Welcome to my Guestbook! Please feel free to sign as many times as you like.

..........chris............ - 09/16/00 00:42:21
My Email:missya@lots.com

If you check this page sometime this century, how about droppin' me a line..okokokokok!!!!!!I haven't seen ya in months. Just thought I'd throw that in. uumkaayy!!!

Solus Raven - 08/15/00 18:12:35
My Email:RavenAngel@snet.net

okay this is my page and it's the first time i've visited it in a long time.... for all those that may come back here to find me... my e-mail address is above... if your looking for me then... that's how to get a hold of me... Nothing much has happend... i've moved a few times since i've made this webpage... so it's not updated.. i'll try and make a new one.. or even up date this one.. it will take me a while but bear with me.... i'm still the same just a little more grown up n w... at least i think... well, if your reading this thanks for stopping by.. and i'd love to hear from you... ~the RavenAngel herself...

Jerry - 05/19/00 20:37:15
My Email:kitastorm@aol.com

interesting stuff kids. looks like you have alot of fun. see ya

Erro; still Wandering - 04/09/00 05:08:41
My Email:You remember@ihope.com

You dropped off the face of the Earth. I hope you are o.k. and all. This is the only way to reach you I think. ............Erro............

LadyArianna - 12/16/99 17:35:51
My URL:/Paris/Tower/7642
My Email:LadyArianna77@hotmail.com

Such a long time since I have visited here. Where has all the silliness gone? Oh, it left with the E4E phase. Oh well, not like I miss them or anything. But I do miss our silliness. Well, I think I shall start up a new character, new page and all tha fun stuff. But who and what. I think I shall base my character after Elvenbane. She will have been raised by dragons, and she shall be very powerful. Yay!!! Time to start brainstorming. Love ya lots!!! ~LadyArianna

fairieprincess - 11/17/99 19:58:36
My Email:thobbs@efortress.com

very cool sis.....miss you tons.....see you soon....

Vry./Anthony - 09/20/99 03:09:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mt/pain21881
My Email:the_end_71@yahoo.com

Hey Hey...Long time no talk (my fault) but i had some s**t going on...still do but oh well. If you ever want to get a hold of me just e-mail me or whatever...i dunno what else to say...so i guess i'll go..bye babes

me me me - 09/16/99 23:48:55
My URL:http://www.biteme.com
My Email:it'snotdave@aol.com

FREAK!!!!! You are a freak!!!! Just to let you know! *giggles* Me like Brandon, can't you tell? But I'm so confused!!!! I hate confusion...it means I have to think on how to be unconfused, and we all know how I hate to think. It hurts my brain too uch. Well, I don't know what else to say so I go bye bye now. Just thought I'd sign your guestbook since I haven't in soooooooooooooooooooooo long. Mark wears funny shoes!!!! "Please tell me why? The van is in a towing lot and Marks sleeping with Mat 's clothes on...Ed came in thru the window last night, and Reef's gone....gone." Go bye bye!!! Kitty

¥¤Çhâö§¤¥ - 08/05/99 07:59:09
My URL:telnet:// (haha)
My Email:vectoring@hotmail.com

Ave, Solus. I see your page has changed a bit since the last time I have seen it. If you are still looking for a decent web server let me know. I will be offering Unix shells/web space etc in the near future... Dona eis requeim. Amen.

Mooshokitty - 07/08/99 01:16:15
My URL:http://creamofsomeyoungguy.com
My Email:ChineseSucks@FortuneCookies.com

*looks at Sara and Olevia, shakes her head.* "RUN AWAY RUN AWAY!!!" That rabbit has a mean streak. And sharp pointy funny Mark shoes. "Telephone rings, it's me, me calling. Talking bout the sky forever falling down down down, go down on me!" Ok Matt whatever you say!!!! I'm a little peanut, short and stout, here is my handle, and here is Sara's bra!!! I think you should have him UPS you back your bra. We're gonna see ORGY next wedsnday!!! How cool is that???? And all because of me, me I say! THE GREAT ONE!!!! I am cool! Yes I am I say I am! I'm a pretty butterfly!!!! "The boys a creeper!" My friend on aol just called me a bad kitty! ORGY ORGY O GY ORGY ORGY ORGY....did I mention ORGY? Ok, well I'm gonna go have an ORGY now! hehehehehehehe..wanna cum? Kitty

The RavenAngel and Princess - 07/01/99 16:56:08
My URL:http://threesumsRus
My Email:for a good time call, 237-186-5715

HAHAHAHHHAHAH BEWARE..>BEWARE, soon it will be to late, GIVE HEAD AND GO NO FURTHER!!! la la la.... de da do.... dum...cum...scum...flum...bum...scrum...fun..chroma...SOMS!!! okay..i think that's over with at least for a moment..... la la la la...for a lethal enjection...call Princess and Raven. BOW DOWN..bow to them, the queens of head, the queens of threesums. THE QUEENS OF PURE EXTASY!!!!!! okay...well, now that your really wondering, i guess i shouldn't tell you about the beer a d the licking and the pitchfork and motor oil,..oh nevermind... Has anyone everheard of those guys, they sing that song...it kinda goes...They fuck in...Philidalpia, Buffalo, New Orleans..and blah blah blah..but no where in New Jersery cuz there mom's are there.! The answer is 5. NOT 1 NOT 2..NOT NOT NOT 7 but 5....7 s an evil nuimber and anyone that has a shirt with the number 7 on it is a pansy ass. Um......ferrets stink..and anyone that wears boxers on their head on pajama day is a messed up little peanut. *goes into a long lecture about somthing dumb, realizes s meone's sleeping in my class and blows up a little brown paper bag and pops it in there ear* anyone that does that is and igotistical ass muncher. All I have too say is, "Go away- I'm married." And anyone that would lock there door, in a there office, u hook the smoke alarm and smoke a joint under there desk is a MORAN! And any grown man who would become a kindergarten teacher is just a plain old.....well.....*ponders*.....absolutely adorable angel. well, as long as he doesn't tell stories about the RAB IT and the Turtle. Because you see there's thie RABBIT!!!... *starts making shadow puppets on the wall....* *gives Leia the Matt look* *looks@Princess* what? i'm bored.....Okay..i think were done with THIS OH YEAH....................ORGY!!!!... i mean were going to see an ORGY!!! no that''s not it...Were going to see ORGY! ADIOS AMIGO! BINK CHECK PLEASE!

MeowMix - 06/18/99 22:53:00
My URL:http://www.funnyshoesandbras.com
My Email:funny shoes

MARK WEARS FUNNY SHOES!!!! AND MATT WEARS SARA'S BRA AND GROPES HIMSELF!!! *laughs* Hehehehehhee....I'm so evil! *throws a bag of peanuts at PS* Here ya go Dumbo!!!! Ok, I'll be nice...NOT!!! REEFER! "See, there's this streak!" "See there's this r bbit!" *watches the rabbit hop, takes out a bb gun* No more rabbit! Silly faggot, dicks are for Ed! *thinks about that one* And for Reef, Matt, and Mark. We all know who wears the funny shoes in that relationship. Starts with an M, ends with an ARK ARK ARK ARK ARK ARK ARK!!!! And Matt wears the bra. And Ed wears the boxers. And Reef wears the green guitar...and nothing else!!! *evil laugh, then gets mental picture::falls to the floor laughing* Ok...I need to go before I get mental pictures of t e rest of the guys. *Sees Sara with that grin on her face, knowing she's already having mental pictures of Matt.........................wearing her BRA!!!!!* Meow Mix

