Get it Justo!
Hello and Welcome.

I've been spending more time on than on this site, but here is what is up with me!  I am selling my artwork on Ebay, and have been having quite a nice time with that.  Printing Printing Printing!  It's crazy.  Saving up for some nice travel time.  I'm looking forward to working the Michigan Ran Faire as usual, and hopefully the Bristol Ren Faire in Wisconsin.  I was there last year, and it is just too much fun!  You will have to come over and visit!

I've been working out, and we got a Playstation 2 from waiting in line all night at Best Buy when it premiered last October.  Let me tell you I just love love love buying all these DVD's.  It is too cool!  Darren and I are having a blast together, and we still live in Southgate.  We are working opposite shifts, but always find time to have fun and watch movies together.

My current goals are starting back up relationships with all the friends that are too damn busy with their jobs to hang-out.  If this means you, you had better start emailing me. Click that damn email button! Oh Yeah!

So far, big D and I are not making any crazy wedding plans, we enjoy being together as companions, so you will just have to wait longer for the most ultimate party that will grace this side of the Mississippi!  Have fun on the site, and don't forget to visit my store: Http://
Ok see you later!


All my mermaid artwork is for sale on Ebay, search 'by seller' Rynnakat
Please state the nature of Your Medical!
Darren and Kat, saving the Universe as usual, when we have time!

I really enjoy Star Trek Voyager, and most especially the EMH- Emergency Medical Holographic Doctor.  Robert Picardo is da coolest.  These two pics were done with Paint Shop Pro 6.
That's me as Kes, and Darren as the Doctor.
Me as the Borg Queen..I couldn't resist when I saw the photo.  Eww!
Ouch, this outfit sure is tight....
What?  You want more pics?  Then go up and click on Justo's Page or Artwork Page...Yay!
Where does it hurt?
Star Trek: Voyager is a copyright of Paramount Pictures.  No infringement intended by photo editing.  I love you man!
What are you looking at?
It took me about 2 hours of fiddling.  I started from scratch on Paint Shop Pro.  That program is slowly becoming my favorite.  I used a lot of retouch and one emboss to get the water effects.  Turned out pretty nice!
Awesome artwork here
Beware of Cute Kitty
very excellent tale of Love
Do it England!
You made it!
We muz do somezing...
Photo Page Rulez
Yes this is me, Aren't web-cams neat?
Beware! Shameless non- centered photos ahead!
Yep, looking hot and sexy here, I love the new Digital Camera..
Hot webcam photos...nyah nyah!
Kitty Justo loves his mom, and the webcam!
I love playing with the lighting to make myself into a hot model girl.  Woo hoo!
Justo kitty is frequently startled, and pissed by my photographic fits of picture taking...Check out that Lip!
Check for more info and current artwork stuff! Click on this text to get there...