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Astinus's Chambers
Well oh well, welcome to my chambers, here you will learn about the different types and classes of races who ever gotten to step upon Krynn. This section will divide the races upon the three original races to come upon Krynn. The Elves creatures of good, the Ogre creatures of Evil, and humans, creatures of neutrality. and with the sprouting of the races to follow from gnome, to Kender and Aghar. Enjoy your studies, and by god keep it quiet!
The Races!
Forces of good, followers of Paladine
The Elves!

The elven race divides amongst itself formed by the being of nauter all elves are endured for a long life period, and death of anything to be living is considered desecration without purpose and is grieved. Including plants and animals. The elves were once united under one flag following the peaceful order of Paladine, being hunters and rangers at most, but with the turmoil wars to follow and the Kinslayer wars, the elves seperated amongst themselves to the Kagonisti, Dragonisti, Silvanisti, and Qualinisti Elves which seperated into kingdoms.
The Kagonisti

The ancestors as you might call them, the Kagonisti elves are the only ones to keep their old customs and tribal conditions. Living amongst nature with a gift of communicating gap amongst the animals. The Kagonisti are the last descendant to the old customs which made the elven kingdom once great. Now they hide amongst the plains and mountains their existance varied and are considered almost to be the barbarian race of the elven dynesty.
The Dragonisti

The forgotten elves as some may call them, this race is seperated from the rooting of the world. driven by purity, these elves have the gift of shape shifting and breathing under water. Sea elves if you may, their population is centered within the blood sea, but they are driven by legend and only few have actually come to interact with the forgotten race, and legends sprout in forms of maremaids and dolphin shifters to come and form this once glorious race.
The Silvanisti

The warrior race, rulers of the silvanisti forest, the silvanisti are one of the dominent forces in the ansalon elves. The effect of wars and the humanity around them, driven them a bit afar from the light of purity, but they still serve loyalty to Paladine, but believe more in the arts of war and are known for their strategy and fierce temper. The devestation of Lorac's nightmare though, a force which turned their homeland shattered has brought them upon struggling to maintain hold of their own territory and also maintaing that peace with their long brethren the Qualinisti.
The Qualinisti

The graceful elves, geniouses in politicts and the art of crafts they are probably the most graceful and known of the elven race. Living isolated in the elven city Qualinisti, they are controlled by the speaker of the suns and their somewhat coward like approach in coming with the raging wars gave them many enemies including their neighbores the Silvanisti which they struggle for alliance. The Qualinisti snobbish political approach is what might bring to their down fall
Forces of Evil, followers of Takhisis
The Ogres

The brutal of the races, twice as big as a man, and with the strength of giants but yet flawed by mind. This race developed in its ambition to punishment and security with the development of the goblin, minotaur, and irda. the ogre's respect in Krynn has become dwindled and weak, but they serve with ferocity and loyalty to dark gods with ambition to serve her the world with her return.

With the sprouting of the minotaur, the god Sargonnas brother to Takhisis gave his own adaptation to the ogre race with the mix of a bull. These creatures, powerful and as well as the ogre witless, were still a contribute to the war forces, but the storm which created this race was imprinted with the wondreous sense of direction and sailor ability. This race settled away in its containment to the island Mithas at blood sea, and their united flag stands high as though they turn to the god of war for guidance but tilt toward neutrality.

the development of study amongst the Ogre races became a flaw, an alchemist and cleric to the ogre tribes tried to create spawn to form armies, and with the eggs of toads instead of dragons they developed the minor race, the race of goblin. Stupid, ugly and foul smelling, the goblin were a useless tool in battle, but their devotion and large numbers came to swarm and grow upon Krynn, and the green skinned short maggot creatures now travel as rougues and thives, robbery and murder in the lowest of classes their occupation.
The Irda

Gilian seeing the forces going unblanaced gave his own twist within the ogre sprouting. The Irda, wise, and beatiful, superior to all races, found strength in being with their magical powers and adaptation to nature. but the hunt for their strength became a swave, and the Irda leaders which found fighting below them, decided to avoid the conflict and banished to their own lands. With the years their population dwindled and the Valin was created to mate them. And with the time of the Chaos wars when they found that their existance could not be hidden from the world no more, they again decided instead of fighting for their rights to try to escape it and shattered the gray gem which released Chaos himself, and as in punishment the Irda race was forever terminated for their selfishness and cowardice.
Forces of Neutrality children of Reorx

Reorx after forging the world, created the world, and with the help of Gilian created the human race to pass his knowledge of the art to them as he leaves the world. But the humans turned greedy and used their powers for evil. Reorx in his anger punished the humans for their misguidance and created a sub race of them, of ever thinkers, the gnomes a pack who's ever busy mind will always work in turmoil inventing gadgets of sorts that would never work. Then with the trickery by Takhisis, Reorx forged the Graygem, and the little gnomes ventured after it, as known in the tale, but it had unexpected effects and splitted the little race into the Kender, Dwarf, and later on Aghar, making the variety of Reorx's children ever varied.

From effect of encounter with the graygem they gnome race splitted amongst itself, the curious and adventurious side of them becoming what is known as the Kender. The irrepressablie innocent in heart small slim race, has come to mind with adventure and trouble. Kender are immune to fear, and always are in seek in adventure, and with a never settled curious mind and quick hands, they are the masters of lockpicking, sneaking, and cutpursing. But due to their curiousity and innocense by heart, the Kender never intend harm, and are quite shocked when with the turn of the day they find their pouches filled with wandreous items from unknown sources, but with their ever bounded imagenation they always seem to come up with a good story or excuse to sneak their way out of trouble. They master survival amongst their selves, and venture the world of Krynn unnoticed and sometimes even avoided, but they always seem to know how to find a good time, or are worry free and adventure bound.

The Graygem seperated the gnomes to another race, the greedy and ambitious amongst them became the dwarves. Driven by a fury temper the dwarves are more of a warrior state of a character. They were seperated though, with the fall of the fiery mountain during the Cataclysm, the dwarven race seperated into half. Those within the mountain became to be known as the dark dwarves, the Thorbodin dwarves who were battle dwarves who admired gold and steel and isolated themselves within the mountain closing its path. Their bretheren the Hill Dwarves were a more artistic in nature settling in houses and devoting themselves to the work of the forge or craft, they were quite skillful and came to interact with the races around them such as the elves and humans. The grudge held between these two races grew ever fiercer and the brothern hatred unbareable, falls in significanse in the questioning of survival of this race.

The lower race! The union of Gnome and Dwarf was proven unbared as the offspring came to be un unlikeable result. And the mix between races was soon prohibited. But a new race has formed the aghar, also known as the gully dwarves. Living in the ditches of society and disgusting amongst the civilized world. The Aghar were forced to find place in the ruins. Even thought primitive and simple, they lead a simple life amongst their tribes and do not hold a grudge and are ever freindly.
NO, this is not all of it, continue through here to advance to detailed coverage of the different human classes from Mage to knight and dragons. ENJOY the rest of your stay.