Peanut Queen - 06/18/99 22:43:05
My URL:http://www.Planters.com
My Email:MissAmerica@Peanutlover.com

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ZABADODODODODODO!!! Don't ask why I'm in such a good mood now, but I am......hmmmmmmmmm....*ponders for a moment* YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!!! Damn Turette's.....hang on lemme take my medication *giggles* I'VE GOT THE FEVER OF LOVE!!! HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED BY A PEANUT!! Found a peanut, found a peanut found a peanut last night........WHAT I NEED IS SOMEONE TO WAAATCH OVER ME....*giggles* Okay- what i need is to shut up before i go INSANE!! So I will leave for now, and sign this gain when i get another chance. And remember......Evelyn isn't misunderstood, she's just very cranky because it's that time of the month! *points to Kitty* CHECK Y'ALLL LATER!!! ~the Peanut Princess~

Smuckerhead - 06/16/99 08:15:33
My URL:http://smuckville,NJ
My Email:SMUCK@aol.com

One funky summer day, you and your bestfriend Reef decide to take a trip out to the beach. You walk out into the greasy sand, when you see the most wakcy body you've ever seen. Your friend Reef taps you and says, "That's Mark. Look at the way the sun s ines off that body. Isn't He amazing?" Suddenly, Mark looks up and sees you staring!!! He motions for you to come over there. "I think you are so silly, and i want you to go to New Jersey with me and have sex." You smile over at Reef and say "WAAAAAAA AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and go with them. When you get to New Jersey, Mark moves closer to you, and gives you the sweetest kiss. The two of you are wildly kissing, when you feel a funny shoe underneath yyou. You look down, and next to it is a piece of paper with a message on it. YOU WERE WARNED!!! Jersey is EVIL.... Sincerly, Sumuckerhead

nancy (nanu) - 06/16/99 01:21:25
My Email:you know it

pretty cool site, girl! where's all my pictures?!? just kiddin' trevor's pretty cute..:) i really like the charlie's angels pics of you three! c-ya....

the RavenAngel - 05/22/99 22:37:06

*walks in pokes MG and Kitty in there sides* WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *looks@MG with the true love look and giggles* hehehhee MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!! HERE KITTY KITTY KITTY!! HERE KITTY KITTY KITTY!!! *pets Kitty on the head and giggles* SOON SO SOON!!! I WANT TO BE THERE NOW!! RIGHT NOW!!! I WANT TO SEE MARK!!!!! NOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNWONWONWONOWNOWNWONWONOW! Okay that's ver with i hope!!! I'm still trying to get the days off, T is going to pick up friday for me if we can find someone that has blackjack on tuesday...I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE!! i looked for someone last night, and i'm looking again tonight...i'm trying so hard. I WANT TO GO SO BAD!!! I JUST NEED TO GO!!! Well, i have to go get ready for work now..i'll talk to you guys later, i have tomorrow off...*sunday* Give me a jinggle...BUH ByE no BUH Bye....Adios Amigos BINK, check please...bye bye *hug hug kiss kiss Swe t caress* ~the RavenAngel....~

Jean-Claude - 05/19/99 03:44:52

*smiles*Aria, you will not eat me as I very well know, but you will drink of me. You have done it before and no doubt shall do it again. SOLUS. We need you to converse to. *smiles and departs*

LadyArianna - 05/18/99 23:16:39

Hmmmmm...me eat my husband? *shakes head* Never....besides, we haven't gotten married yet. The only thing I feed off of is my victims. So my love you are safe. SOLUS SOLUS SOLUS!!! *giggles* LadyArianna

Jean-Claude - 05/17/99 23:22:50

Okay solus...you got your point across. I will dwell on it no more. *hugs back* I must go a hunting....see you later.

solusRaven - 05/17/99 23:07:38

*looks@JC* we have talked about this...your so cute and sweet because, of how you make people feel, it's a rare thing indeed but a good thing. Your sweet and cute because your you. *hugs* And no matter what you think of yourself, that is how we see you...As someone who is sweet and cute.. and you can't change that..so deal with it..hehehehee YOUR SWEET AND CUTE!! *smiles and hugs* ~the little RavenAngel...~

Me - 05/17/99 19:58:05


Jean-Claude - 05/16/99 16:41:16

Solus my dear you are as fun to be around as ever. And could you answer a question for me.....why does everyone think I am so cute and sweet?! I am not understanding this. *wonders if he should be careful around solus, aria, and sara since they are black idows* Nah. Nothing to worry about from you three. *thinks wait a minute black widows eat their husbands* Well I guess I am soon doomed to be eaten then. *looks at aria* But I am sure it will be fun. Hehe. See you all later. *bows and departs*

Evan (The Rosenbergs) - 05/11/99 16:58:52
My URL:http://www.therosenbergs.com
My Email:LouisS19@aol.com

Cool website!

Jean-Claude - 05/09/99 20:48:45

SOLUS......NS is right your stroy is nice. But I can here to go crazy. *laughs evilly* You are a mortal. May I drink of your lovely blood? Hehe. I shall not harm you I promise. I must go. And don't give Aria anymore sugar!!!!!!!!!

Night_Stalker - 05/09/99 20:10:08
My Email:Sibervirus_99@yahoo.com

nice pics... Need to check spelling but it is a kick ass story.....

BadKitty - 05/06/99 20:22:49

LOVE YOU!!!! but in that sisterly way. Hehehehehehehehehehehe....BLACK WIDOWS FOREVER!!! E4E!!!!!!!! Ummmmm...I think that is all I have to say. Kitty

BadKitty - 05/06/99 02:53:10
My Email:meowmeowmeow

YOU GUYS SUCK!!!!!! *laughs* HELP HELP I THINK I'VE GONE CRAZY!!!! Now I am serious about that one. My life is so screwed up!!!!! Anywhoo, enough with this deep crap!!! WE DON'T NEED NO EDUCATION!!!!!!! I realized how much the education system suck when I couldn't remember a damn thing I learned in high school. Like french, which was like my favorite subject. I don't remember a damn thing! Or maybe it's all the drugs I did in the 60's! Nah, I just can't remember anything. I sometimes wonder if I was meant for a better life, you know? Like, I'm living the wrong life. Things got screwed up. I'm supposed to be this incredibly gorgeous, incredibly talented person. Like a writer or something. I want to have a lot of my poetry published, and I k ow if will most likely never get done. And it sucks so much to know that. Oh god....I think it's that movie, damn it!!! "What Dreams May Come" it has me thinking man, and I haven't thought about things like this in god knows how long. I need to see t e psychologist. LOCK ME UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!!!! I don't deserve to live here anymore....I deserve to be somewhere else....WHY MUST WE BE LIKE THIS???? WHY CAN'T WE MAKE OUR LIVES WHAT WE WANT IT TO BE??? *thinks she is breaking down* I don't ha e the answers anymore. I thought I did you know. I thought I could help my friends. But I realize I can't. I can't even help myself for god's sakes! I am so pathetic. Why can't I be normal. I haven't even had a real boyfriend yet. 19 years old...s ill never been fucked or kissed!!! Am I that hideous???? I don't even know anymore. I'm losing every bit of sanity I ever hadd!!! Look I can't even spell!!!! SOMEONE PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY!!!! Well, that is enough rambling for tonight! Kat

FallenAngel - 05/06/99 00:43:17
My Email:ME!


i think that's over with...thank gowd...*feel relieved and frightend at the same time* The octopus was very scary.

