Welcome to Agent Montreal's Website!
I go by the handle Agent Montreal. Because I find that so many of my
interests are already represented on the web, I did not pursue my first
intention of dedicating this page to one of those interests. I have,
instead, tried to make it generally useful. It contains pointers to
many of the sites that I have found to be of such service and
entertainment. Hopefully I have ended up with a page that is somewhat
more than a vanity deal! If you think you have a site that should be
here, tell me about it! I'll
look it over.
And now, the interests!
Earth 2
Like many other people in the world, I became fascinated with Earth 2
the first time I saw it. So much so that, several years later, I am still
involved with Earth 2 : Eden Advance,
and am actually chairing NewPacifiCon 2000! What are these things, you may ask?
Go to the E2EA homepage and find out!
There are many pages dedicated to Earth 2, and its various actors.
Here's a bunch of Earth 2 links.
Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time
If you like great works of fantasy, then you will like Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time.
Because it's such a popular series, there are many, many sites
dedicated to it. Here are just a few of my favourites.
Tor's official site
Kate's Robert Jordan Page
The Waygate
The Wheel of Time FAQ
C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia
I grew up reading the Chronicles of Narnia, almost literally. I first purchased the complete set when I was 10 years old, and I read it over at least once a year until I was 18. I have read it many times since then. It is almost impossible to describe - lyrical, beautiful, impossibly real. If you have children, give it to them; if you don't, read it for yourself. I have found relatively few sites regarding things Narnian, but here is the best of them:
Into the Wardrobe: The C.S. Lewis Web Site
Anne McCaffrey
It seems like all of the Anne McCaffrey sites that I can find are
dedicated to her world of Pern. Pern is, of course, a fascinating
world, and I'm quite fond of it, but Ms. McCaffrey has done other
things that are equally good. If you know of a site which is dedicated
to the author in general, or to some of her other works, please,
let me know.
Dragonhold - Underhill: The offical home page of Anne McCaffrey
The World of Pern - DelRey's official site
Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Adventures
Ah, Miles! I have never found another character so involving, so disturbing,
or so wonderful as is Miles. Not all of Bujold's books are about Miles, and
the characters in her other works are all wonderfully vibrant and real, but
I must admit that Miles is my favourite. Maybe it's just because she's spent
so much more time with him. I'm surprised that there is such a dearth of
information about this author or this series on the net; I expected much more.
If you have other sites on this subject, please
let me know.
The Bujold Nexus
R.A. MacAvoy's Tea With the Black Dragon
Ack! I can't find a decent site for this. I'll keep looking. If worse comes to worst, I'll make one!
I have had a fascination with dragons ever since I can remember. This fascination is what led me to read Anne McCaffrey's Pern series, R.A. MacAvoy's Tea With the Black Dragon, and from there many other fantasy books. I haven't given up on seeing one yet!
Here Be Dragons!
D.R.A.G.O.N.S. Home Page
The Realm of the Dragons
Dragons Cave
The Dragon's Realm
The X-Files
It's hard to find a show that's clever, witty, well-done, and still on the air! The X-Files have become a cultural phenomenon. I couldn't possibly list all of the sites that exist for the show; here are a few of the more notable.
The Official X-Files Homepage
Al's X-Files Page
Alien Ice Picktures Presents...
Autumn Tysko's X-Files Reviews
Order of the Blessed Saint Scully the Enigmatic
The David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade
Pet Peeves
I have so many pet peeves, I've been told I should open up a menagerie!
I thought that was kind of a cool idea, so here it is: my virtual pet
peeve menagerie.
It isn't that difficult to proofread emails or documents
before you send them out for the world to see. It makes it so much easier for
the rest of the world to understand you if you take the time to check your prose.
Here are some great links to help you out!
An online dictionary
An online thesaurus
An online encyclopedia
A list of some of the most common English errors
Garbl's Writing Resources On Line
Doesn't it drive you nuts when the car beside you decides to change
lanes without looking or signalling? When someone's more interested in
their phone call than in an upcoming stop sign? Or when someone in an
SUV thinks that having 4WD suspends the laws of physics? You are not
alone! Here are some sites with safe driving tips. They're
international, so the same laws may not apply, but sensible driving
habits tend to be of universal application.
Drive 2000
John Farlam's Driving-Skills Pages
Glynn Griffin's Driving Pages
The US Federal Emergency Management Agency's Fact Sheet on Winter Driving
Yes, bad manners. Common courtesy. I don't really care what fork you use
(I often don't know myself), but things like holding a door for someone,
saying thank you, or good morning, should not be beyond the reach of the
ordinary person. Child or adult, consideration for others should not be
regarded as a thing of the past.
A kinder, gentler world
Where Have All the Manners Gone?
Good Housekeeping: Etiquette for Today
Robert's Rules of Internet Order
All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten
I have a guestbook now, so I look forward to hearing from you net denizens!
Sign my guestbook View my guestbook
So far, I've had
Like everyone else, I have a real life. I will be working on this page
whenever I have the free time to do so.
If you have comments or suggestions, you can leave them in my guestbook, or email me at AgentMtl@yahoo.com
Be seeing you!
All artwork on this page is copyrighted by the various artists.