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HourGlass of the Eye,
The river of time Flows within!
The river time of Krynn flows in paths and tumbles with occurances. Dividing amongst itself to four ages, the age of Starbirth, the age of Dreams, the Age of Might, the Age of Despair, and Finally the age of mortals, bringing an ever shifting war to maitain a struggling balance, all forming the wondreous world known as the kingdom of Krynn.
Age of Starbirth (the beggining) (Chaos-9,000 PC) PC=Pre Cataclysm

Chaos the high God awakens, and calls forth the other major gods Gilean, Paladine, and their sister Takhisis. The high god departs leaving Gilean in charge, and then the cunning Takhisis convinces the lesser god Reorx upon forging the world and Krynn is made. The dragons and saints are created and the all dragon and saint war rages which later brings back the balance, and the Time of birth comes and the gods fashion and create the slender elves to carry long lives, Takhisis creates the Ogres with stone cold beauty and obedience. And the neutral gods create humans, short lived and ambitious. The last gods then come upon the world in form of the three moon Solinari, Lunitari and Nuitari, controling magic and purpose, with the last beings of Krynn the griffons and others, bringing eternaly shifting balance
The Age of Dreams (9,000 - 10,18 PC)

The time of forming as the three principal races dominate the land choosing their homes. The ogres settle in the mountains, the elves in the forest, and the humans turn to the plains and battred by elements turn into savages. Civilization is born and the elves turn up to power. Reorx chooses a band of humans then and gatheres them to the north to teach them the art of the forge and craftsmenship. The elves form their empire and the Silvanisti rises bringing toward the Age of Light. Reorx is angered with the greedy humans that he tries to apprentice, and as punishment he turns them into the ever thinker race, the Gnomes. The first dragon war strifes then, and with its ending the gods of magic convince Reorx to forge the Graystone with the escence of Chaos. The graystone is then snatched by gnomes releasing powerful magic into the world, and following the gnomes who pursue it, the Kender and dwarven races are created. The minotaurs exile themselves to the land of Mithandrus, and with the discovery of the Dragon stones by the dark queen the second Dragon war comes to time. With the war ending cities rise as well in power, and the first tracing of the Aghar race comes to evidence. Silvanos dies, and Thorbodin kingdom takes settlement by the dwarves. Royal twins are born in the elven kingdom and the Kinslayer wars spark on then turning the elven lands asunder. The dwarves fight their own wars within the mountains, and Thorbodin falls at loss. The Time of Knights begins with peace treaty amongst the humans dwarves and Elves forming the city Pax Tharkas. With rebelion in form, Vinas Solamnus rises forming the first traces of the knight order, the knights of Solamnia striking the Rose Rebelion. Bringing final order to the human powers across Krynn. The dark queen then in plotting using rare crystals, sparks the Third Dragon War, the dragon orbs are formed, and the Solamnic Knight of the Crown Huma Dragonbane falling in love with a Silver Dragon, he rides and with the force of the Dragonlance he sacrifices himself to vanish the dark Queen with the aid of his friends, Kaz the Minotaur and Magius, bringing upon a new age. The Age of Might.
The Age of Might (1,018 - 0 PC) PC=Pre Cataclysm

Istar untouched by the Dragon wars rises to power bringing dominance in trade and peace through the land. The Dwarves of Thorbodin still fued amongst themselves and the Hill dwarves rise leaving their home land to live in the grassy plains. Little semi wars rage amongst the ogres, and the Elves come to clash with the empire of Istar. At some point peace settles in the land with much tension following through as the King priest rises to power with world righteousness in mind. The temple in Istar rises then begining the corruption of justice, repressing all who didn't agree with the principales of the Kingpriest who declares the Elves, Kender, and all non human races Evil and begins plan to exterminate them. The turning point comes as the king priest blinded by his fate plots to rise to godhood. The king priest knowing the resentful forces from the Sorcery towers launches siege on the towers of high sorcery and the sorcerors deciding that its best for the world not to fight back, abandon their towers, the curst upon the tower in Phantalas is then unleashed. The King priest in final act, rises to speak to the gods, and in blindness foolishly declare that he shall rise to godhood and clear the world of its prejustice. The night of Doom comes, all true clerics vanish from the world, Lord Soth a knight of sin, fails his mission bestowed by the gods to stop the kingpriest from making his demands and is fallen eternal curse. And finally with this failure, the Kingpriest made his demands infront of the gods, in punishment the fiery mountain plunged the beautiful city, and the Cataclysm took place devestating the land.
The Age of Despair (1 AC - 383 AC) AC = After Cataclysm

