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Chapter III |
Feral woke up to the sound of singing birds. |
“Oh my god, I overslept!” she cried, hopping to her feet. She eyed her surroundings and happily discovered that the Minotaur was still lying asleep, his broad nostrils making a whistling sound. She found Jatson and Sylvia then, the girl laying on her side, the strong man resting a comforting arm around her. But there wasn’t a sign of Tik, and all she found that showed he was even there was his white fur vest that he apparently left behind to serve her head as a pillow. Feral, seeing the fire begin to run out, decided heartily that it would be a good idea to get some firewood, study the area and, if lucky, even find Tik. |
She picked up her belongings and gave a leap and strolled on into the woods, hopping over the powered Minotaur who blocked her path. For a brief moment then she wondered amusingly if the Minotaur might have caught and devoured little Tik in his sleep, but canceled that thought of the Kender being chewed and swallowed as she spotted little foot tracks up ahead. |
“Tik!” Feral found herself calling with a laugh and quickly followed the footprints, her eyes flickering with curiosity. |
She followed the tiny tracks, which came clearer with every step, and after a few minutes of walking she found him, or at least she thought she did. She reached a small clearing, the forest river stream passing through it, shining in the morning sun, and on its limits Feral managed to spot the Kender’s pouches(or at least she assumed they were his). She strolled down, curious and excited and started to get disappointed when there wasn’t a sign of the older Kender, but instead found amusement as she took hold of the various pouches, spilling their contents to the forest floor. Feral then wonderingly browsed through the filled pouches, finding countless items in which cluttered the space within the stuffed pouches. She found a variety of items, including a silver bell, a wooden (seemingly Elven) marked spoon, a rabbit’s tail, a used paint brush, a Jasmine flower, a two small daggers, a couple of colored candles, ale mugs, leaves of sorts for herb use, various sweet smelling liquids, some jewels, various coins, and the list went on…. But what caught Feral’s attention was Tik’s collection of locks. He had a vast collection of small locks and big locks, light and heavy, silver and gold, of all shapes vibes and texture; all spread now at Feral’s feet. |
She gave a smile as she spotted the lock that Tik knocked open the day before at the Inn. She lifted the heavy item and with a small twist stuffed her thumb in the keyhole trying awkwardly to repeat the motion she saw Tik use on it earlier with such dexterity. Her effort though brought her no success, and with frown the Kender tossed the large lock to the ground in a fury, shifting her attention to the other objects within the pouches. |
“My sun stone!” Feral released a cry as she spotted the shiny orange stone within one of the other pouches, and as she gave a reach for it her eyes aught on to another object which caught her interest. |
By the small sunstone was a lock of red hair, tied in a blue velvet ribbon. Feral caught hold of the shiny rock and touched her own hair, streaming down her back, tied in a fashioned Kender girl topknot. She rubbed the ribbon-tied hair lock smiling amused, she let it twine between her tiny fingers, and she held it up giving it a sniff. Her focus was shifted though as she suddenly felt a hand tap her shoulder gently. She, in panic and in instinct, leaped up, came to a stance and with a quick swing charged the character with her Chapak, confused and dazzled. Tik, who was returning from refreshing himself, stood behind Feral, his face now clear from dirt and his big brown eyes shining with wonder. His brown hair, tied in a costumed topknot swung on his back as he eyed Feral from the end of the clearing. He gave a smile then and sneaking came behind the unsuspecting Kender girl but was struck by surprise when she charged at him with her Chapak swinging, nearly baffling his ears to stance. But his Kender instincts reacted for him and, being used to characters charging at him, Tik with a sway movement pulled out his Hopaak, instincts guiding to block the powered and yet clumsy blow and with another tilt sent the Hopaak under her legs, tripping Feral and sending her off-balance. With a cry, Feral struggled to maintain control but her own glow kept her unevenly paced and she fell with a splash, rolling straight into the ice cool water, her head going straight under. Tik rolled on the ground laughing as Feral struggled back to her feet; her red hair soaking wet glided upon her tiny shoulders. |
“Are you OK?” Tik his eyes watering from laughter managed to release the question with a |
