He looks to his gigantic snake and grins as he strokes the head. "You'll eat again, and we'll make more money and retire in style. You'll see."

The movie needed her, and she needed the movie. Her career was on the slopes, and she needed this to boost it back to the top where it belonged. All these teenage twerps were nothing but teenie-boppers without a lick of acting skill. She tosses her long bleach-blonde hair back as she sits in her trailer, rehearsing her lines in the mirror and adjusting her tones and facial expressions to get the lines just right. It was four in the morning, she was tired, but thanks to make-up she didn't have to worry about that. They were taking a few hours break to let the stars rest, but she knew that if she rested now she wouldn't be ready for her great performance. In the next coming scenes she would have to be the forlorn lover who found her husband cheating on her with a younger woman. It burned her to play the one hurt, she should have been the one doing the hurting. But the frigging writers told her she would be more perfect for the older woman role. She was thirty-one damnit! She was hardly an old woman, and completely in her prime. She would give this the best acting of her life and show up that prissy little brat. Her hazel eyes hardening with determination as she stands up from her chair and approaches the mirror, reading her lines louder and louder until she was sure she got the shouting down right.

Once it was time to be called back onto the set, she was more than ready, and had a few too many martinis in the trailer. She was swaying a bit, her amazon form of five-foot-nine looking ready to topple as she tosses her script aside and grins foolishly at the rest of the cast.

The director had his fingers on the bridge of his nose, sighing and cursing himself as he approaches her. "Bridgette, you're drunk damnit! Go take a cold shower and drink some coffee. We'll shoot the scenes that don't have you in them until you're sober enough."

"You think that I can't act just because I...I had a few drinks?" She sneers at him and shoves him aside. "I have more acting ability in my pinky finger than that slut has in her whole body!"

"Who are you calling a slut you old whore?!" The younger star would yell, coming forward and pushing the drunk Bridgette back. "Face it, you're washed up, a has-been. You can't keep up with a film like this like I can."

"You bitch!"

The two would begin clawing at each other, screaming and biting and kicking until they fell to the floor and were rolling around. It took three security guards to get Bridgette off of Jean, and the old drunk just didn't calm down until she was almost literally thrown out of the set.

"And don't come back until you grow some sense!" The director would yell before the door slams and locks, and the filming light comes on to not disturb them.

"Fucking bastards...all of them...I don't need them, I can make my own movie, win my own damn oscar." She would stand up, looking down at her silk nightgown and seeing how dirty it had become. She would have to have her assistant get it cleaned. Stumbling through the dark, she would head for her trailer, locking herself inside once there and getting another martini for herself. She looks to the mirror and sees the marks that Jean had put on her. As her anger grows, she throws her glass at the mirror, cracking it as the martini glass itself shatters. She would heal, and she would show that teenage slut a thing or two.

As she strips out of her nightgown to get into the shower to wash up, she doesn't see the top of the trailer open, nor hear as there would be soft thumps against the heavy carpeting. She was stepping into the shower as she plots her revenge. Maybe a little accident on the set or two, and that bitch would shut up once and for all. The thought made her grin as she didn't feel the stinging pain of the water and soap in her small cuts.

Once the shower was done, she wraps her towel around herself, stepping out and wiping her hand over the fogged mirror. She looked better, and she had a definite plan in mind to get Jean back for the humiliation she now felt. Stepping into her bedroom, she flings the towel aside, sitting on the bed and pinching her nipples until they were nice hard points. Perhaps if she seduced the director first, she could convince him to let her back into the movie and then when she was back, she would let the accidents begin. A fallen stagelight here, some sandbags there. Maybe even a small fire. She giggles in wicked delight as she pictures Jean's scared face.

Then before she knew it, she was knocked back on the bed. "What the hell..." Was all she could get out before her body begins to roll over and over. Something was holding her down, and as she struggles the drinks make her see a bit double of everything. As she looks down she sees...something green on her body. As she tries to get her bearings, she sees the head of the snake, the eyes glowing red into hers and the tongue flickering. Her mouth opens to call for help, but the first squeezing comes, making her body bow back a little and her eyes pop open wide. One coil comes up and around her neck, not squeezing but holding her head in place as the thing continues to stare at her.

"Old whore? Hardly. I wouldn't call you old, but you're a whore nontheless." His voice came from the other side of the room, but she couldn't really see him. As he chuckles he comes forward, coming to the edge of the large bed and looking down at his latest capture. "This will bring you fame like you wouldn't believe my dear. You'll be a legend in my own little private gallery, and once I sell the copies, everyone will know who you are - or were - and I'll collect the money on your behalf. Do enjoy yourself please, I know I will."

Her eyes widen as she saw the familiar face, the one who handled the movie props! Another squeeze and she would let out a gargled sound as she struggles more and more in the coils. With one hand free, she begins to pound on the coil around her neck, but it would tighten slightly. "Oh no, don't you dare. I've not had a lady in this position before, and I need to document every situation." With the push of a button, the snake would bite the free hand and make her give a small scream as the fake teeth embed themselves into her flesh. Squeezing her well-toned body, the snake's coils would move slightly against her, moving over her breasts and one going between her legs. As she fights, the rubbing coils over her hard nipples and wet pussy make her moan out a little. Her face was slightly red and her face covered with sweat, but Bridgette was growing heavily aroused. The more the squeezes came, and the tighter things would get at her breasts and crotch, the more she would struggle against the coils not in fear, but in pure pleasure. As she reaches her peak, the snake's head comes up to her's, giving her one last squeeze to make her explode in complete pleasure just as the mouth opens wide and takes her in. Her chest was barely seen rising and falling under the mound of coils around her, and her free hand, bleeding on the covers, would twitch and slap futilely against the coils until one last squeeze would make her heart give out, and she would go limp among the coils.

"Yes...yes...that was marvelous my pet. She will definitely make a bit fat profit for us." He watches as the snake continues to swallow her, moving down to her breasts and opening wider to take those mounds in and move down the rest of her body.

As the sun came up, the one playing the husband, Robert, would knock on the trailer door. "Come on Bridgette, we have some shots to shoot, let's get a move on!" He was getting disgusted, and wondered why he should even bother. As he tries the handle he finds it open, walking inside and looking around. "Bridgette? Wake up!" He walks into her bedroom, his eyes widening as he sees the blood and the towel and sheets all in disarray, but no Bridgette to be seen. Running out of the trailer he would call for anyone to help, reporting that their actress was missing.

He would be in the back of the lot, putting the finishing touches on some of the scenery for the next couple of scenes. As Robert approaches him, he stands up and waves a hand. "What's up?"

"Bridgette is missing, we suspect fowl play. Have you seen her?"

"No...I've been working on the set all night. Ask anyone around here, they've seen me. I did take a break to talk for a while with the security guard up front but that was about it."

"If you see or hear anything, let me know alright?"

"Will do."

He watches Robert leave, grinning and pulling his gimme cap over his eyes as he goes back to what he was doing. His snake was hidden under the lot, and later today he would take it and his latest prize back to the warehouse, and begin making his movie copies.