The Serpent's Lair

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Raiders of the serpent temple of pagan doom. By Histah

In the heart of darkest South America lies the ruins of the ancient city of Aporr. This once proud and thriving colony of ancient MU,has over the millenia fallen to disrepair and decadence. The males having degenerated into a race of swarthy half-men through centuries of inbreeding with tree sloths.Only the women remain beautiful, especially the priestesses of set and none are there more beautiful [or wicked] than Phu'Twalla the immortal High priestess.of the cult of Set, the ancient Hyborian serpent god.

White hunter Jake Drake and his wife,the firey tressed countess Olga seeking the legendary treasure of Aporr to finance the counter revolution that they hope will free her native Russia from the Bolsheviks were now the prisoners Cursing the bad luck that brought them to this state of affairs,"if only I hadnt eaten those mushrooms " he cried and would have beaten his chest in despair save for the ancient chains that held him to the wall of the dungeon .His shirt torn his muscular chest glistening with sweat he heaved against the bonds which bound him.

"Dont beat yourself up dahlink the cultists will do that soon enough" said the the countess.As if on cue the creaking hardwood door swung open and in walked two of the burly half men who were the mindless thugs of the cult followed by three of the scantilly clad acolytes Spake one;

Our high priestess has decreed that the woman is to be prepared for the ritual". At that the half~men stepped forward and seized the buxom noblewoman who screamed as she was dragged out of the dank cell struggling against her swarthy captors .

"Unhand her you bastards ! " bellowed the man, then one of the brutes returned and struck him unconcious with a mighty blow. "Ugh ungaa ! " spat the gnarled oafish subhuman and returned to the task of dragging the struggling redhead through the byzantine labrynth chortling mercilessly as she wept,"OH JAKE! what will I do ?' "you will feed our GOD !' cried the wild eyed acolytes in unison.

Brought to an antechamber of the altar room attended by the priestess Maligna, the countess was gropingly stripped nude by the bestial halfmen her already tattered jodpurs and blouse were completely torn to bits her panties stuffed into the loincloth of the largest of the brutes and held down as the acolytes annoited her with scented oils and slowly,ritually massaged her from head to toe.

At first she struggled but her efforts were reduced to writhing and sighing as the nubile acolytes expertly worked her ample breasts and quivering loins . "Drink now of this cup" commanded the priestess it will make it easier for you". Trembling she drank and almost immediately was diffused with warmth,Drugged and lethargic she was carried to the inner sanctum of the temple and laid upon the large stone altar on a swath of red silk ,contrasting her pale flesh as it glistened in the full moon's light ,the altar was arrayed before a huge pit which began to exhude a glowing green miasma.

To one side was a table with two golden vessels each identical to the other,into this scene strode Phu'Twalla the high priestess her raven tresses bound by a diadem of gold with one huge ruby gleaming at her forehead an a large feather rose above it beneath her cloak she wore only a scant thong barely covering her smooth shave mons a ritual dagger dangled at her side.

Chanting in an ancient tongue she slowly spun the table with the golden bottles turning to her prostrate captive Phu'Twalla spoke in fluent Russian," you have spurned me and now you must pay the price! you could have ruled by my side as my consort ,immortal as am I but instead you have chosen death " . The countess gasped, 'surprised? Yes I speak many languages and I have traveled throughout the outside world.For I am more than some mere barbarian adherent to ancient ways.The revolution in your homeland which I helped to foment and the great war that preceded it were my doing, plying that Serbian fool with absinthe and flattery until he truly believed it was his idea to assasinate archduke Ferdinand.

"Working behind the scenes for decades ,my master and I have plotted to destroy your pitiful,so called civilisation, to weaken and corrupt it so that WE shall ultimately rule!"the high priestess raved her eyes wildly gleaming in the semidarkness .

'And now your fate is at hand ,each of these vessels contains a different scent one is the mating scent of the snake~folk the other is the prey scent". I shall slather you with a mixture of each of these then my minions shall summon Set you will be his bride,then his dinner ". Clapping twice two of the hirsuite brutes appeared on a raised platform above the altar with a huge horn the mouth of which they lowered to the level of the altar " thus will my lord and master be summoned " she cried,as she poured a small amount from the two bottles into a bowl" The only thing that will save you from a fate worse than death,then death itself..... will be if you consent to be mine".