Shriek. Feral ignored the giggling Kender and, upset, drew herself out, her boots water-filled and her tunic sagging; she sprung out and settled on a rock, frowning. Tik rose up eyes shining and swiftly hopped beside Feral who gave him a nudge as he came near, and he smiling reached for his small backpack, unfolding a small grassy green cloak. He smiled and offered it to Feral, whose fiery eyes were still focused on him angrily. Feral didn’t resist or budge as Tik enwrapped her with the warm cloak. She gave a touch to her hair in effort to clear it from her eyes and with a reach pulled a small shell comb from her little belt, being colored bright red. |
“Here, let me help you with that!” Tik leaped forward with a grin, and Feral tried to pull away, but the older Kender was faster and more accurate than herself, and he pulled her arm away snatching the little comb out of her reach. Tik flashed a quick hand through the crimson red hair, the comb thrusting pulling the hair back in tiny waves. Feral tried to frown but found herself smiling instead and Tik then with a finishing reach into his pocket pulled a shiny pin and stuck it in the misty red hair, tying it back in a perfect topknot. |
“There, done!” Tik announced, smiling broadly, sprouting off to arrange his scattered pouches. |
Feral was still wet but the chill was gone, so she threw the small cloak back on the rock and turned on the clear waters eyeing her reflection. Her face was clear; her tunic a little dirty from the smoke foam, and her hair was fitted perfectly back. |
‘I almost look pretty,’ Feral thought and then gasped as she saw the shiny pin. A crystal flower was stricken through her hair, glistening in the sun colors. It was delicate and rare and shone as a glowing star from within the red misty hair. Feral released an astonished smile, admiring her new pin, and then splashing away her reflection turned happily to join Tik. |
“What happened to your hand?” Feral nearing the older Kender suddenly viewed his scorched hand, and settling beside him on her knees she grasped his hand gently, eyeing the wound with interest. Tik gave a short shriek and bent a knee beside Feral with a cry; his hand carried a burnt scar running across the little palm, the bandages on it racking off from the apparently fresh wound. |
“It’s from last night, the big lock seemed to have absorbed the heat from the raging fire, so when I grasped it burned me. I think it would be smarter if I grabbed a sword in forging.” Tik offered an acknowledgment with a weak smile releasing a sob as he tried to pull his hand away, still eyeing Feral who kept hold of his wounded hand. |
“I’m sorry about your hand, and I’m sorry for charging at you earlier,” Feral lowered her head avoiding the Kender’s eyes. |
“Nah don’t worry about it, happens all the time, the charging part at least, and my hand will be fine.” Tik cheerful now smiled down and pulled the small bandages covering his wound. |
Feral smiled back and helped Tik wrap the bandage accurately around the wound with a cut, and only then she noticed the unusual silence of the woodland. |
“So you usually sleep in for long?” Tik asked, smiling, beginning to gather his scattered items. |
“Only in good hands!” Feral smiled in reply. “Why, how was your sleep?” |
“Oh I didn’t sleep well, I kept having this strange feeling as if the Minotaur would eat me alive. And as interesting as it sounds being inside a Minotaur’s mouth, I don’t think I could stand the stench,” Feral released a laugh hearing this, and smiled happily at the Kender, still attempting to dry her small leather boots. |
Tik gathered the last of his acquired items and Feral settled down, eyeing him with wonder. His face was line stricken, and he was apparently older in appearance, but his big brown eyes were ever youthful. His movements were graceful and yet timid, and there was a spark about him, something different. Feral wondered why she never saw him before in her years passed in Kendermore. |
“So…” Feral asked with a sigh. “Did you find anything in those maps of yours?” Tik smiled as Feral removed her gaze, and with a quick hand reached to his backpack removing a misty scroll. The map unfolded six times reaching a poster size, revealing detailed sketches and a complete coverage of the plains of Ansalon with the drawn hills and craters through the land. |
“Wow! This is quite nice, Tik, have you really been to all these places?” Feral admired the folded scroll as she passed an easy finger over the label titling of Sancrist, Qualinisti, Solace, Solamnia, Balifor, and Silvanisti all accompanied with different notes and remarks joined beside them. She giggled slightly then when she came upon the label of ‘Inn of the Flaming Keg’ and beside it in swerve letters noted, ‘No longer in existence, victim to its own bad name!’ She laughed and passed her eyes once more upon the carved map. |