If we close our eyes, well maybe we'll realize there's more to life then what we have know. And i can't believe, i've spent so long, living lies i know were wrong inside, i've just begone to see the light...... Is there anybody listing, is there anyone that sees what's going on?, read between the lines, critize the words there saying, before you yourself becomes the walls.

Okay that's over... Well my girls!!! *hugs* i love you! ; p... *hug hug kiss kiss, sweet caress*... i'm outa here... Fallen Angel

FallenAngel - 05/06/99 00:38:54
My Email:ME!


i think that's over with...thank gowd...*feel relieved and frightend at the same time* The octopus was very scary.

If we close our eyes, well maybe we'll realize there's more to life then what we have know. And i can't believe, i've spent so long, living lies i know were wrong inside, i've just begone to see the light.

BadKitty - 05/01/99 20:50:46
My URL:/Paris/Tower/7642
My Email:damn it all to hell...

Damnit! I wanted to be on top of JC...ummm...hehehehhee...just kidding! *thinks she should tell her outside voice to shut the hell up* *Jams to the "Go" soundtrack* Which were the songs they were playing at the El-N-Gee....cha cha cha...WE ARE NOT CRA Y!!! WE ARE FREAKS OF NATURE!!!!! *laughs evily* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *looks at the guestbook* OK so maybe we are crazy...but there is nothing wrong with that, right girls? Ok, that's it, we have to go clubbing like now...I have the need to dance, even though I am still hurting from last night. But listening to this soundtrack makes me want to dance. I am bobbing my head back and forth to this song. I must look pretty stupid. Oh wait, I look stupid all the time. Let's Party like we've never partied before....please!!!! *drinks her diet pepsi* DI-ET, PEP-SI, SUPER-SIZED!!!! "Doing the chicken choca!" Ok, well, I think I've rambled enough!!! SIGN ME GUESTBOOK PLEASE!!! It's getting lonely there. Go bye bye! BADKITTY *purrrrrrrrr*

Fallen Angel - 05/01/99 20:47:11
My URL:http://heaven.com

"Phophet!" said I, "thing of evil!- prophet still, if bird or devil! Whether Tempter sent, or wheather tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted- On this home by Horror haunted- tell me truly, Implore- Is here- is there balm in Gilead?-tell me-tell me, I implore!" Quote the Raven "Nevermore." "Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!- prophet still, if bird or devil! By that Heaven that bends above us-by that God we both adore- Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distand Aidenn, It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore Clasp a rare and radiant madin whom the angels name Lenore." Quote the Raven "Nevermore." "Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I shreked, upstarting- "Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken!- uit the bust abov my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and takethy form from off my door!" Quote the Raven "Nevermore." And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bus of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadows on the floo ; And my sould from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted- Nevermore! "ELLO!!!! Ello...NO...GOODBYE!!! *click* La la la la la la la la la..okay i've lost it...it's gone forever...... *takes a sip from her Pirate's Keg Root Beer..* MUM YUMMY!!!! Okay..i can't think of anything fun to say right now..my brain is mush..... Quote the Raven "Nevermore."

The flirt (also known as Jean-Claude) - 05/01/99 08:41:06
My Email:love me tender...damn elvis bad song to have in head

OK YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY. You turned a guestbook into an email site basically. Now I truely know how crazy all of you are. All the better. Hehe. *smiles eviling* Don't mind me i am crazy too. Wait a minute I am beyond crazy. Well check you all later bye.

Jean-Claude - 05/01/99 08:34:24

Yes you know me.....from icq & the theater. I like your page a lot. The picts are kewl. Those of you are sweet, same with those of kitty and mg. And you are anything but scary. See ya later.

badkitty - 04/29/99 16:31:35
My URL:/Paris/Salon/4245
My Email:blah blah blah

HEY FALLEN ANGEL!!! *giggles* I'm in keyboarding class!! woohoo! *smiles* fun fun fun fun!!!! NOT! We have a test, oh joyous day! People are probably wondering where the hell I am on the computer. I'M IN PSHYCO LAND!!! *giggles* So, when are yo going to put the other pics on your page? Once you do tell me. I want some of the those pics to put on my page to so people will know what I look like. Maybe that's a bad thing. *giggles* Nah! It's a good thing! *breaks out into a Mark impersonati n* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Don't worry baby, I won't let you down! reefreefreefreefreefreefreef!!!! *does the reef chant* "Seasons don't fear the REEFER, nor do the wind, the sun or the rain. So, come on baby, don't fear the REEFER." *giggles* Me oing to add a picture! that is my pic of GabriellaStar. Well, I gotta go take my test now. Check ya later!!! Bad Kitty

The Raven Angel - 04/19/99 06:10:01
My URL:http://earth
My Email:blah blah blah.and stuff

Okay..HEY YOU E4E BITCHES AIR RAID...sorry had to be said...You and i we work so well...SPIN ME AROUND SPIN ME AROUND AROUND AND AROUND *does her little spin dance* okay now that that's out of my system. Okay this is going to be short cuz i'm having a maj r brain fart, and i have twelve hundred diffrent things going through my head right now...IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! okay i feel much better now...as you can tell this was completly and utterly pointless but you read it anyways..you fool MUAHAHAA hehehee i'm going to go, to bed now...*hug hug, kiss kiss, Sweet Caress* see you in the shower..mUAHAHAHA bye byes ~the fallen raven angel

badkitty - 04/19/99 01:33:44

Hey Sexy mamma? who were those three hot chicks on your webpage? oh yeah, it's us!!! MOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!! *GIGGLES* damn caps! HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED!!! where oh where has her peanut gone? oh where oh where an he be? in the shower with MG damn it! *giggles* Oh damn, I'm listening to the Backstreet Boys, what the hell is wrong with me? I don't know...oh yeah it was all that crack I did...on tuesdays....*giggles* WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! "although lonelines has always been a friend of mine." *stops and starts banging herself in the head.* NONONONONO!!! do not sing that. "I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE, WHERE YOUR FROM, WHAT YOU DID, AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME!!!" must....stop....singing.....going....to....drive... yself....insane....oh wait too late, already did that! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! *feels that this might be another novel* I wrote a novel, wrote a novel, wrote a novel, right now, right now I wrote a novel wrote a novel right now. Ok, that just was not as ool as Olevia's version. I suck! Only on wedsndays...I think I spelled that wrong. "EVERYBODY! ROCK YOUR BODY!! EVERYBODY! ROCK YOUR BODY RIGHT! BACKSTREET'S BACK ALRIGHT!" ahhhh....they're doing it to me again. Make them stop. Tell those voices t shut up please!!! I beg of you! *dances around to the song* God I can't help it...must dance....*tries to keep herself inside her chair but can't!* ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! *giggles* Anywhoo, I think I'm gonna cut this novel short. Laterz! bad kitty

badkitty - 04/17/99 02:25:07
My URL:http://www.badkitty.com
My Email:badkitty@kitty.com

