The Serpent's Lair

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|- Coils' Lair
|- The Dreamer's Lair
|- B. Ferrett's Lair
|- Greg's Lair
|- Histah's Lair
|- Hypnosnake's Lair
|- The Junglerot Kid's Lair
|- Konstricta's Lair
|- Moe's Lair
|- Py's Lair
|- NW Raptor's Lair
|- Rayman's Lair
|- ScalyGirl's Lair
|- Summer's Lair
|- Viper's Lair
|- Vorister's Lair
|- Yasuda's Lair
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The Serpent's Lair

Welcome to the Serpent's Lair, Konstricta's site for snake, reptilian & peril stories. Contributors are always welcome

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Last Updates:

4th December 2007

Shock! Horror! An update! Three new stories: Movie Props 3, from ScalyGirl, and Alex 1 and 2 from the brand new Wrappedup.

18th November 2007

No, I'm not dead. Just unproductive.

I've not stopped writing though, but all the other things in life mean that it's very rare I have the time or the inclination to have a good session. Still, words and ideas continue to trickle out unbidden; eventually they'll become a story.

Looking through my inbox, I've been neglecting putting up stories other people have sent me; I apologise most profusely, and will try and get them online within the week.

27th May 2007

From me: Part 3 of my World of the Dragons series. From Histah, and competing for the longest title award, Raiders of the serpent temple of pagan doom. Thirdly, from a new writer, Kaa the Snake, Kaa Surprises Mowgli.

11th February 2007

Well, I'm really bad at this timely updating thing. Three new stories for your reading pleasure. One each from two new authors, A Different Story from Valdro, and Free Snake Skin Suit from another author, who may or may not wish to remain anonymous (if not, tell me so and what name you want to go by)

Also, one from me, Priestess. Another in the Lady Syn series, though more a confused schizophrenic collection of ideas pretending to be a coherent story instead of an actual story. Still, it has snakes and it has sex, so I guess it'll work for some people.

15th December 2006

No stories quite yet, anyone who has any they want to be put up, send them to me at, and I will do so shortly. For the moment, have my desktop background

27th November 2006

Well, that took longer than anticipated. Finally got internet today :D

6th August 2006

Too keep everyone informed, I'm currently without decent internet access. I'll work on writing while I'm offline, and hopefully put something up when I return, which should be around the start of October. Should still be able to keep up with email, if anyone wants to say hello.

1st July 2006

Life still goes on, unfortunately getting in the way of having fun. Am going on holiday tomorrow, which means a week without internet or computer, but also a week without sorting out jobs or houses or all that other stuff. There shall be updates when I return.

29th May 2006

Just a heads up to everyone that I won't be updating until mid-June. Somewhat busy at the moment.

12th May 2006

Chapters 4-6 of my dragon story are up. Lots of sex and violence in them, usually at the same time. If that's what floats your boat, good for you. You need to have read the introduction and part 1 first.

7th April 2006

I was planning an April Fool's joke. But a hard drive decided that March 31st was a good day to die, so it didn't happen. Didn't lose anything though, so all was well.

Two new stories from people other than me. Both came not long after my last (non-)update, but I haven't got round to putting them up until now. There is Felipe's Meal from Escobar Pantanal in the Other Stories section, and Sid 3 from Vorister.

6th March 2006

I've been ill and haven't written anything. No-one else has contributed anything for ages. So no update this month (yet).

4th February 2006

Another story with Syn, She Returns. It would appear that the first one I wrote isn't the first cronologically, so I've reordered them in my lair as appropriate.

Also, a certain someone wants me to point out how much she rocks.

14th January 2006

To make up for me missing December: Servants of Syn. Not so much a full story as a bridge between stories, it's a bit shorter than most of my stories have been of late. Definitely a character I'm having fun with, and hopefully she'll make more appearances in the future.

9th January 2006

Happy new year everyone. Was without my computer for most of December, got it back at the start of this month, so I've only just put up the first three chapters of my World of the Dragons series. Make sure you read the introduction first.

27th November 2005

(Just) keeping to the once a month schedule. I didn't think I had any stories but my own to put up, so I wasn't bothering. Except that I was wrong, apparently lacking the ability to read my email. So firstly, an apology to a new writer, Vorister, whose stories I should have put up ages ago.

More of my old stories are back online over in my lair, and I've also put up the introduction to the rewrite of my World of the Dragon series, as well as some more info on it on the home page of my lair. The first real part of the story should be ready at the start of next month.

Info on a couple more films, 'The New Devil in Miss Jones' and 'Honey Baby' has also appeared on my movies page, as usual supplied by the Junglerot Kid, whose dedication in forcing himself to watch all these films with women and snakes is an example to us all.

And of course, for the monthly update on where Py is today. Following a brief trip to Yahoo Canada, his group can currently be found on Wanadoo (after journeying all the way across the Atlantic), at So far it's stayed there for almost two months, so it looks promising.

4th October 2005

A bunch of my old stories are back online, in my lair. Also, one new story from a new writer, The Club

Also, Py's Yahoo club has been closed. He sent me a link to his new one, but in the day between his email and me writing this, the new one seems to have been closed too.

5th September 2005

Tung Lashor, a fan of the site, sent me links to a collection of snake & woman pictures to put online:

Liz Hurley

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Salma Hayek


Nastassja Kinski and her daughter Sonja

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Clare Kramer

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Fatima Moreira de Melo

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Devon Aoki


Rachel Weisz


Penelope Cruz


Rocio Guirao Diaz

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Anthea Turner

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4th September 2005

Just a quick note to say that Py's SuperHero stories are no longer hosted on my site, but are available from his Yahoo group at

3rd September 2004

I'm planning on aiming for a monthly update, this one would have been a bit earlier, but it was waiting for me to finish off my new story.

New this update is Movie Props 2, by ScalyGirl, and Lady Syn, by me.

Also, I've had cause to need to learn to use the GIMP over the last month, and to practice my skills I've coloured one of Coils' old artworks available from his site, and turned it into a wallpaper size. This is without permission, but I hope he doesn't mind. Available in 1280x1024, 1024x768 and 800x600.

29th July 2005

Hope everyone likes the new site design. I've got rid of the javascript, and simplified things up a bit, as well as changed to a more readable colour. It also plays nicer with Geocities' annoying advert bar.

There's a new author, ScalyGirl, as well as a few new stories from other people, but I forgot to keep proper records.

I'm away for a couple of weeks now, although I'll still be checking email. When I come back, I'll fix any problems which have been encountered, put up Py's SH stories (there were just too many of them to face doing), and work on some of my own. I'll also try and be more disciplined with updating.

For those who care, the reason I've been so slow in updating is simply due to the busyness of life. However, I'm glad to say that the hard work is paying off as well as I could possibly ask.

Sorry about the wait everyone, and thanks for sticking with me.

Any comments / problems / stories, email me