“Why do you have Kendermore circled in red?” Feral gave notice as she eyed the Kender capitol, marked with red glowing chalk bead. |
“Well, all the places that I am not welcome, I mark in red.” Tik finished, recollecting his items and a few others included, and settled above his map studying the lines. Feral eyed the older Kender, puzzled, but determined, and persisted, her eyes still upon the red mark on his map. |
“Umm… then why is Kendermore the only place bearing a red mark?” Tik raised his glance and for once he didn’t speak but seemed to be wandering in deep thought, and then with a sigh he offered no more than a weak smile and with a reach turned the map sideways facing him, pointing an airy finger. Feral’s face somewhat darkened, wondering at Tik’s concealment, but she gave a tiny shrug and settled by Tik’s shoulders eyeing his directions. |
“Well if I’m right, the main road will be to our east, and here, to the bit North-West there is Qualinisti, and Phax Tharkas to the south east.” |
“So where do we go then?” Feral stared up with questioning eyes, tilting her hair backward as it came to cover her eyes. |
“Well Qualinisti isn’t much of an option with the dragon overlord and even nastier elves there, and nothing to find in Phax Tharaks except ruins and a huge Aghar colony, quite a smelly place.” Tik passed his finger upon the choices his mind wandering and Feral uncomfortably removed her gaze from the Kender’s face as she came to study the map. |
“What’s here to the north between the woods and Solace?” Feral gave a question dragging an easy finger upon the trail of woods drawn on the map, and eyed Tik as he rose a brow focused. |
“I can’t say for sure, but before we go anywhere we have to find out where we are now, and since there is no wind to determine direction, that means that our best choice is to go explore.” Tik smiled at his mentioning and tucked his folded map back into his backpack; Feral smirked as Tik helped her rise to her feet. |
“Exploring it is!” Feral leaned strong on her bladed Chapak releasing a laugh, and with a swift hand tossed Tik his wooden Hopaak, and with a leap ran down the trail, Tik racing beside her, watching her hair swerve in waves through the midday wind. |
* * * * |
“NO, we are not going after them, bottom line, end of argument!" |
"But Jatson, we owe them, they saved us in the inn, and they probably know these lands much better than any of us." |
In the same forest camping site, Jatson and Sylvia awoke and they quite quickly noticed the Kenders’ departure. Now an argument raged on between the two as of how to handle the new situation. The Minotaur as well, now awakened, eyed the couple argue and nodded his head trying to catch a glimpse of the words being spoken. |
"If to remind you Sylvia, we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn’t for the Kender to begin with. They are nothing but trouble. Believe me, I know!” Jatson raved his argument and pointed trying to hilt his sword to his now scorched belt and he buried his boots in the sand, frowning as the belt tightened around his broad waist. |
“Well, its there I think you are wrong. There’s something different about these two, especially the girl. There is something in her eyes, I can tell.” Sylvia pulled the tiny leather black finger gloves, and placed them on her hands stretching herself, trying to remove the sleeping web from her tired body. |
“Well that’s just fine here lady! But I warned you, and I’m not going to fight this one for you. Me and bull-boy over here will stay and keep watch over the camp.” The Minotaur gave a snorting sound at Jatson’s reference and fell silent not speaking a word, listening intent. |
“Its settled then! I shall meet you back here on mid eve’s, with sun down.” Sylvia gave the warrior a slight kiss on the forehead and springing foreword a dagger to hilt followed the obvious foot tracks disappearing quickly within the woods, her dark hair weaving. Jatson stared bluntly after the tall woman, and with a frown settled reviving the fire, the Minotaur staring at him silently. A few moments passed, minutes perhaps, and the unbearable silence broke as Jatson rose to his feet in a swift movement eyeing the Minotaur now and kicked the dirt upon the small fire dwindling it to ashes. |
“Gather your stuff bull-boy, we’re going after her, and to find ourselves some Kender!” |
* * * * |
“Are you sure we’re going the right way?” Feral asked as she unfolded Tik’s map once more, trying to study their location. “Look Tik, by the time we were walking considering, we should be reaching the borders of Qualinisti by now, and well, we don’t seem to be anywhere!” Feral examined Tik’s eyes as he turned to respond. |