CAN YOU FEEL THE MAGIC OF THE PENIS???? Well, can you, huh huh huh? I LOVED YOUR SONG! I REALLY REALLY DID!!! *giggles* Oh I wish I were mg's peanut, that is what I'd truly like to be. *sung to Oscar Mayer Weiner song* HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED !! I'VE GOT NO LEGS!!! *stops and looks down* Oh wait, yes I do. *wonders about something* MAGNUM MAN AND TROJAN BOY DON'T STAND A CHANCE!!! *claps cuz she came up with that all by herself* Damn I'm smooth. ANYBODY WANT A PEANUT? *giggles evily* ey PSMG *pornstarmatt'sgirl* are you wearing underwear? *giggles* hey solus, are you a fallen angel? and no I am not jealous that the voices talk to you. Hehehehehhehehee....SUPERMAN!!!! *tries to think of something else to write* Oh well, then I'll ju t type silly nonsense til I write a novel. Oh yeah, HAND CHECK!!! *raises both hands and looks at John and giggles* Hehehehehehehe...HAPPY THOUGHTS!!! *thinks some really happy thoughts:::starts to drool* ummmmmm....hehehehehehehehe......SPIN ME AROUND AROUND AND AROUND AROUND AND AROUND!!!! *reef* DON'T WORRY BABY I WON'T LET YOU DOWN! *giggles* woohoo! DRUM SOLO!!!! *begins to play the air drums* I DEDICATE THIS DRUM SOLO TO MY GIRL, SARA!!! *something matt would say to sara* I DEDICATE THIS GUI AR RIFF TO OLEVIA *something mark would say to olevia* HEY KAT WE GOT SOME MICE UP HERE!!! *something ed would say to me* REMIND ME TO GIVE YOU GIRLS THE FIVE DOLLARS I OWE YOU *something reef would say to all three of us* *giggles* WELCOME TO THE WET AND WILD WORLD OF EVELYN FOREVER!!! remember that? huh huh huh? *pokes you two* HAVE AT YOU! *ponders if she has written a novel yet?* well, I'm just gonna keep writing and writing and writing until I can't write no more. *burps* scuse me I burped. h hehehehehehe....YOU ARE THE GREAT MADAME BULLSHIT!!!! hehehehehe...freshman year girly girls. well, I guess I'll stop now cuz my hands are getting tired from............typing, typing you sick sick people! BadKitty

Fallen Angel - 04/16/99 04:51:48
My URL:http://the pit of dispere
My Email:don't even try to exape

*pulls her shirt over her head* I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO I NEED TP FOR MY BUNG HOLE!!! Okay that was completly random and scary...*pulls her shirt back down* *looks@MG* stop starting..or i'll have to drag you into the SHOWER!!! with Aria and i.....hehhehe I think i need to go get som PEANUT butter..or somthing..Found a peanut found a peanut found a peanut found a peanut last night..last night i found a peanut found a peanut last night. In a hotel room in a hotel room in a hotel room last night last night i found a peanut found a peanut last night...it was on top of MG it was on top of MG the peanut was on top of MG, last night it was on MG was on MG last night. Aria, and i gaged Aria and i Gag, Aria and i gaged last night last night we gagged we gagged l st night Aria and i went blind Aria and i went blind Aria and i went blind last night last night Aria and i went blind We went blind last night... PUT SOME CLOTHS ON PUT SOME CLOTHS On put some close on we yelled Put some cloths on put some cloths on put some cloths on we yelled. MG and the peanut didn't stop didn't didn't stop last night last night they didn't stop didn't stop last night. We threw some water on them threw some water on them threw some water on them last night last night we threw some water on them threw some water on them last night. MG and Peanut both had to sleep in the wet spot in the wet spot in the wet spot last night last night they both had to sleep in the wet spot in the wet spot last night. DO YOU LIKE MY SONG??? SAY YOU LIKE MY SONG!! *does her little spin dance in her computer chair* looks better in the CAR!!! WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *in the tune to little black rain cloud* i'm just a cute little porn star, dreaming bout my matty matt, i'm only a cute little pornstar, pay no attention to little me, everyone knows that a pornstar always loves PEANUTs, didn't you know...i'm just waiting around, by the phone waiting for it to r ng? What about that song? *thinks she getting obsest with sing songs about MG and her little peanut* LOL okay that just sounded really bad..MG doesn't have a peanut...well she does just oh nevermind... WHY DID YOU SPOOG IN MY EYE??? WHY DID YOU SPOOG IN MY EYE???? Okay i'm going to go sit all alone out in the cold and wait for you... IN THE COLD ALL ALONE WAITING FOR YOU... hey look at that chair there's somthing over there...oh watch out... it's MG AND MATT DOING IT IN THE ROCKING CHAIR>>>> OH NO I'M BLIND. Take it off, take it off...*covers her eyes* put it on put it on... Okay i think i'm done...*hug hug kiss kiss, sweet caress* MG, Aria,.... LOVE YOU... ~the fallen Angel..

shortslut - 04/16/99 01:02:02
My URL:http://blahblahblah
My Email:my butt and your butt

FALLEN ANGEL!!!!! *giggles* HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED!!!! I'VE GOT NO LEGS! Ok, now that that is out of my system....hehehehehe....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! ok, it wasn't out of my system. I just can't seem myself to write you a novel. Hey how come ou guys don't write novels on my page huh? I want to feel special too! *pouts* John no let me tickle him...*pouts again* Nobody love me...*pouts alot* Alright, I'm done pouting. 1-2-3 PEANUT! Starts with an R and ends with an eefer. Starts with an E and ends with a duh! Starts with an M and ends with an arkarkarkarkark! Starts with an M and ends with and attyattyattyatt! *giggles* Hehehehehehehe....FLY AWAY! YOUR FREE! THE SKY IS YOUR PLAYGROUND!!! *giggles insanely* yes I have been taking t e crack other than tuesdays. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOLUSSOLUSSOLUS!!! MGMGMG!!! ARIAARIAARIA!!! *giggles* I'm just rambling on aimlessly, but wasn't that the whole poing? I can't q ite remember. "Pardon me, do you have any grey poupon?" hehehehehehehe....well, alright. I'm gonna stop writing before I hurt myself. Then what would I do? *giggles* Later Shortslut

Ferris Bueller - 04/15/99 17:38:31
My URL:http://www.pornos.com
My Email:pornstar@groupieslut.c

WELL WELL WELL.....LOOKIE HERE! I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!WE ALL KNOW THAT I'M ANOTHER GROUPIE SLUT......whew! okay, now that I got all that out of my system...SCOOBY SNACKS ANYONE? hehehehehehe.......I just wish you could be my little toke a bowl girl even though a guy like me is always tokin around smokin things i'm not supposed to smoke NOW I CAN'T GET IT UP NO I CAN'T NO NO NO NO NO NO I CAN'T GET IT UP....YOU AND ME ON THE SILVER SCREEN IN LOVE YOU BRING YOUR CONDOMS TO T E HOTEL ROOM MAGNUM MAN AND TROJAN BOY DON'T HAVE A CHANCE!! Yes, it's true Leia. Aria and I totally sexualized "Magic of the Moment" and it's bad.....it's very very bad.....BARRY LINCOLN! Damn that Turette's...I gotta start taking my medication again...I 'S FOR MY GLAUCOMA, MY GLAUCOMA!!! Gramma, put down the Cheetos and 7-Up, they're not gonna help....Hey Leia!!! 1 month till our birthday! WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!! ZABADOOOOOOOO!!! SCOOBY DOOOOOOO!!! One more year closer to 21, start the countdown.....*bopping to "Mrs. Robinson"* d'oh! Not anymore *bopping to "Sugar High" and does her Mark impression* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! tee hee....GOTTA HAVE IT REALLY NEED IT TO GET BY....So Leia and Aria, you guys ready to grab the world by the booboo? It'll be hey now you and me against the world now look up there in the sky now see the stars shining just for us- except we won't be dumb enough to bring a gun, we'll bring DRUGS instead!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! AND WE'LL TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Don t ask where all this energy is cumming from cuz I dunno myself- maybe it's the weather or maybe it's cuz I'm thinking about DOING MATTY MATT!! *sings Porny's and Leia's version* MATTY MATTY MATTY MATTY MATTY MATTY MATTY MATTY MATT MARK MARK MARK MARK!! he ehehehehe....ROOM SERVICE! ROOM SERVICE! WHAT CAN I DO YOU FOR? "Oh, about 5 bucks." ~Matt "Wait, I thin k I have 5 dollars here- no wait, I spent it all on shots" ~Matt *giggles* Would anyone like a PEANUT butter and jelly sandwich? *looks at her second ovel while jammin to Space* hmmmmmmm......maybe I should shut up now and do something else- will do! *pokes Leia* HAVE AT YOU! Okay, I'm going now...See y'all later!!! ~Matt's Girl aka MG aka Groupie Slut aka Pornstar