Dark Ages strike Krynn with the shadow years. The knights of Solamnia are persecuted for not saving Krynn from the Cataclysm, and the Thorbodin population turns to the Zhakar Dwarvs, and the seeker movement rises claiming for new gods. The dwarfgate wars rage with Fistandantilus in lead for his own purposes to travel to abyss, but a gnome activating a time traveling device inturupts his spell, and the forces join and the impact kills many dwarves, humans, and fistandantilus himself, who in his power managed to trick death itself traveling in spirit to the realms beyond. The dark queen at this time, finding the temple of Istar within Abyss, plants a stone in location, and awakes her dragons in preparation to once more return the world. A human farmer then by the name of Berem finds the stone, and driven by greed rises the temple of Neraka releasing the stone against his sister's wishes, and by accident he stains her blood on the stone figure killing her, but before the Queen could make her pass, Berem's sister bars the gate in spirit as Berem escapes a glowing gem in his chest becoming the Everman as the dark queen turns to pursuit him. Then to ensure her safety, the dark queen steals the eggs of the good dragons, and forms an oath with the dragons of good, in return for their eggs safety, they must not interfere her return to Krynn. Dragon highlords begin to rise, and a ritual in destruction of the good dragon eggs is made to create the Draconian races. This time, the future heroes of the lance, gather in Solace deciding to part for 5 years in search of the ancient gods. During this time, the plainsman Riverwind to prove his love to Goldmoon in a courting quest ventures to Xak Tsaroth, and finds the blue Crystal staff, and is saved by madness and the black dragon there with the aid of Mishkal the goddes of healing. The companions of the lance meet again, Fistandantilus is said to have returned trying to take over the frail mage's Raistlin's soul. The companions meet Riverwind and Goldmoon and venture and recover the Disks of Mishkal, discovering the Draconians, and the return of Evil Dragons to the world. They free the people of Pax Tharkas, and flee to Thorbodin. The heroes are seperated and they venture to recover the Dragon orbs once created by the high mages. The Whitestone Council takes place, deciding as if what to do with the dragon orb captured by Laurana (the golden General) and in turmoil of arguemnt, the kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot destroys the orb. That winter the blue general (Kitiara) attacks Phantalas and fails, but the Knight Sturm Brightblade falls in battle and glory. The good dragons discover that the evil dragons have broken their oath destroying their eggs, and return to Krynn to restore the balance. Raistlin after recovering the dragon orb in Silvanesti with the rest, tries to use the Dragon orb, and comes upon it with success. The companions reunite in Phantalas after being helped by the Dragonisti Elves, with Berem by their side, they venture to Neraka, where Laurana has fallen captive. Flint Fireforge dies in this journey, and the heroes carry on, Tanis Half-Elven slays Ariakas claiming the crown upon the dragon army, at that time Jasla reunites with Berem with the assistance of Raistlin who betrays the dark queen within her doungens, and the Queen is banished with Berem's sacrifice. The war of the lance ends then, and draconians scatter through the land and clerical orders begin to rise. The age of the After Math comes then when the master of the past and present Raistlin Majere reclaims the tower in Phantalas as his home, and with the cleric Crysania, his brother Caramon, and the Kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot, they venture beyond time, where Raistlin kills Fistandantilus releasing the evil mage's control over him, and turns to chalenge the dark queen within abyss. At the time the blue lady Kitiara rages war upon Phantalas in plan to welcome her brother, with the help of lord soth and a flying Catedrial she manages to fly over the forted defences and comes within the tower of high sorcery. There she is slain by Dalamar, and Lord Soth claims her soul with Tanis letting her go. Caramon then ventures into Abyss to stop his brother with knowledge of the future, and when Raistlin realises that his victory will bring the world's doom, he entrusts Caramon with the Staff of Magius and letting Crysania and Caramon escape, he traps himself within Abyss with the Dark Queen, who in trying to capture his soul, fails and leaves him to torement. Years later Ariakan the knight is released from captive, and is entrusted by a vision by Takhisis, and he comes to form a new knight order, the Knights of Takhisis with the principales and measure conducted by the Solamnic knights. A journey of honor takes Tanis and Caramon within Storm's keep, where they learn that Kitiara's son is coming to knighthood, and discover Steel Brightblade, also son to the knight Sturm Brightblade. Then with Steel by their side, Tanis and Caramon take him to his fathers tomb, where the spirit of Sturm rises and hands his son, his own sword, and the Star Jewel once entrusted to him by Alhana. Steel return with mind, and takes his vows to knighthood. The plainsmen battle to form peace in the plains, Justarus master of the red robes dies trying to learn of the occurances in Storm's keep and Dalamar becomes master of the Conclave. Palin passes his test in the tower, and is entrusted with the staff of Magius, and at the same time, Tanin and Sturm Majere pass into knighthood as well, and the raging summer of Chaos comes to hand. The Irda break the Graygem, releasing the High God Chaos into the world, and the Father of all and nothign threatens anihalation. Sturm and Tanin die in battle, Palin is caught captive, and Steel Brightblade takes him to the tower of High Sorcery to open the gates for Takhisis, but the knight looses the mage, and is sentanced to be executed for his failure. Within Abyss, Palin and the Kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot venture to find Raistlin who calls them within, they find him, and he shows them the gods arguing how to destroy Chaos in purpose to warn the world. On his way back thought, Kitiara's spirit strikes Palin mortally, and Raistlin by choice drags him out of Abyss, leaving without his magic. Chaos threatens the world, and Reorx using Usha the Irda child by legend to be Raistlin's daughter, he uses her to sneak and pull Chaos's essence back into the Graygem, but blood had to be drawn, and Steel, with his troops upon dragons, and Palin entrusted with the book of Magius, they turn to strike the god, but nothing comes to success, and then finally with the bitter cry of horror, the Kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot strikes the god's toe with his magic enhanced dagger sacrificing himself as the god slays him, and the blood is drawn, and Usha traps the god within the graygem. Steel dies with many others on the floor of Abyss, and Raistlin instructs Palin as he leaves with the gods and the Graygem to keep it save in realms beyond, and with the departure of the Dark mage, a new age opened upon Krynn, the Age of Mortals. Tas is reunited in Abyss with Flint.
The Age of Mortals (1 SC - 34 SC) SC = Second Cataclysm