The countess tried futilely to move "NEVER!" she spat ' SO BE it!cried Phu'Twalla,then the raven tressed high priestess clapping her hands once again.One of he halfmen commenced to blow the horn the other beat a huge drum as the priestess ,again chanting in the ancient tongue of her ancestors lifted one of the vessels and poured the clear oily contents on the woman who lay upon the altar. The drug was starting to wear off and the countess was able to move slightly so she commenced to squirm trying to escape her twisted fate.

From within the pit a hiss echoing in the darkness faintly at first then growing louder then there emerged a serpent of such gigantic proportions as the world had not seen in ages. the lesser priestess and the nubile acolytes swayed on their knees beside it their faces raised to the moon their ululating cries a chorus to Phu'Twalla's husky chanting Set's eyes glowing light blue ,as the beast hovered over the prone woman it's massive triangular head and forked tongue flickering inches away from her glistening naked body.Then when all seemed lost ,Jake appeared vaulting from a low balcony above the altar he stood astride his shocked wife's supine form towering like a bronzed demigod the chains that had held him swinging over his head .

With a mighty cry of HOO--HAH! he struck the two halfmen down then he knelt on the altar and scooping up his wife in one muscular arm he stood as Olga wrapped her arms around his chest and kicked one bottle which struck Maligna and then the other which doused the acolytes jake seized the bowl from Phu'Twalla's grasp and poured it's contents on the startled high priestess then planted a booted foot between her ample breasts and pushed her unceremoniously onto her ass.

At this she shrieked "infidel defiler for that you shall DIE! then drawing her dagger she lunged toward the couple. But before she could reach them she was swept aside by a riptide of cool scaly serpent muscularity swiftly coiled from shoulders to hips her arms pinned to her sides.Beneath an undulating length of the snake ,the lesser priestess lay pinned, only her twitching legs visible as she was crushed and ,smothered under the undulating girth between her thighs, suffering the first fate thatPhu'twalla had planned for the countess.

As the snake coiled about the nubile teen acolytes he then seized each of one at a time gulping them down slowly as they writhed and shrieked, awash in saliva the first grabbed from behind,serpent jaws clamped over petite breasts.Lifted on high legs in the air,kicking as she slipped into set's maw to her pelvis,shaken vigorously and down she went with slurp a huge forked tongue langorously sliding across her pudenda. The next was head down in the serpent's embrace she was plucked feet first hoist atop a towering column of hungering herpetile to vanish in three gulps to mid thigh,armpits then gone The third acolyte,had managed to wriggle free of the coil and was attempting to clamber over the snake's back when a huge forked tongue darted between her tanned thighs extended up her abdomen til the fork of the moist thing came to rest against her throat and wrapped over each shoulder.She was then tossed shrieking into then grabbed out of the air.Sucked sideways into a gulping gullet her shrieks diminished to a crunching gurgle as the huge serpent jaws engulfed her wriggling nude flesh A great forked tongue rudely lapped and pushed her down his maw,as she too was swallowed alive.

Set then plucked Phu'twalla,picking her up by her rump.she was bent in half in the serpent's mouth engulfed to her sternum legs sticking out to either side as the snake's forked tongue flickered out between her quivering thighs and ample breasts.

"NOOOOOOOOO SET ~ NOT ME I AM YOUR SERVANT ! " shrieked the high priestess as the pair of them then vanished into the pit Phu'Twalla's screams a fading echo in the pit as snake,high priestess and miasma receded into the depths leaving Maligna's violated corpse and our heroes behind

Jake? how? " asked the dazed countess,"just lucky I guess" replied the adventurer "now we gotta go fast" and run they did as a mighty rumble ensued and the stone pillars of the temple started to topple "EARTHQUAKE" shouted Jake as he carried his beloved countess out of the crumbling structure and dashed wildly through the ruins of the ancient city to freedom as the dust and rumble of total destruction arose from behind them . "And now we have nothing but each other " said Jake "oh jake my dahlink as long as we are together thats all we need my love,but thats not all we have" she said as she raised her hand to show him the golden diadem with the huge ruby set in the middle of it. " Honey how?" asked Jake as he held her in his arms "just lucky I guess" she replied as their lips met in a passionate kiss.


"Cut thats a wrap!'yelled Brock Fletcher , "and not a moment too soon folks' he added .

Emerging from the pit Kristy Lincoln added "damn straight, who writes this fucking shit?" as she struggled with the wire harness ,then yelled " a little help here ,people!".Harold Shortsentrousers,the beefy swiss leading man said "this turkey better sell "replied Fletcher ,sure it will Harry, it'll be great when the computer graphic effects are done" and to himself (theres plenty enough tits and ass, it will sell alright ) . "Ya we shall see what we shall see"laughed Harold .

By Histah