“Well I don’t see any arrows flying, so I’d guess we’re not going that way, what about this?” Tik turned the map upside down and pointed up a spot to the midst of the woods. |
“Well that’s an option, but where is this?” |
“Well by accurate standards, you can say its nowhere,” Tik smiled gloomily as Feral dropped her mouth open. |
“Nowhere! You got us lost in the middle of the woods?” |
“Lost? Of course not, what kind of a Kender would I be?” Tik rushed aside his eyes smiling, and Feral, still confused, followed him. |
“So where are we?” Feral crossed her arms across her chest pouting with a penetrating gaze. Tik smiled innocently and raced between the brushes, Feral followed suit her skipping light. Then finally as in moment of dusk the sunlight came through the trees, and the two Kenders stood within a clearing, the silent woods engulfing their surroundings. The two took halt staring ahead, there within the woods a huge bark tree stretched to an incredible width and upon it, almost hidden by the thick branches, was a wooden cabin house. It was colored in faint peeling white, with a ridiculously colored roof, the chimney releasing a colorful mixture of colors that blended with the bright sky fading into dust. The two Kender stood at the end of the clearing. Feral eyed the strange structure wonderingly, and Tik beside her stared with big round eyes. |
“See, I told you we were somewhere!” Feral gave a warning glance at the giggling Tik, and with a swift hand smacked him playfully on the back of the head as Tik smiled, lowering his head scratching. Then, gathering his belongings, Tik took an easy step toward the clearing. |
“Where are you going!”? Feral chased beside Tik. |
“I’m going to pay a visit of course,” Tik replied maintaining his step as he reached the tree base. |
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Feral persisted as Tik turned his step. |
“See what your problem is Feral! You worry too much, and besides, you said it yourself, we need directions, and I’m sure whatever thing would choose to live in such an ugly looking house probably knows his way around here, what do you think?” Tik glared at Feral whose face turned crimson red and with a frown and a weak smile she strapped on the twining vines and began to climb after Tik. Tik scrambled his way up with dexterity and ease reaching a little hand down helping Feral up to the wooden plank. |
The airy building seemed more ridiculous up close than it seemed from afar. The walls were tinged yellow, the paint peeling from age, and it seemed fumbled and old, the roof base crashing down. Tik took an easy step, the old wooden flooring making a crackling sound beneath his feet, he gave a final approach and stood upon the wooden door glancing back. Feral tried to protest but Tik signaled her quiet, and with a easy hand pushed the door open silently releasing a cold breeze from within. The door opened slightly, and no signs of life seemed to come from within. |
“Tik, you really sure we should be going in there?” Feral’s curiosity suddenly dwindled as Tik took an easy step reaching his Hopaak to push the door open. Tik now accustomed to Feral’s nudging ignored her question and pushed the door, opening it with a shrieking sound. Sunlight poured into the small hut, revealing a simple structure containing a fireplace, chair, bed, and a small counter. There within the lighted room, settled upon the counter, his back turned, was an old fumbled man, and beside him on a wooden |
staff that leaned on the crackling wall was an owl, eyeing the entrance where the Kender stood uneasily, staring bluntly in. Tik took a quick step then, and Feral who wanted to give protest found herself following him unbalanced, eyed the owl who returned a deepening gaze. |
“Excuse me sir, but it seems we are quite lost, and we saw this hut and well it sort of seems like…” |
“WHO IN THE ABYSS ARE YOU?!?” The old man, about twice as tall as Tik himself, rose to his feet, his shining white beard falling to his waist revealing wise eyes and a angry yet surprised look. Tik flew a step back avoiding the man’s upset gaze; he saw the green blue robes, apparently old and battered, wrapped around him fashionably. The old man transferred his gaze once upon the Kender girl, then again upon the older Kender his eyes questioning. |
“Wasn’t that door locked?” the old man gave a statement eyeing the open door and returning his gray eyes upon the Kender. |
“Was it? Well good thing I came along because apparently it is not functioning properly. If you wish I have a whole collection of locks, the best too, I could give you one.” Tik shuddering, mumbling, managed to shake off his immediate shock and spoke easily chattering with a quick hand reaching into his pouches. |