The Chaos wars ends, The gods vanish leaving only one moon behind, and magic vanishes from the world. The last heroes tomb rises, containing the many bodies of heroes fallen in the war against Chaos, such as Steel Brightblade, Tanis Half-Elven, Tanin and Sturm Majere, and a memorial placement for the kender hero Tasslehoff Burrfoot is made. Palanthas is attacked by the blue Dragon Skie who comes to search for the ancient magic, and destroys the tower of High Sorcery there. Great dragons begin to appear in might, and the great Red Malystryx strikes the world with fear and domination learning that by kiling other dragons she gains power and strength herself. Riverwind sick and dying answers a call by the Kender Folk to save their city, and in his last quest destroys Malystryx's egg, and saves the Kender people from the Dragon's wraith dying in sacrifice with his daughter Brightdawn. The Dragon Purge begins as Malystryx teaches the other dragons how to gain power through rituals and spawn is created by Khellendros. And the land begins to shift to the dragon overlords desires. Sara Dunstan then rises creating the knight order of The Knights of steel believing in Neutrality and justice. Goldmoon in the plains, learns the power of healing can come through the heart, and heals the dwarf Jasper Fireforge, forming a new clerical magic. Gilthas son of Tanis half Elven, becoming a puppet king to the nation of Qualinisti, tries to deal with rebelion and dark knights and the knights hold influence through him. The black dragon then arrives in Qualinisti, reshaping the land in driving against the Elves there. Palin becomes leader of the Conclave and studies to restore magic, as mages begin to abandon the sacred art. The Citadel of Light rises then, and Lord Gunthar finds peace in deatth and the knight orders are torn asunder. Palin tries to grip the conclave together and in time of search finds new magic through the divinity of nature and being, he founds the new academy near Solace. Malystryx orders the end of the Dragon Purge and plots to rise to godhood, Palin with new heroes turn to race for the last remaining Arcane artifacts to release magic within Krynn so that mortals will be able to battle the terrorizing dragons. The new heroes with the force of heart defy the dragons and openly inturupt the ceremony as the great Red tries to rise to power. Malystryx fails to rise to power as Khellendros pushes her out of the way vanishing within Abyss, and she is struck by Huma's Dragonlance and falls within Blood sea still surviving. Balance once more shifts, and the present comes for new heroes in battle, to ever flow the shifting river of time.