Foxius - 04/13/99 04:13:12
My Email:lancefox@radiks.net

Totally cool... Did you write this? This really shows a lot of talent... seriously... I am a writer/journalist, and this is MUY talented! I would be interested in reading more of your work, if you don't mind... E-Mail me!

pussykat *no comment* - 04/06/99 02:30:51
My URL:/Paris/Tower/7642
My Email:yourmom@whores.com

DI-ET PEP-SI, SUPER-SIZED!!!!! *laughs hysterically* No Grandma! you're a pothead, so put down the cheetos!!! hehehehehehe....ZABADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!alright I'm done.....put a fork in her folks she's done....nope, turkey's don ....*giggles* Hmmmmm....let's see if I can beat Matt's Girl with the writing a novel thing. It's gonna be "hard" *covers her mouth and screams* I said the word of the day...."hard"!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! I wish I were british....then I could drink ea and eat scones all day long....Is my skirt too short? Hold on to your knickers girls!!! remind me, why am I like this again....*thinks*you're right MG, thinking does hurt....ok...I don't think I'll be able to beat MG on writing a novel thing cuz I'm ot in a mood...I'm just getting nasty with....with.....trevor!!!! J/K.....IT'S NOT LIKE THAT I SWEAR!!!alright....I'm finished now..... shortslut

Princess/Goddess - 04/05/99 20:07:12
My URL:http://www.princesssara.com
My Email:msamrca@99main.com

Welcome to the wonderful land of ZABADOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Hello hello! *boingy boingy boingy* Once again you are all in BIG TROUBLE CUZ I AM STILL IN THE SAME MOOD!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! Leia, you hafta add more stuff in your note to the biotches. Tr v gave us more than enough things last night to add! *thinks of Mickey D's and laughs* Di-et Pep---si. Give youself over to absolute pleasure- hehehehe...that's what I'm gonna do this weekend. After what Brian did for me, I am all set!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I had a very happy Easter weekend! Matt is going to be sorry cuz I am going to ravage him!! hehehehehe.......*starts singing to the tune of "Rock N Roll Girl" and thinks of Matt* can't get it up no I can't no no no no no no I can't get it up...WATCH OUT S E'S GONNA BLOW!! Sorry, sudden outburst of Turette's..."I think I had too much to drink tonight"~Matt hehehehehe...."No Ma I wasn't drinking, no Ma I wasn't smoking marijuana" *grabs Leia's hand and takes her back to the van* SHE TELLS ME SHE LOVES ME!! * ears singing echoing in her ears* this is Mission Control to Major Tom....*snaps fingers in Leia's face* uh oh...ARIA!! WE'VE LOST HER! Leia, you've got a vacant stare on your face- hehehehe....I AM DETERMINED TO WRITE YOU A NOVEL!!! I thought my other on was longer....ummm- wait a minute there....than it was, so now this one is gonna be very long cuz I know you like 'em long!!! *ponders for a moment and starts singing the Jeopardy song as her mind wanders* crazy over the rainbow I am crazy bars in the wi dow THEY MUST HAVE TAKEN MY MARBLES AWAY!! Brian said I'm a Goddess- WAHOOOOOOO!!!!! Leia, you can be my olive tree that gives me shade from the sweltering sun...Leia? Leia? *waves hand over Leia's face* You're still out there.....huh. Walkin down the hal by myself smokin a J with fifty elves.....Bowlin ball! Throw the bowlin ball! Faggotsissypussyfreshman THROW IT!!! *rockin out to Tool* Tool kix ass.... Damn...this thing still isn't long enough yet hehehehe.....but my tongue ring won't help for this one hehehehehe...*thinks of the night in New London and has to laugh* Do you like my note? Say you like my note! Welcome to the wet and wild world of....ummm how bout I not go there? I just had a funny thought: PASS THE HOOKA! *thinks of the ride home last n ght and falls over laughing* What are we gonna do about that kid? *waves at Aria* mello, mello, mr. mello....hehehe...rub my head and make a wish! I am determined to make something come out of your nose again....I have this sudden urge to go watch my fav pisode of Sesame Street: DOING MATTY MATT! We're not gonna get into that cuz I already wrote it in my last note, and if I say it too much it won't be funny anymore. Shit! I just had something to say, but I got IMed and forgot- must be all the drugs I did n the 60's. *thinks so hard her brain explodes* Dammit all! Now I gotta clean up this mess....*glues what's left of her brain and brain goo back together and puts it back into her head* Ahhhhhhhh there we go- but I still forgot what I was gonna say....Wel , I have run out of things, so this better be a nice long one! hehehehe....check you guys later! I need a shower- hehehehehehe.........

Miss America - 04/04/99 04:55:56
My URL:http://www.suckmebabe.com
My Email:chiefmojorisin@69mail.com

YOU ARE ALL IN BIG TROUBLE CUZ I AM IN A MOOD!!! After what Allison said about me today, how couldn't I be?? HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED!!! Who are the Britians? Why, we are all Britains. And I am your king. Well, I didn't vote for you! I wish I was Bri ish....do I sense a SHOWER SCENE cumming on? hehehehe....Sugar high- gotta have it really need it to get by....We are the weordos mister.....Remember wee, not so wee, and FRIGGIN HUGE!! *whispers* trevor trevor...Ummm ok how bout we don't go there....Tram oline anyone? How bout a recliner? Maybe you'd be interested in a brand new pool table? OK- I'm just asking for trouble, so I'll shut up now. Damn- now I can't think of anything to say but.....doing Matty Matt! Matty Matty Matty Matty Matty Matty Matty Ma ty Matt 1 2 3 cum! *realizes what she just wrote and prays that the guys never see this* So fellow guestbook writers, how weird do you think I am? You better think I'm pretty fuckin strange or else I will be forced to thrash you then bite your head off!! glances at Leia's novel* although I could write lots more, I shall save it for a rainy day. So Leia and Aria let's go hop in the shower! hehehe....i have pics to prove we were all in the shower together so nyah nyah!! ok- I'll stop now cuz I'm being IMed eft and right sooooooo......CHECK YA LATER CHECK YA LATER!!!

