Dragon Links
DragonsRiders Of Pern: a email based fan club of Anne McCaffery's series.
Plants of Pern: A great site for all those of the farmer craft, baker craft, or healer craft.
PernMush: the mush's unOfficial web site.  They have a lot of fun facts and great links.
Archives of Pern: this page has some great links, I go here often.
Adopt a Dragon: Malathar dragons at their best.  You too can have your very own dragons.
Downloadable Dragons: not only does this page have some very cute dragons they also have some other great animals.
DragonCon: The Biggest Bestest Science Fiction Confrence in the US.  This is an annuall event held in Atlanta Ga.  Chect it out!!!
Nanny Links
Life with Nanny:  good site for nannies and families with nannies.
Nanny Spot: I really recommend this site for anyone who is or wants to be a nanny.
QANNA: this is a great agency located in the Boston area.
The Nanny Authority: This is a top agency located in New Jersey and servicing all of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
Nannies Plus:  This is yet another great agency.  The staff is all really nice.