The Serpent's Lair

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Free Snake Skin Suit

The ad read: "Free snake skin suit contest. Come to -------- and submit yourself to win a free, exotic, exclusive, full body snake outfit. Only females over age 18 allowed; winners will be decided upon best body shape which experts feel especially suits snake skin and attributes which compliment & comforms with being within our exotic personal packaging. Our snake skins are warrented not to wearout for life, guarnteed to help you lose weight, and no snakes are harmed (proceeds actually help health of stock snakes)." Upon arrival, the eager contestants had to sign entry forms, which noted that due to this exclusive opportunity upon winning our exotic snake skins, the selected winner agrees to submit to special fitting arrangements, and small print legal language about others unable to sue due to expected effects of winner being within snake skin. Application questions included curious questions about family, asking about numbers and types of people who routinely notice what these women wear, and invited comments why each deserves this special body-sheath. A socializing session included inebrating beverages, suggestive conversations, and intimate interviews. The top six were selected for a second level of this competion, were photographed in skimpy bathing suites as live six-feet-long snakes casually slithered amonst them. The winner was chosen as she caressed and kissed a snake wrapped around her swaying hour-glass body (and behind-the scene reviews of her forms found gapping loop-holes if future corporal concerns occured).

After the others left, she celebrated with more bubbly champayne and complied while being measured and scanned nude. Cooperating during photographs (in her birth-day suit) with a friendly forty-foot python, her perfect physique perspired under the photographic lamps. She consented by inserting her petite feet into the snake's mouth and as they filmed the snake slowly enveloping her lower legs. She was persuaded in allowing this precocious process as her legs penetrated deeper into the python; as a pretense of picturing how she will appear wearing such sensational snake skin. The python's fine teeth barely penetrated a bare derriere as her heavenly thighs disappeared, descending deseptively as she became sexually aroused from the python's pulsating throat rhymical massaging as muscles pulled the two closer into one. She started stroking herself, pert nipples and primed pussy, enjoying this experience despite such strange audience. The trained talented tongue teased her cunt (close-up camera capturing this distinctively un-tanned pink, shaved snatch), shuttering as a slithering dark tongue inserted and tasted juices squirting from this slit. The erotically attached couple were both shaken by her overwhelming orgasm. Taking advantage of her girations, after unhinging, expanded jaws engulfed around and hid her hips from further viewing, yet as the snake continued to swallow past her navel, easily manuvering over her slim stomach, a proportionant bulge moved, showing shapely legs being shoved lower towards the snake's tummy. Her alcohol induced state, combined with overwhelming orgasm, exhausted her temporarily and she slowly shimmered her shapely body as if secretly screwing, inching herself involuntarily deeper into this provocative python.

The python paused as she dreamingly rubbed it's smooth head, as she often did with her cat contently rested on her reclined abbs as lay together in bed (she usually sleep nude, welcoming animal's constrasting contact of fur or rough tough on her sensitive skin). The snake's advancing bites reminded her of kitten's kneeding claws, now approaching her bodacious bare boobs. Her own half-sleeping self-sensation-seeking girations, combining with the python's pulsating muscular motions, giggled her lucious breasts until those twin peaks sqeezed within its overpowering opening. Snake's sharp teeth scratching her succulent nipples awoken her to view of serpent's face (: seemly smiling :) enclosing her breasts. Since her arms were free, she pushed their adjoined upper bodies into a sitting up position, and gazed upon her fantastic figure silhouetted under the snake's rippling skin (the snake considering such shifting no hinderance for inevitable disgestion of this edible feast). She concured futile to fight; confusingly inquired if proper fitting for her deserved snake skin suit, and all saw her wiggling toes as if tickling inside of snake's stomach. Later digital zooming could discover her suprised facial expression as the python employeed powerful muscles to bump her rump deeper down its abdomen, stretching its strong elastic lips up over her shoulders as her frail arms flayed over her helpless head. Streaming hair flowed up the snakes outer lips, joining her upper arms as a waving departure while the snake bounced this buffy bounty deeper below. Her delicate fingers faded from view as the python resumed a reclining position. Some prolonged flexing within the python proposed possibly the consumed contestant poising for photos in her prized package; however when the python coiled, exercising entire length of massive muscles, then stretched out and silently slept, all knew the departed participant expired her life-time warrenty and will soon be losing weight. As advertised, no snake was harmed, and to expand their business, new advertisements were soon bringing in more eager customers.

"Become the star in a movie. Beautiful woman wanted for exotic scenes with trained animals. Lifetime contract if selected. Apply at ---------."