Shortslut - 04/01/99 20:32:05
My URL:http://www.hoebags.com
My Email:shortslut@your mom.com

HEY YOU BITCHES!!!! EAT ME!!! *giggles evilly*In the shower I get my power! Do you like my shoes? say you like my shoes! "WELL I GOTTA HAVE FAITH!!! I GOTTA HAVE FAITH!!!" can you guess what I'm listening to? *giggles* Yes, I bought the Family Val es Tour CD. And ya know what??? IT KICKS ARSE!!! I suck big monkey balls, how bout you? you know you do. don't lie to me bitch!!! don't make me pimp slap you. or is it bitch slap...I forget. I MISS MY MAN!!! *giggles* oh well. soon soon soon. WELL THAT LOVE COMES DOWN WITHOUT DEVOTION, WELL IT TAKES A STRONG MAN BABY BUT I'M I'M SHOWING YOU THAT DOOR!!! GET THE F**K UP!!! me can't wait to get me car and then I can kidnap you forever and ever and ever and make sweet love to you in the shower! "TWIST, TWIST, TWIST!!!" now it's on Korn. I will fuck Jonathan Davis until he screams for more....hehehehhehee.....*giggles evilly* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! Starts with and R ends with an EEFER! hmmm...wonder who that could be! I've ost my marbles!!! I've got no legs! "do you mean to tell me that coconuts migrate?" yeah when you get older they migrate south. *giggles* wow I'm writing nonsense. and no I am not on crack. that's only on tuesday! hehehehehehe...alright alright I a done. I think....yup I'm done. SHORT SLUT

LadyArianna - 04/01/99 20:21:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Tower/7642
My Email:LadyArianna77@hotmail.com

Solus my dear friend, I have some news. I have found someone and I have made him into a vampire. His name is Lord Barret. I love him very much. *smiles then sighs* But I fear we are in trouble, he and I. Someone is trying to kidnap me to hurt him. don't know why. And I am weak. Please, I need your help. LadyArianna

Raver! Aka MG's and Shortys Bitch - 03/30/99 18:05:15

Hey you standing out there in cold sitting naked by the phone would you touch me? Ut oh me in one of my moods! NOT GOOD NOT GOOD!! HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED!! *sit's down and closes her eyes* *looks at MG and shorty* I'm thinking Don't let me think t hurts to much to think!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Where were you???? Want some? feed me up! I SWALLOW!!! *thinks she shouldn't make that public knowledge* JUST WANNA BE MYSELF!!! here you said you would love to try some! *sighs* NO MORE THINKING FOR ME!!! ell, before i go insain on here!! i'm going to say SHOWER ANYONE? WOOHOOO!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Check ya later check ya later!!! *a tall figure stands, puts on her sun glasses and walks away* ~Raver

Louis - 03/28/99 23:16:59
My Email:LPoston@aol.com

Very Very Boss...!

MG's and Shortsluts bitch! - 03/28/99 23:00:34
My URL:http://nevereverland
My Email:nevereverland@usa.com

DONDONDONDONDONDON!! YOU WILL GET YOURS *looks at MG's and shortslut raises her eyebrow* SHOWER!!!! GROUP SHOWER!!! CHROMOSOMES EVERYWHERE!! *giggles* sounds like fun huh! ERIC ERIC ERIC IS A HOTTIE!!! BREAK ME OFF A PIECE OF THAT!!! BOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIN NNNNNGGGGG!!!! 'ello sunshine!! Okay i'm done with the whole Eric thing!! MINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINE!! you got it three times!! MY TURN!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!! EXIT 69 ESSEX !! MG!!! Starts with an M ands with ATTY!!! Shorty Starts with a R ends with an EEFER! starts with a M ands with an ARKARKARKARK!! or starts with an E ends with an RIC!!! Okay this is getting loooooooonnnnnnnnnggggggg!!! so i'm going to go bye bye!! BYE BYE !! CHECK YA LATER!!! DO YOU LIKE MY HAT SAY YOU LIKE MY HAT!!!! *whip sound* AHHHHH!!! do you like my shoes say you like my shoes!!! DUDE CAN I WINE AND DINE YOU JERSEY STYLE!!!???

MG the way to be! - 03/28/99 04:02:31
My URL:http://showers@hotelrooms.com
My Email:suckme@myasshole.com

Damn, i had a good beginning, but now i forgot it! Must've been all the drugs i did in the 60's. I have one word to say: ERIC!!! hehehe....i figured you'd get a kick out of that one....The boys are going to Tokyo in 4 more days.....what am I gonna do, ble d on you? hehehe....it's just a flesh wound. AH!! I remember what I was gonna say in the beginning!! Ready for this one?? hehehe...here goes: Do you like my belt? Say you like my belt! I still have it!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Welcome to the wet and wild worl of Evelyn Forever! I shall not go on from there cuz we all know how it goes, and we don't want to let strangers into our inside jokes! There's something inside me this evenin....Let me see you in your underwear....ahhhh- and we have that all on video FOR VER! We cannot let that fall into the wrong hands (specifically the boys). I can't even imagine what they would do....thety'd either get a kick out of it or they would never talk to us again. Hmmm.....uh oh- i feel a random outburst cumming on...LIMO!!!! amn that Turette's Syndrome of mine....ADIDAS. KORNKORNKORNKORNKORNKORN. My mother's ashes, even her eyelashes are resting in a little yellow ja-har, and sometimes when it's breezy or if I'm feeling sneezy (BAD PORNO) excuse me, excuse me, yeah noisy boys I TAKE YOU WHERE YOU WANNA GO!!! Wow- think we listened to our cruisin tape enough? Mucho gusta me llamo Bradley I'm hornier that Ron Jeremy and if ya wanna get popped in your knee just wipe that look of your fuckin face! *in her Russian accent* I shall ot continue because i know all the words to that song and this would becum a very long note. *thinks of the NAPA guys* hehehehe....HEY! you need to put my pics in your picture gallery!! Then everyone can see what a hot sexy babe I am! hehehehe....ok- i ha e run out of things to say because it is late and I am tired. I shall talk to you tomorrow. BYE BYE! BYE BYE FOR NOW! TTFN!! yes yes.....hehehehehehehe.....

MG the way to be! - 03/28/99 03:48:03
My URL:http://showers@hotelrooms.com


shortslut - 03/28/99 01:23:28
My URL:http://www.whores.com
My Email:shortslut@aol.com

Hey SEXY MAMMA!!!Cum give me some sweet lovin's. Hehehehehe...dude, remember that group Missing Joe? Well they're gonna be at the El N Gee on friday April 30th. We must we must we must see them....*giggles* Ok...check ya later... shortslut

Lady Arianna: The Protector... - 03/26/99 22:39:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Tower/7642
My Email:LadyArianna77@hotmail.com

SOLUS SOLUS SOLUS!!! WINDY WINDY WINDY!!! STAR STAR STAR!!! Alright I'm done screaming now. No wait.....ARIA ARIA ARIA!!! Damn I'm so good I have to scream my own name. *giggles* *looks around for a toy...finds a bag of beans* woohoo....*chucks beans at everybody and giggles* there...that's for all the times I had beans chucked at me...damn it all...*giggles* "I'm invincible!!" "You're a looney!" "The black night always triumphs!" hehheehhehe...."What are you going to do? Bleed on me?"mmm...blood....*looks at windy*nah...too easy! solus sexy mamma kitten come give me some sweet caresses!!! *giggles* sorry windy, she's all mine! hehehhehee....ok well I'm gonna go be a good girl...NOT!!! I have a mystery....no wait I'm building a mystery....maybe I should become LadyArianna: The ysterious One??? *giggles* nah... Peace out freaks!! LadyArianna

WhirlWindMatriX, windy , windchips, windblown, wwww, matrix, whateva... - 03/26/99 20:55:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/5504/
My Email:whirlwind_x@hotmail.com

hmmm, *looks at starsky's guestbook entry*
was that a speeling error, and it was supposed to say slave? *ponders*
Yes lots of obscure things, starshine, so I'm not trully like anyone else, even among freaks people would be the same, but being obscure doesn't really put you anywhere, so your alone where your supposed to be ;)
oh right, this is solus book, just give a sec, have to get this all straighted out, or destruction is going to have to come down upon starsky *laughs evily*

*growls* I heard that remark about you trying to talk to her, but she can't do anything now can see *laughs at his evil plots* nope, no dragon, and not around, and all that stuff, hehehe, so you have no one to defend you, well unless ladyaria comes around but I'll just bite her or somethign...mm yes full stomach right now *laughs* *gets confused by that next part in the guestbook* I think you need more sentence structure lesson starsky, or stop signing at this hour *laughs*, yes of course I have to come in with talking about comix's don't you know I control the dreamscape once agai ? that did take awhile for before didn't it.
*looks at starsky* yes very evil sometimes, but so am I *winks*

I got myself into a recent bind? *thinks of the tdv* nope not that....ohhhh. I know the stalking thing....oh yes those wonderful dreams *smiles sweetly* *watches the frying pan return to his hand* that's handy.

