The Story ( 2 YEARS OR MORE AGO )
Well, you know, nothing. Forget it. It is 12:30AM and I am tired, and bored, so dont look at me. You see the ugly mug? Up there, that picture, thats me, I think you figured that out, aint it a scary sight? ok. This page will be boring, unless you like to find out about people. Of course, that is what AOL put this page in the member directory for.
Anyways, before I start, I'd tell you, this was the only good backround color, so make fun if you like, anyway, before I start, I'd like to say sup to Bob ( my cousin ),Jessica B, ( Good Firend Also:) ) Kyle ( my cousin ), Elijah ( my cousin from NC ), Bubba, , Kim D ( hello! You're up! aight, well, not very talkative in school but when she is out, she will yack your ear off :)and all my other very good friends, online and off.
You know what really pisses me off? I just tried changing color of my font, like the usual HTML, and it didnt work, that really made me mad. If you see lots of borders or little green dots goin across the page, then it is my other categories which I aint gonna use, so, pretend its not there.
This will take me longer than 1 day so oh well. Right now. My school is Riverhead Middle School, I live in NY, on Long Island, aint a bad place, aint a good place. I like the city, all the traffic and people walking, it's cool and interesting, I dont know why most people hate the city. If you see any mistakes in this page, then at least bare with me, I dont feel like typin but too bad. When I get older, I'm gonna go to college, then get a job at Wall Street. It'll be cool. Most people think that it sucks, well if you do, then too bad.
I look like a kid in that picture above, dont I? If it comes in on your screen, it probably wont. Im 13 goin on 14 on February 3.
My name aint Gremlin, it's Charlie, the only reason why I put Gremlin cause I like gremlins and thats anoher nickname. but who cares. Im boring you aint I? oh well.
I like to go fishing. It is winter right now as Im makin this page. I went to the pond that is behind my house, it froze up and me and my cousin were sliding around on it. There is fish in that pond, in the summer we fish there. The winter before this, me and Kyle were walking around, jumping in cat tail weeds, those long thin bamboo like things with the fuzz on top, well, we were jumping on patches of those, and we went to this one spot, and we found a little boat, a dingy, called Gamefisher. It was a hunting boat. Me and kyle were surprised, we left, he went home and then I woke up, called him, we went back and dragged the boat across the field to my house, kept it there till summer, then went fishing in it. A while passed, we went to go check if there was water in it, and it was gone. Some little retard took our boat. It was upsetting. But we found out that my dad's friend used to go hunting back there 5 years ago, it was his, he lost it, and it floated away, we found it. Small world aint it? It wasnt him who took it though. Well, my friend TJ always went to a pond to fish at, so he brought me there, we fished. Fish are rare in that pond, barely catch anything, but its tricky. He has carp, small mouth and large mouth bass, spotted bass, a sign of catfish, and possible sunnys. The same fish are in my pond except catfish. I remember, when me and kyle found the pond behind my house, it was cool, we went there to check it out, never knew anything about fish there. Until a year later, I decided to check it out, so I grabbed my fishing pole, went down there, rigged a fake salamander up ( I recommend those most for bass ), and on the first cast, I caught one, it was the greatest day of the month. Thats what made me keep goin back to that pond.
Im gettin a job, my dad is buyin a business, called Seaspray Sprinklers, and Im gonna work there. I used to go lobstering with him but a new law came about saying no more lobsterers except for the registered lobsterman can lobster. So, I can still work, but being on the boat in the hot summer sun, with the smell of oil and dead rotten fish gets me sick. So now, I will help put sprinklers in, should be lot better.
When I get money, I will go out this summer, buy me a nice fishin pole, some good lures, and go fishing. I think this will be the best ever fishin summer I had. The disappointing and sad thing is that my pond starts to dry out every summer, more and more, it is still good, but just sad.
Me, Kyle, my friends Micah and TJ used to go swimmoing in that pond, me and TJ always had the fear of fish in the water that will gobble us up, lol, but luckly none were hungry.
Ok, I just put viewed the page, saved it and now got an email, so I'll be usin some tools to help this poor page.
Anyways, I like to travel. I ride my bike, travel all around the place. Most people think it's boring but it aint. I'll be gettin a nice mountain bike to travel on sometime in February. In the summer, I practically live on the street. In the winter, I sit here all day.
Online, I usually just come on here to play multiplayer games or just to chat with friends. Nothing really. I made a few web sites, the are web rings, one for cheat pages, for games, and the other is for E-Fed, it is a web wrestling thing, but I aint that much into wrestling, my favorite wrestler in the WWF is Road Dogg Jesse James.
Ok, that up there, if you dont see a banner and only writing, then something is screwed up, I cant get it to work, sucks. Its a type of banner. oh well.
I am in 8th grae, and when this year is over, Im in excelled science, I could be in excelled math, but I turned down the offer.
