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Page II Rulers of the land! |
Human Races, guided by Gilian The wolrd of Krynn most varied interaction and less unity falls within the human race... The short life and find of purpose and a calling with an unbalanced mind between ambition and self purpose. The human race is divided into countless guilds, classes, and occupations. Main ones would be the Knight orders, mage guilds and cleric followers through the three paths of life, forming a ever growing variety to the children of gods. |
Knights The knight orders divise in variation. dividing to three groups, the knights of solomania, knights of takhisis, and the knights of steel. These three groups struggle to maintain the balance within Krynn, and within themselves as well, serving the three symboles of the rose, the skull, and the sword. |
Knights of Solomania The first of the knight orders, followers of the Code and the Measure, this order was once glorified and reveared and maintained the peace through Ansalon with honor and respect. But the order has befallen hard, the code grew old, and the stubbern order unwilling to adapt to the changes around them, they were persecuted and fallen, and with the raise of the dark knights the old code has become ever doubtful shaken by fear and questions. |
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Knights of Takhisis Knights of the Lily and Skull as known, with the fall of her dark majesty during the war of the lance, a solmanic renegade knight has come to form a new order, better and stronger than the knights of good. Formed by the old code and measure, and followers of honor and purpose serving her dark majesty, living in respect to their opponents and fellow knights, living in knowing of avoidance of the concept "evil turns upon itself" while ruling with a mighty hand but well balanced grudge. |
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Knights of Steel With the ending of the Chaos wars, and the death of the knight steel brightblade, a new order sprouts within. With the knights of darkness batteling alliance with the knights of light who are torn asunder. The new order sprouted with the turn to neutrality supposed to protect the purpose and maintain the balance, following a new code and their own measure of justice becoming the knights of the new generation. |
Mages The mages in power, followers of mystical powers, divide amongst their ambition between the three robes or classes of magic, the black robed, the red, and the white. Their own order seperated by principales and self perservation, they follow their own path, in their relation are closest to the gods calling upon them for spells and purpose. |
Order of the Black robes Followers of the dark goddes Takhisis or other as such. With the passing of the test a mage would endure the color of black robes due to their uncontrolled temper or ever growing dark ambitions and devotion to the power of magic itself which engulfs them. These mages are considered the most powerful of the three, but in terms also the most weakened as their powers are not served to create but only to destroy, but they are yet the most powerful and feared of the magic users to have ever stepped upon Krynn. |
Order of the Red Robes Forces of neutrality followers of Majere and Gilian. During the test in forging, giving into temptation and yet maintaining good cause within themselves. This is the most unsettled of orders which usually embarks the begining of true struggle between the two forces of the black and white robes riping a soul in forging for a greater purpose holding fates of a world in hand. |
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Order of the White robes followers of good and purity. While passing the test proven self loyalty and servers of right and others. This order is not of great power, but is wise and trusting and devotes itself to others and to their bretheren. This order is well served and bind in high connections with the high clerics in their order. |
Clerics founded with the powers of healing and mind vision, these are the faithful to the gods, but yet tilted and strength bound. The cleric powers have once banished from the world spared by the gods themselves when punishing the world below, and the return of the healing gifts came with the finding of the disks of Mishkal. with faith restored three wide orders of Clerics came about, the clerics of Mishkal, Paladine, and the dark clerics themselves as always tilting the balance shifting. |
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Clerics of Mishkal Clerics of healing in good, wearers of the blue robes and weares of the pendant of Mishkal. These are more field clerics spreading their healing powers across the continent in service of their goddes and are always in search for a calling. |
Clerics of Paladine The high order of clerics. Servers of the God Paladine, they hold the high political stance within the world of Krynn. Serving blessing and healing to those in need, are also known as seers and serve the people in loyalty but yet sometimes are blinded by light. the order forms its own questions and lives in search for answers. |
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The Dark Clerics Dark mages, users of dark powers within abyss. These unlike the wizards of the conclave direct their magic from the gods and not from the three moons and are considered renegades in practice of magic and find their force from the dark queen herself. They grant powers of enchantment and blessing upon the dark knights who serve her dark majesty and are considered the most dangerous of the three orders. |
DRAGONS children of gods, with the visiting of the gods upon Krynn their being spilited into the dragons, the dragons of good from Paladine, the bronze, gold, and silver. And the dragons of Evil from Takhisis, Black, Red, and Green, Blue and White. These creatures of might, some know them as legends returned to Krynn with the war of the Lance, and later on claimed rulership over Krynn. |
Dragons Of Good With Paladine coming upon the newly forged world the transforming of the Platinium dragon tips three scales, one bronze the other silver, and the third gold forming the three first dragon races at his serving. |
The Bronze dragons not the witful ones, or the large ones, these dragons are known to settle in under water caverens, these dragons are small, yet faithful to their masters, being quick in flight and sneaky in being. |
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Silver Dragons the graceful of dragons, wise and swift, serve in battle as well as in advice in serving Paladin's right arm. They are loyal and usually are in service of the solomanic Knights and generals, and are witful and consider options over force their strengths in the arcane arts and magic driving them to defeat their enemies with countless spells and enchantments. |
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The Gold Dragons The stronger and physically most intimidating of the good dragons, these dragons follow their strength enforced with their ferocity for battle, and are a competition to any dragon upon Krynn, serve loyalty to their generals, these dragons are focused in force and their struggle for good. |
Dragons of Evil With the entering to the world of the dark queen in form of the five headed dragon, the dragon of all colors and none. The five heads in symboling created the five Dragon races from the blue, green, black, white, and red. These due to their splitted powers drive a powerful force which was soon to drive to the first dragon wars against their bretheren and themselves. |
The Black Dragons Acid breathers, evil to the core, and users of dark magic, these dragons are not physically as intimidating as their bretheren, but their conning minds and evil plotting drive them wise and with trust amongst the dragons of Krynn, in guarding of the dark queen herself. |
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The Red Dragons The deadliest of dragons, fire breathers. They are massive in size and mostly brutal and mindless to mercy always thinking in their own benefit. They are not loyal in service to anyone, not their highlords, or their dark queen, and grant loyalty only to themselves driving the world of Krynn through fear and doubts in quest to enslave the continent. |
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The Green Dragons The most massive of dragons, their superior strength and brutality driving them to ruling and fear coarsing. These dragons tilt more toward neutrality, their worries for their own survival, they are strong in will and powerful in mind as well as in mass, and are one of the most feared dragons to fly the sky of Ansalon. |
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The Blue Dragons Desert rulers, brethers of ice and frost. These are wise and fearsome dragons, their loyal service to their purpose and highlord beckoning them a favorite dragon used by the Knights of Takhisis, they also drive closely to Neutrality and reason is a factor in place of thought, but they are yet one of the most fearsome dragons in the battle field and their leathal attack is ever stunning. |
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The White Dragons Dragons of the wind as some know them, they are the smallest of the dragon races, their wind frost breath a stalking weapon. They settle in the icewall mountain and their forces are best used above sea where they can use their summon wind forces to their benefit creating turmoils and storms within dark skies. These dragons are swift and decisive in action, and serve their purpose loyaly and are considered as the baby dragons of Krynn. |
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This is not all, the next page contains the information of the remaining races of Krynn, the aftermath races, including Draconians, Griffon, and centaurs. ENJOY, and please email me any comments or suggestions you might have, i'd love to hear from you at Dragonbane_11@yahoo.com. Enjoy the rest of your stay and follow through here. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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