I knew you would tell her anyways, and if she would have asked I would have told her anyways, oh yes so much of a coincidence hehehe, I'm just pushing the stalking thing along a lil more all the, you were not getting and closer, so I had to action, *isn't paranoid* your stalking group was being really slow in its gathering of information. *laughs* oh no, you figured out my scheme, but I know you won't do it, I dare yeah! *laughs* I'm going to be every disappointed at the end of summer you know...
The wolves to lick off the caramel? hmmm *thinks* I would like to see that happen, *really hopes your not talking about delphi* lol

Oh so very haunted *laughs*

*looks at her thing about nightcloud* you think its your destiny to be alone too?, *observes more situations and writes them down*

always with the self promotion aren't you, well seeing that my entry has to be just as long as yours, I'll put in some poetry instead of self promotion

The blood now flows from deep inside my heart yet the hand that holds it, the one who I love, shall keep us far apart, and place my love in a box to stay for years.

My heart is cracked, so worn by years of pain, the fragile monster shall not again be plain. Oh, the tears I've cried, the blood I've shed for love. The pain I've felt the Hell I've known from above.

My thought my hopes so dashed so torn, so meek. That hate has burned my heart so black and bleak. It is my hand that holds this heart so frail, I'd rip it from my chest to stop my wail.

I've loved, I've lost I've cried the tears of white. I bleed this white and prepare for coming night. In the night I'll stay, in the night so dark I'll lie never to taste a kiss of love I'll sigh but never again shall I cry...

Perhaps my love is forbidden, perhaps it is not meant, but without it I shall perish. I need to know. Is my life, is my heart forever to be pricked with pain's needle? Is there any hope for me. I will wait for you, you know this, but I fear the worst hen the time comes to speak. For I am weak, and you hold my heart in your grasp, do not sqeeze too hard...

alright, all done with the poetry now *wonders if that love affection thing is reffering to DL*

*looks at his rambling*
well that's it for me, hope to see you soon...

Starshine, aka Starsky salve, whateva that means.... stupid fan boy and his nick names.... - 03/26/99 11:37:19
My URL:/Area51/Dunes/2844/
My Email:candyjgirl@yahoo.com

SOLUS SOLUS SOLUS!!!!!hehehehehehe ok.... this is getting old... fast.... of course... 80's music is dead like disco, and Windy still likes it.... then again windy likes a lot of obscure things..... AND HE WAKES ME UP TOO BLOODY EARLY IN THE MORNINGS!!!! WILL YOU PLEASE talk to him about that??????? I mean... darnit all to heck!!! there I am in the arms of... **looks below her on your guestbook** your lover... **growls a lil** and windy comes into the bedroom... talking about COMIX!!!!! MAN!

ok... I did have a point...... **sighs**

oh.. right... I can not BELIVE I have been on a guest book signing raid,.... and have not come over and given a lil of the ol' stasky charm to your lil pages.. gah on me. I have been here a few times.. I am just a naughty, naughty guest.... **looks at windy** and yes... evil too DEAR. **laughs**

HUTCH! climb DOWN from those rafters NOW!... he is always getting himself in binds.... oh.. and solus sweetie.. I MUST tell you about the most recent bind the oor boy got himself into....... put it this way... the whole "stalking windy" plan.... a WHOLE lot easier now... and I MUST tell you about a lil dream he told me about.....

**ducks out of the way, just as windy is swinging a frying pan at her head**

oh... right.... this is solus's page... guess I should talk to her huh? you and me always seem to go off though frissbee boy... **sighs**

oh GURRRRRLLLLL.... I saw the new pics on your personal bit thingie... * cant speak english well-ly at 3:30 am, Thursday...** SOOOO shhhhwwwweeeeeeeeet!... very nice hun.. no wonder windy is "haunted" **laughs**

Ok... for public record.... NightCloud... aka JC. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!... Ok? can we please just get over all th s BS.. and get on with the life we planned together??? gah!!!!! Before you, i was someone I was not always happy with.. without you, I mourn the loss of who I was, could have been, and what we had..... please.. lets work this out!!! I love you.... t ust in my words, as I trust in your arms......

.. ok.... enough personal junk.. her is some shameless self promotion.... **grins**

Ok.. I am done... and that is not even all of them.. **sighs**

it is warm here.

it is good here

it is safe here

We dont need love or affection, we know how to do cellpadding

It is warm here........

LUV YA!!! **hugs** -Starsky!!!

Short Slut - 03/21/99 18:01:33
My URL:http://www.giveittomebaby.com
My Email:shortslut@whores.com

ALRIGHT YA LITTLE E4E BITCHES!!! AIR RAID!!!!! LOL...hehehehe...I'm kooky. I'm talking to this guy and he's really cool and he's telling me how to make virgins...the drink you idiots!!! Hehehehehe...me thinks I need to make some since I have the rum. L L. Well, well, well...what do we have here? I dunno. Ok, I am really tired still. but I want to see you guys. like right now. well, talk to you later. meow mix

Pimp daddy flex - 03/21/99 07:09:12
My Email:the street corner

HEY MY BITCHES ARE ALL BACK!!! ZABADO!!! WOOHOO..okay so i'm a little two excited but hey, what are you going to do about it!!! THREE MORE DAYS THAT IT BABY THREE count them 1 2 3!!! *kicks her cat* GET OFF MY SHOULDERS!!!! AHHHHH!!! Okay this is going to be short and sweet!! I'm not going to say it i'm going to bite my tounge!! never mind i can't help it!!! NOTHING CAN BE SHORT AND SWEET!! and we all know Matt is not short..but is sweet!!! right MG? of course i'm right...i'm never wrong...hehhee yeah righ ,...well check ya later check ya later!! *hugs to my girls* I love you man...No man you don't understand i love you...i know man..no you don't understand I LOVE YOU!!! i know man...NO I LOVE YOU okay man!!! *smiles* what can i say sleep depervation!!! Wet bloody red drips slips down her fingertips!!! yummy...ewwww...okay CHECK YA LATER!!!!

Meow Mix - 03/21/99 04:19:08
My URL:http://wet&wild@whores.com
My Email:my butt and your butt!

Damn I hate leaving cuz then I miss out on things and then I'm confused!!!! meow meow meow meow!!! MMMMMOOOOORRRRRRAAAAAANNNNNN!!!! *british accent* I'm a lil' teapot short and stout, this is my handle and this is my spout. When I get all steamy hear m moan, shove it in and make me groan!" And that is from songs you don't sing to your children. Ok I am a sick lil puppy! "I wish I were british" Hehehehehehhehe....anywhoo, the black widows are back in business...well almost until all three of us are t gether again. Then we can paint the town red! Or black! Or whatever damn color we want! Well, I must go for now. But I be back man! "hey! don't stop! I'll meet you at the sock hop. Just you and me, it goes 1 2 3 4 back to the top! Everybody now!" Meow Mix

MG - 03/19/99 03:49:31
My URL:http://www.yourmom@yousuck.com
My Email:i think i've written that one enough times already...if you don't know it WRITE IT DOWN!!!

