Crucial to the practice of self-directed growth is
the notion of re-invention. It is a verifiable fact that vehicles
of expression become defunct as those who utilize such
instruments progressively modify themselves.
The implement known as Mind Skelp-cher no longer
encompasses the ideology of those you have been utilizing it,
and thus it has been relegated to the realm of vanquished
aesthetics. In its place the moniker Ultima Futura has
been installed.
The moniker Ultima Futura both serves as tribute to
such Modernists as the Futurists, Constructivists and Vorticists,
and as an omen for the social engineering we will bring
to bear upon this globe.
Our principle endeavour at this time is the completion
of a recording for release as a CD on the Musicus Phycus Label.
Previously entitled "Vortical Movements" under the
moniker of Mind Skelp-cher, it has now earned a new title which is
"In Hoc Signo Vinces." For those not proficient
in Latin, a rough English translation might read: "In This Sign You Shall
In keeping with the iron will of those who conquer,
the music of this novel recording is an epic demonstration of force.
Utilizing the arsenal of orchestral instrumentation,
a bombastic and menacing effect has been achieved. Coupled with
vocalization and dictatorial barking, "In Hoc Signo
Vinces" will surely herald the dawn of the Neotericist Movement.
Upon completion and release of this CD, Ultima Futura
will be staging performances in select cities replete with all the trappings
of a
Fascist Spectacle. Although our politics do not
resonate with any form of socialism, or nationalism, the spectacle of the
machine utilized by such regimes is ideally suited
to our purpose.
Our future efforts include the composition of works
to be performed by moderate-sized chamber ensembles, the production of a
magazine dedicated to Avant-Garde music, art and Literature
entitled "Viva Neoterica!", and the creation of animated film.
Interested parties may contact Ultima Futura at:
P.O. Box 26142
Kitchener, Ontario
N2H 6T4 Canada