“How about you just give me my old one back?” the old man resorted pointing at the door, and surprisingly enough the lock was missing of it. Tik thought of the silly logic of returning a damaged lock but with a shrug reached into his pouches until he found what he thought to at least be the right one, and with a small hand reached returning the small lock. |
“Are you a wizard? Eh sir..?” Tik asked bluntly as the old man took hold of the tiny lock, placing it on his belt. The old man ignored the question though, and kept his eyes focused on the two Kender still questioning. |
“Do you two have a name? Or do you just like asking a zillion questions and barging into people’s houses?” Tik sprung down hearing the question and with spirit turned to introduce himself. |
“Tik Lockpicker! Son of Earwig Lockpicker!” |
“Fascinated,” The wizard released a sarcastic remark and turned to eye Feral who hadn’t spoken a word since the beginning of the strange conversation. “And you, lady Kender, do you have a name or should I just call you Ms. Lockpicker?” Feral blushed at the man’s words and lowered her gaze. |
“Eh…. The name is Feral Sunchaser, sir.” Feral released a whisper trying to sound as polite as she could, her gaze uneasily shifting to avoid the staring gray eyes. |
The old man’s face shifted from a temporary anger to a settling amusement as he released a sigh and turned his back, returning to his work upon the counter with the two Kender beside him. |
“So what brings you to barge upon my door step, dire Kender? And please, give me a short version of it!” The old man settled his heavy body upon the counter working in what appeared to be the mixing of herbs. |
“Well you see, we came from the Inn of the Burning Barrel, and well we had some sort of incident there and it brought us to these woods; and well me and Feral thought to explore, only we got lost. You really should keep some sort of signs around here you know, would be much easier to find your way-” |
“KENDER!” The old man turned from his seat and gave Tik a piercing glare. |
“Get on with it!” |
“Oh yes! Well, um, anyway, we wandering around and you can say we kinda stumbled upon this place, so here we are.” Tik finished his short revision, his eyes wandering to some shiny object he spotted in the old man’s belt. The old man stared at the Kender for a long time as if is considering this story, and then, seemingly relaxing, he released a weak smile, his figure dwindling a bit. |
“Well, my apologies then. My name is Fizar Nuturius, and that over there,” |
Fizar gestured to the owl perched on the staff, “ is my feathered friend Lark.” |
“Fizar? Does that mean anything?” Tik released a question, his gaze focused on the old man’s eyes. |
“Well yes it does, the Kagonisti refer to it as ‘Wizard of the Moon’.” Fizar smiled slightly as he reached a hand to pet the misty owl that didn’t shift its gaze from Feral who stared back wonderingly. |
“Really? A wizard? I was once met a wizard you know, but he wasn’t half as pleasant as you thought; we had some certain misunderstanding about this orb that happened to be following me.” |
Fizar released a laugh and shifted his gaze back to Feral, extending a skinny hand to tap her shoulder. |
“I’d be careful Kender girl, owls have a certain lust for shiny things,” |
Fizar pointed out as he saw Feral approaching the bird, and tapped her on her crystal pin. Feral blushed tugging her new pin and then gasped as a thought rushed through her head. |
“Tik! What about the camp, don’t you think we should get back?” Tik rose his head, pondering that new idea, and Fizar, his beard muffled, turned his questioning gaze once again upon the Kender. |
“You have company?” |
“Well actually yes, you see we got in this odd deal of a fight last night and they happened to be there and…” |
“A fight? Wait, you are the ones who torched the Inn of the Flaming Keg, aren’t you?” |
Fizar got to his feet, gathering his last flask in a container, and stood up to his full height as the two Kender grew worried at his reaction. |
“Well torched isn’t really the right way to put it, you see it wasn’t really our fault! We were attacked first, and then those stupid knights came and there was a mess and they got Jatson pinned down and things were going real bad, and…” |
“Jatson!?!” |
The wizard gave a startled gasp, interrupting the chattering Kender. Suddenly he reached aside into the closet door pulling out a marble carved staff with a moon shaped handle clutching a crystal at the top. The two Kender eyed the fumbled wizard as he grasped a tiny backpack and stuffed his belt with different herbs and components. Feral got worried somehow and took hold of Tik’s arm pulling him back with mumbling words directed toward the heated wizard. |
“Eh… Sir, thank you for the hospitality and everything, but I think we should go looking for our companions.” Suddenly the wizard whirled around to face the kender. |
“No need! They are already in search for you! Come on, I’m coming with!” |