Im into World War 2 and definantly airplanes. No matter what, it is airplanes. My favorite bomber is the B17G Flying Fortress. It can hold up to 12 bombs, and has 8 gunning places, where dudes go in and protect the plane by other enemy planes. My favorite jet fighter is the F15C Eagle. Thats all for now, this page will be updated soon, brb. ( Be right Back )
I like all types of musib, Some Beastie Boys, Rob Zombie, Limp Bizkit, Busta Rhymes, Korn, and little of Metallica. A new song came out from them called No Leaf Clover, that is my favorite song of all time so far, I like Scar Tissue from Red Hot Chili Peppers.
My favorite movie is Broken Arrow. Favorite actor is Bruce Willis, I like the Die Hard series, and the Jackal.
You know what really pisses me off? Most people know that group called LFO, well, they are morons, rejects. They are rip offs. The ripped off the beatsy boys in the song called Summer Girls. " I'll steal your honey like I stole your bike ". They ripped off the beasty boys 3 times, twice on that song and 1 time on a new song they came out with. I hate them.
Ok, Im goin to try to put an image up.
Since I moved my page, everything is better.
There aint nothin to type about, except that in english I have a report due sometime and I barely got through the beggining of the book.
Bein me is like bein hell, I get f*cked with all the time, constantly, well
not all the time, people just like to mess around, they do it too much, watch alter on, I will be someone, and they will be nothin. For all of you people who get picked on and have many enemies, just remember, when you all grow up, your enemies will be junkies, and you will become somethin.
No Leaf Clover
And it feels right this time, on it's crash course will it be time, pay no mind to the distant thunder, 2 days fills his head with wonder boy. Since it feels right this time, turn around found the high light. Good day to be alive sir, good day to be alive he said.
When it comes to be the soothing light at the end of your tunnel, its just a freight train comin your way, hey yea, then it comes to be the soothin light at the end of your tunnel, its just a freight train comin your way, hey, yea. Dont it feel right like this, all the pieces fall to his wish, such a fallback when we want boy, such a fall back when we say yea, when it comes to be the soothin light at the end of your tunnel, its just a freight trian comin your way, then it comes to be the soothin light at the end of your tunnel, its just a freight train comin your way, its comin your way, its comin your way, it ah, it come. {music plays for a minute }
Yea, when it comes to be the soothin light at the end of your tunnel, its just a freight train comin your way yea, then it comes to be a yea, then it comes to be a yea, then it comes to be a yea,THEN IT COMES TO BE YEA, then it comes to be a yea, then it comes to be yea, then it comes to be a yea, THEN IT CCOMES TO BE!! YEA!!.
That was my fav song, I know the lyrics are not that accurate, some words are there because they SOUND like them.
Im bored.
. ???????and took a cast, then sure enough there was a fish, I caught, first cast. Cool eh? Well, its 2:09 AM. I just started to update my page 2 months after I made it. Whatever. Im downloading an MP3 for my friend, gonna record it on to a blank CD and give it to her. She doesnt even know but this page. I dont think so at least. I want a counter! Another freind of mine today IMed me saying they saw my page, which I didnt even know she had a screen name. Wel, thats what got me into the idea of making more to this page. LOL.
Hey now, all you sinners, put your lights on, put your lights on
Hey now, all you lovers, put your lights on, put your lights on
Hey now, all you killers, put your lights on, put your lights on
Hey now, all you children, leave your lights on, better leave your lights on
cause there's a monster, livin under my bed, whisperin in my ear
theres an angel, with her hand on my head, she said I have nothin to fear
theres a darkness, livin deep in my soul
still got a purpose to serve
So let your light shine, deep into my hole, god dont let me lose my nerve, dont let me lose my nerve
{guitar break}
Hey now, HEY NOW
Whoah oh hey now,
Hey now, HEY NOW
Hey now, all you sinners, put your lights on,put your lights on
Hey now, all you children, leave your lights on, leave your lights on
cause there's a monster, livin under my bed
whisperin in my ear
theres an angel with a hand on my head
she say I got nothin to fear
she said, la, uh lala, oh lala, shine like stone
La ah ha, in my heart, shine like stars, fade away.
Ok, the bottom part was like kinda confusing, but I did the best I could. That is a good song. No, its not a childrens song either, even though the lyrics look like it. I cant get rid of it, no! MY BROWSER SUCKS!!
Welcome back, now I can do whatever because geocities kix ass.
Ima go see if I can put some songs instead of midi's on. BRB.
Aight, Im back, home from school sick, well not sick but just got an ear infection or some kind of somethin. I dunno.
Napster is an MP3 downloader where you can gewt almost any song. 9 out of 10 songs can be foound. its phat. But since Metallica came along and banned anyone who has their music, napster has been low, I was banned, out of the 300,000 people, I had to be one, I had some music and shit, I wanted this one song real bad but cant get it off of because the link is down. It's by Cypress Hill, its called Rock Superstar. Pretty sure you heard of it. but I only got 1:29 out of the whole song because my damn comp froze.
Got back on Napster, either my ban time waqs over or they snuck everyone back on. Rather go buy some damn CD's.