The Serpent's Lair

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Movie Props 2

"And...cut! That's a wrap people, great movie!" The director was quite pleased with how the movie came out. The fake snake would get others to believe the maiden in the movie was about to die and the hero, the main actor of the movie, came in and slain the beast to save her. The movie would be sent for editing and everything else that could be done, so everyone was free to rest up and do as they wished. No one had seen hyde nor hair of Salena Beneton, the servant girl that missed her big chance.

No matter right? The movie went just fine without her and they found someone else to take her place, after all they were on a tight schedule. This movie took months to shoot just right, some scenes were done time and time again to the point the actors and actresses almost thought of quitting this project altogether, but at least it was over and done with now. Going back to her motel, the main actress of the movie, Darla Tweeny, was busy calling her agent and she made a new claus in her contract, absolutely no snakes real or otherwise. The one on the movie set seemed too real to her, like at times when she was trapped in the lagoon with it as they were shooting that it moved against her and tightened a little more than necessary. Enough to give anyone the jitters.

She was just happy she could go on and think of other things. Heading down to the spa, getting a facial and a massage and a relaxing mudbath. Sighing as she thought about it she moves into the bathroom, turning on the water for the shower and stripping out of her clothes, in the mirror she put on a little show for herself and smirked, she loved her body and always respected it, ate right and did plenty of exercise. She was glad she went into the movie business instead of being a stripper like the wanted, she was told she had far too much potential than just giving lapdances and spinning around on poles.

Darla had long cascading red hair that shined in the light of the bathroom, down to the middle of her back and she used only the finest shampoos and conditioners to keep it that way, she wasn't short at all, between five foot five and five foot six. She admired herself in the mirror and began to think about when she would be nominated for her role in the movie. "And the award for Best Performance goes to...Darla Tweeny in the movie Hot Jungle!" The crowd goes wild and she accepts the award and blows kisses to everyone, really she was holding her bottle of shampoo and talking about how she would love to thank all the little people that helped her to get this far...blah blah blah.

Her cell phone rang in the other room, naturally she was pissed being pulled from such a great fantasy. Putting on the terry robe she goes into the room and picks up the phone, the props manager had called asking her if she knew the whereabouts of the fake snake, it was supposed to go into the storage facility on the lot but they couldn't find it anywhere. Not really caring in the least she just tells them no and hangs up. Someone stole the thing? good. She didn't like it anyway, if it were real she could use it for boot material. Chuckling to herself she goes in the bathroom again and removes the robe. Checking herself in the mirror one more time to make sure she hadn't gained weight before she steps into the shower and begins to sing as she lathers up her hair.

The open window was an open invitation to the intruder, eyes scanning the inside before hearing the water running through the almost closed door to the bathroom, slowly the stranger enters through the window and moves to hide in the bathroom. Silently the door comes open and the intruder enters. The steam getting to it and making the "skin" glisten. Slowly the head peeks into the curtain behind her, grinning now it slowly begins to come in more, the tub was rather large, so there would be room for most of it.

The soap had gotten into her eyes and she was cursing out every other four letter word you could name, reaching for a washcloth she wipes furiously at her eyes, running them under the water to wash them out until she finally felt better. Taking a deep breath she bends down to pull out the stopper to the tub as she saw something between her legs, red demonic eyes looking into hers as the tongue flickers. Screaming at the top of her lungs she barely had a chance to run before the mechanical snake struck.

She was rolled around helplessly inside the foam rubber coils of the snake. Struggling was no use as the mechanical snake wanted to have her. Her arms pinned to her side and the coils only began to pile on more until she was cocooned inside the coils. Soon enough she feels them slowly tighten. The head coming up to hers and the mouth opens wide and lets out that god awful hissing noise. A chuckle was heard from the bedroom before a figure in black slowly enters the room, looking down to her was Rodger...the props manager. "Oh God Rodger help me!"