Tik and Feral wondered at the wizard’s words and wanted to offer a reply but kept silent as the old man reached aside to his robe pocket pulling out a pointy hat fashioned to the wizard orders. He pulled the hat onto his graying head and headed through the door with a heavy step, the owl with a screech following flight. Tik pulled his shoulders with a shrug as Feral eyed him questioningly and then figuring their choices they followed with a quick step after the old man who, funny enough, already reached the bottom, walking quickly through the forest path, the Kender following with a hurried step. |
The two Kender beside the old wizard traveled swiftly through the woods and surprisingly the old man gave an easy path, which almost seemed to open with his approach. They continued like that for an easy hour: the owl circling above, the old man leaning on his marble staff the two Kender beside him. |
Finally with the turn of the hour and the sun finally setting the old man stopped abruptly; the owl sitting still on one of the lower tree branches. |
“Why did we stop?” Feral tried to release the troubling question. |
“Hush Kender!” The Wizard directed a baleful eye toward Feral, his gaze shifting. Tik as well wondered at the sudden halt and stared around, his senses sharpening, and then he sensed the tilting bushes. He tried to release a warning but his call was cut short as their stalker suddenly sprung from the bushes releasing a battle cry. Fizar took the attack with meager surprise; his ribs received a fury fist, but his experience set him to block the second blow, and with another swing of his powerful staff he whispered a lethal word and his swing swept the attacker off its feet. Feral saw the short attack, she eyed the old wizard with unusual strength swing the light staff under the attacker’s feet, and was shocked as the fighter fell with a thug, a wind force coursing through the powerful staff not even making contact with the body. Then she looked down and with a gasp recognized the attacker’s features. |
“Sylvia!” She cried, leaping forward. |
But her call went unheard as another character leapt from the brushes; with his sword drawn he attacked the wizard, cutting his blocking swing. Fizar, a bit surprised eyeing the woman underneath him, her body struggling against his wind hands spell which pinned her aimless to the ground, brought him to a weak position. His second attacker sprung in front of him, muscles wide, his sword pointed straight at Fizar’s neck, holding him put. Fizar found no end to this one so he dropped his staff and with a sigh released his hands to his sides feverishly. |
“Don’t push it old man, this isn’t a good day!” |
Tik recognized Jatson’s deepening voice, and then saw the Minotaur following out of the brush. Fizar stood put as Jatson held the sword fast, the point directed to his neck. |
“Is this how you beggars usually make your day? Robbing old men and Kenders through the woods?” Fizar released the wind hands spell effects as he spoke, and Sylvia rose, struggling with the Minotaur’s strong arm for support. |
“We are not robbers or beggars! I came looking for the Kender which you have seemingly abducted.” Sylvia turned, still shaken from the spell, eyeing the Wizard. |
“Abducted? Kidnap a Kender? What for? Have them count and rearrange my pouches maybe?” |
“Hey!” Tik tried to remark defensively but the wizard carried on. |
“Well my lady, if you had in mind that I’d kidnap a Kender fold, you must be as crazy as the topknotted guy over there!” Tik thought of objecting that remark as well but he was pulled back by Feral, who focused on the heating argument. |
Sylvia stepped back also, a flush running through her cheeks as the wizard gave his remarks bluntly, the warrior’s sword still held fast to the old man’s neck. |
“I’d watch my mouth if I were you old man!” Jatson shifted his balance, fury stricken, tightening his grip. |
“No, I’d watch that toy you’re holding dear boy, or is it of amusement that you point that thing at me?!?” Fizar now stood tall, his eyes glowing with a furious spark that gave Jatson an uncomfortable feeling, yet he still held his stance. |
Tik, getting kind of bored by the verbal exchange leaped forth, calling upon Jatson who instinctively shifted his attention for a swift moment, but that moment was all Fizar needed. |
“Fizarak!” The Wizard whispered a word, and with a swerve aghast, Fizar’s staff, wind struck, took flight, and with full force collided with a bang into the armed steel. |
Jatson released a shriek as the lightning force struck his sword arm through his own weapon; but somehow he managed to maintain hold of his sword. Fizar, now in control, grabbed the lightning struck staff and swept the unbalanced Jatson off his feet, sending him to the ground his sword falling beside him. This time the Wizard did the threatening and held the still-sparking staff in a menacing manner over Jatson’s chest. |
