The Serpent's Lair

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A Different Story

After telling Mowgli they were going to the Man Village, Bagheera decided they should stay the night at a tree. Mowgli was refusing to go to the man village, but Bagheera told him to sleep. Mowgli didn't know that on that Night his fate would change.

From the shadows, the big horny snake Kaa appeared. Kaa saw the man-cub, and thought to himself "Instead of eating this man-cub and risk myself being killed by that stupid old panther, I can try to lead him to my personal tree... there I will think better what to do with him. But I can't forget having some fun too... hehehe. Let the show begin".

Kaa reached near Bagheera and started wrapping his tail around the panther's penis. Bagheera moaned and woke up. Kaa was staring at him with his eyes causing spirals of colors. Bagheera immediately stood there mesmerized at the spirals of colors. Kaa laughed at the easiness that was making Bagheera stunned there with his free mind. "Bagheera, you are diving on a deep sssleep. That sssleep isss ssso good that you want it to last asss long asss posssible. Asss long asss the night lasssts you will be enjoying that relaxing sssleep. Now close your eyesss and sssleep." Bagheera did what Kaa said, and fell in a deep sleep.

Mowgli was staring at Kaa, very scared. Kaa realized that and told him "Don't be afraid little boy. I am just making sssure you won't go to the man village." "You are trying to help me?" "Yesss, little boy. If my plan works perfectly you won't go to the man village." "Wow... thanks. What is your name?" "My name isss Kaa." "Thanks Kaa. So... what do I have to do to not go to the man village?" "Jussst look onto my eyes" Mowgli did so, and soon his eyes started reflecting the spirals of colors and, as the spirals begin hypnotizing Mowgli, Kaa's voice becomes more melodious and charming to the boy, now unable to look away.

Fixed on Kaa's eyes, Mowgli's eyes turn into spirals as well, his mouth hanging ajar; all he can do now is stare and listen to the snake's seductive song. Kaa continues keeping the boy mesmerized with the flashes of color coming from his eyes, singing to the boy from a distance, he also swoons his head from side to side during his hypnotic lullaby, because, all the man-cub can do is stare at Kaa's eyes, listen to his seductive words, and grow dizzier from constantly moving his head in the direction Kaa moves his.

Kaa's tail approached Mowgli and started wrapping him. As soon as Mowgli was fully wrapped, Kaa's penis reached Mowgli's ass and penetrated trough it, in and out, but slowly. Mowgli was feeling it for the first time and enjoying it. We was constantly growing excited and moaning, screaming and gasping once in a while.

Kaa brought his blood-red Penis near Mowgli's mouth and said "Suck it, you will enjoy it". Mowgli sucked on it and was growing even more excited twice as fast! Ten minutes later, Mowgli was sweating, constantly moaning and breathing like a horse. Kaa unwind from him and told him to relax, by coiling on him and let him slide trough his coils. As Mowgli was sliding trough Kaa like a roller-coaster, Kaa ripped his briefs off and Mowgli was now naked.

Mowgli, still hypnotized and extremely horny, grabbed Kaa's tail and started sucking on it. Then he became uncontrollable and sexually excited. He was sucking Kaa's penis, putting his penis on Kaa's mouth, and penetrating Kaa's tail trough his ass. Kaa decided this was starting to get uncontrollable and the sun was about to rise. He fully wrapped Mowgli and massaged him. Then he hypnotized Mowgli and told him:

"Little boy, what'sss your name?" "My name is Mowgli" "Mowgli, asss sssoon ass you can essscape from Bagheera, come to my tree. The dessstination shall be inssside your heart. Once you get there, you shall expect eternal pleasssure. I will be waiting. Now sssleep!" "And asss for you Bagheera. Asss sssoon asss Mowgli disappears you too shall come to that tree, and meet me there. But for now, I mussst go to the real world, and meet my next victimsss. Good night." Mowgli and Bagheera fell asleep, and Kaa disappeared.