"I don't think so Darla" he smirks as he comes to the toilet and puts down the seat. In his hand he held what looked like a remote control with little buttons and levers. He grins deviously as it also had a small camera on it, showing everything from the same perspective as the snake and the tightening gets put on hold for now. "You remember the girl right? the one that was supposed to come here for the servant role? Francis here got to her first. I decided to give him a test run to see what he could really do. Perfectly lifelike in every way except I am the one pulling the strings here. You see those eyes glowing? He is recording your every movement and sending it to me." He holds up the small controller and lets her see for herself her little black-and-white image inside the snake's coils, viewed from the snake holding her. "When I found the girl snooping around, I thought she could use some playtime with Francis since she was messing with his controls. His eyes recorded everything from the capture to the consumption and I viewed it all. Magnificent, makes me wish I could have made him sooner."

"Wh-what do you want Rodger? Money? I can get you lots of money, whatever you want, just let me go please." She was scared now, just what was he up to? Looking back to the snake it looks down at her and hisses again as he pushed the button to make him do it.

"What do I want? Just to hear you cry for help, like the girl did, but help never came did it?" He chuckles and looks down into the screen, moving the joystick so the head came down closer and would give her snakey kisses with the tongue. "Yes...the girl was so helpless against the big bad snake..." speaking in a thoughtful voice as he made it so the snake constricted around her more and her eyes went wide, the pressure causing her to pant for breaths and panic. "Just like that, good...I'm the director here, so I say what happens to you. First it will be the breathing. Then you will be struggling to the point you black out, your heart still beats, but the beating becomes closer and closer to stopping. Not exactly dying you'll be drawn closer to the mouth of Francis. This will be my best masterpiece yet."

Darla begs for him to stop this, reconsider and she would do anything he wanted. Feeling the coils tighten slowly around her again, her breathing was coming in shorter and shorter patterns. Gasping and trying to cling to life, her eyes bugging out of her head under the intense pressure being exerted by the mechanical snake. He watches with utter fascination as she remained the helpless victim. She squirms and struggles with the last of her strength but it was no use, Francis had a good grip on her. She lets out a few whimpering cries before she goes limp inside the coils. Everything going black as she did as he said she would.

He couldn't believe his luck, here he was controlling every aspect of his creation a second time around. Salena had been the first, but now he craved it again. Making the coils go tighter and tighter around her until it ended as he said it would. Seeing her helpless body now being drawn close to the mouth he pushes the button to open it. Watching from both perspectives of the scene as he watched his creation consuming her, then on the screen as the snake would see it.

After several agonizing moments he watched as her feet slipped into the throat and then he turns off the cameras, the red eyes going back to black. He comes over and turns off the water and slips the controller into the pocket, then he looks down to the small lump she made in Francis' body. Excitement poured through him as he loved having a front row seat once more. But this was still only the beginning. He strokes the lump and gives her a kiss through it against the foam rubber scales. "Don't worry Darla...the hydraulic fluids will keep you from stinking and rotting up my snake, he has a special stomach made so you can rest in peace."

Pulling out the controller he pushes a few buttons and moves the joystick. The snake follows the commands and heads out of the bathroom and they walk out through the front door, no one saw or heard a thing. He loads Francis up into his van and gets in himself, starting the engine and driving off.

She hadn't answered her cell phone all that morning, her agent coming to the hotel and banging on the door before he went to get the spare key from the front office. Once he walks inside he sees everything as it was left, but she wasn't there. No signs of foul play or anything except for the open window. He calls the police and tries to file a missing person's report but they only told him he had to wait for forty eight hours until he could. Maybe she would turn up by then...who knows?

He watched from his portable TV inside the van as he was resting against the coils of his fake snake, in the lot of the storage facility, grinning to himself as he knew right where she was but no one else could find her. He strokes the head of his creation and gives a pleasured sigh as he felt her squirms then they died down. Another couple of weeks...just the amount of time he needed to select his next victim. He wouldn't go after just anyone though. From the first two victims he saw the truth, the better the actress the better the scene. And he could make all the DVDs he wanted after downloading them onto his computer. He was going to be a very rich man and Hollywood was his golden opportunity.

The End...?