“Don’t even think about it!” Fizar gave a warning glance toward Sylvia who recovered from her shock, and then at Jatson who tried with a grasp to reach his sword. |
“You see, Jatson Shadowglade, you were right about one thing. It isn’t a good day for you, seeing that you were just knocked afloat by an old man.” Fizar, his glance and tone more amused, stepped back from the startled |
Jatson, his staff still tightly gripped in both hands. |
“Do I know you? How do you know my name? Who in the abyss are you?!?” Jatson questioned, struggling to get up but amazingly finding himself forcefully pinned to the ground. |
“No questions, warrior!” The wizard gave an abrupt reply glancing aside as the two Kender, hesitating, came to his side. “It seems that you my friend seemed to have lost something, which quite wonderingly found their way to my possession, and I found it my place to return the loss. And another thing, my dire companions, it seems that the word after you Jatson travels by far, and I should warn you that returning upon the road won’t suit you quite as well as you may think.” Fizar gave a penetrating glance at the gathered pack, and half-amused ignored the questioning eyes as he turned his back, robes dwindling. |
Jatson then felt the spell effect released and he gave a quick roll aside and back, his sword again drawn to his side. Sylvia stood beside the warrior, the Minotaur who was unarmed gave a supporting shoulder, and Feral hurried to join by Sylvia’s side. Tik followed gloomily and gave a last stare at the old wizard, who returned a blank look as well. Jatson then lowered his blade, staring at the glowing eyes. From one side of the path stood the 4 companions, the human warrior sword ready, and from the other side stood the old wizard his back arced apparently from exhaustion, leaning on his marbled staff tiredly. Jatson eyed these new odds perspectively, and then drawing back, settled his blade back in its sheath. |
“Very well old one, I have no clue how you know of me, or my business, but I appreciate the advice and help, and we should really be on our way.” |
“You’re right warrior, we should be on our way!” The wizard gave a snapping reply reaching out and holding Jatson back as the warrior turned his gaze. |
“What do you mean by we?” Jatson stared aside at the wizard whose grip surprisingly held fast, passing a shudder through his skin. |
“I’m coming along, what did you think I meant, flowers and candy?” The wizard remarked, sarcasm in his voice, and Tik with a low voice released a laugh at Jatson’s reaction as he pulled back hard, ripping his arm out of the wizard’s grip. |
“Come with us? Like a hot pit you are, I’d rather travel to Kendermore! Besides, why would you want to join us anyway?” Jatson stared forth trying to study the old man but he saw nothing beyond the ageless eyes and his tongue stopped as the wizard pulled forth. |
“Why would I want to come along? Better question, why did I let you live just moments ago? You see, warrior, it seems that some questions are meant to remain unanswered. For all I know, you don’t know the way through these woods, and every road from here to Haven is blocked by your pursuers, so, for the way I see it, I’m your only way out!” |
Jatson stared back, his thoughts in turmoil. He gazed at Sylvia, eyes questioning, but he got nothing back as Sylvia herself also seemed aloof, wondering at the possibilities before them. From the other side the old wizard gave an almost victorious smile, and if not enough he could have swore he just felt the little wandering Kender’s hand find its way into his belt. Jatson considered once more, gazed back his head lowered and he got a supporting nod from the woman warrior and with a sigh he nodded toward the wizard tossing him a ration bag. And then without another word he strolled into the woods, walking beside the Minotaur. Sylvia followed giving a last stare at the wizard and released a comforting smile. |
“Don’t you just love that guy?” Fizar smiled widely, then released a coughing laugh and rose to his feet, leaning on his staff, and followed the trailing humans and Minotaur. The two Kender matched their step beside the wizard eyeing the departing companions, and then with the wizard rising behind them they followed suit into the woods, the moonlight settling lightly behind them, an owl drifting overhead into a silent night. |
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Hope you enjoyed it, follow through to Chapter IV, Dark Heart, Darker Ambition. To enwrapping envolvement in this tale of a new age. Please drop your comments at the Silvermoon Guest book or E-Mail me at Dragonbane_11@yahoo.com with any comments you might have... ENJOY! |
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