Comments: /b>
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! There ain't no room for you! 4 more days to go bitch!!!! WHAT'S GOIN ON??? tee hee Jersey Jersey Jersey, we're goin to J rsey......gonna get some- oops, sorry TMI right?? GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! No ma, i ain't drinkin, hehehehe......I KNOW I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!!!! Hmmmmm....... Wet bloody red drips slips down her fingertips . I need to take a shower- LOL- too bad you-know-who is 4 days away....... Tuesday isn't cumming fast enough- and nei her is Matt!! LOL. Ahhhhhh- trippy music . I wish......Okay, I've run out of things to say and I'm not in a goofy enough mood to kreep writing, so I'll talk to you Sunday if not b4 then. CHECK YA LATER!!!

Dr McMyrddin - 03/19/99 03:24:56
My Email:go-f@ster-stripes.freeserve.co.uk

the photos took ages to load......but i loved them!

MG's Bitch - 03/18/99 21:39:23

Matty matty matt, matty matty matt!! MARKMARKMARKMARKMARKMARK! Oh baby baby!!! heheh *giggles*... i see me and you to the grounds!!! stubbling up a tree.!!! LIVING IN EXTACY!!!!!!!!la la blah blah and stuff! Okay this is just a quick short thing ma bobb r!! *thinks that sounds bad..oh well* WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHH!!! LESS THEN 5 DAYS BABY!! WAHHEHHAHHAHAHAH!! Oh look a flying penis! I wasn't born with one of those! hehehehe Check ya later Check ya later! ~MG's bitch

Enico (the sexy gal formally known as Eleni - 03/17/99 10:51:06
My URL:http://www2.crosswinds.net/fremont/~eleniart/index.html
My Email:eleniart@fremont.crosswinds.net

Tell Me Tell me of your worries,
Tell me of your hurts.
Tell me when I stray for too long,
Tell me when I push things too far.
Tell me your hopes,
Tell me your fears.
Tell me when you need me,
Tell me when you want me.
Though I have sworn my allegiance to Legion,
Though I have made enemies out of friends.
My heart beats strong,
My heart remains true.
I am loyal to Legion,
I am loyal to my true friends.
I shall lay down my life for the sake of Legion,
I shall lay down my life for the sake of my friends.
Call me a traitor,
Call me what you will.
All I ask is to be known,
All I ask is to be trusted as true, and loyal and good for as long as I live.

Raven, dear I like your page. Tis very nicely done. *hugs*

MG's Bitch yet again - 03/17/99 09:44:40

Matty matty matt, matty matty matt....MARKMARKMAKRKMARKMARK!! Hey!! I wonder who they could be?!! hum *thinks*!!!!hum EVEYLN FOREVER RULES!!! they kick arse!! or somthing like that!! It seems crazy but you must believe, there's nothing calulated noting planned, please forgive me if i seem nieve, i would never want to force your hand, but please understand, i'd be good for you, i don't always rush in like this, twenty seconds after sa ing hello, telling strangers i'm to good to miss, if i'm wrong i hope you tell me so, but you really should know, i'd be good for you, i'd be suprisingly good for you!.....i won't go on if i'm boring you, but do you understand my point of view, do you lik what you hear, what you see, and would you be, good for me too!!! I'm not talking about a hurried night, a frantic tumble and a shy goodbye, creeping home before it get's to light, that's not the reason i caught your eye, which has to imply i'd be good or you, i'd be surpisingly good for you! *sighs* okay back to my normal self! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! SMOKY SMOKY!!! So what happens now? where am i going too? Don't ask anymore!!! Anywho!!! When i saw you in the club, wait a minute,..i went with you to the club, with you in that black thingy ma bober!! thing...nevermind!! hehehe Well, when i saw him in the club, i went!! BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG!!! *giggles* ello sunshine!!! my eye's popped out of there sockets and the drool started to roll down my chin, *giggles* am i getting to graphic? okay...i'll stop!! DAMN IT'S COLD!!! *glad she isn't in a tight shirt* *laughs* it's only a novel!!! *instead of it's only a model, monty p thon...oh nevermind it was dumb anyways*....blah blah blah and stuff like that!! Is that chromosomes in your hair? EWWW!! take a shower!! oh wait that's how that got there!!! *giggles* So when's the wedding? oh five minutes ago, that's where you were we t ought you were in the shower for that HOUR!!! Okay this is getting LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOONNNNGGGGG!!!!! *giggles* is that LONG enough MG? *giggles* or should it be a little longer? hehehehe Okay i'm gonna go now before i start getting really sick!! love ya *hug hug, kiss kiss, sweet caress* oh you like that huh!! *giggles* i knew you would *evil grin* but we won't start that again, you know what happend last time! *grins and giggles* hehehe ~MG's Bitch! *thinks solus doesn't need a message board, her guest book works just fine* *laughs*

Matt's Girl - 03/17/99 01:27:29
My Email:jencho@99main.com

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!!! *giggles* I got bored so I decided to sign your book again. Evelyn misunderstood, tryin to do the things that a good girl should but it's so hard it's so hard......ummm- wait a minute! LOL. Testes, testes, 1 2 3 uh 3? Do do do it again whore <-----that's what you-know-who said tee hee.Can you feel the magic of the moment? I did- i felt the magic of something else too....LOL. Jersey here we cum!!!! Anyway, your updated page ROCKS!!!!! I like it a lot. I shall leave now before it gets too long....I'm not even gonna say it cuz ypu already know what I'm gonna say so GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! tee hee. I shall leave you with the stoned words of your fav guy sand mine: CHECK YA LATER!!!!

Matt's Girl's Bitch Again!! - 03/15/99 17:49:41

Oh yeah i forgot! Hey sleeping beauty can i get another cig?..... THAT'S MISS AMERICA TO YOU!!! *grins* *looks around, get's paranoid* i feel like i'm being watched!!! Must be the sleep depervation or somthing!!! No i won't give it up no i won't!! No i won't give it up no i won't!!! Well, maybe for you but shoo!! don't tell anyone!!! heheheee *thinks of the shower thing and laughs* *thinks of the soap running down your back and slowly down your ass crack!* *laughs hystericly* GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! *does a little jig!* TOKE FOR THE DEALERS! *suddenly remembers she's not at work anymore and blushes* They must have taken my marbles away! I'm CRAZY over the Rainbow I am CRAZY!!!! Bars on the window i am CRAZY!!! There must have been a door there in the wall when i came in! Red bloody red drips slips down her finger tips, strawberry perfum, sweet like double dip my hands are tied, my hands are tied begging beggin for a sip! *pictures Matt's girl singing* i'm tired and i'm bored just a little bit annoyed cleaning chromosomes from the floor, i've got lots to do but i'll stare at matt instead and think about.....nevermind i don't think i'll finish singing that *grins wickedly!* Okay *looks up at the novel* okay i'm done!!! *hugs kisses and sweet caresses* *laughs hystericaly* MUAHAHAHAHAH!!! MMMMMOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!*thinks this has gotten as long as um Matt's...i mean Kat's e-mail* *giggles* ~Take one guess!

Matt's Girl's Bitch! - 03/15/99 17:36:57

ZABADO!!!!! YOU ROCK!!! When he saw you at the club hub you walked up to the right with your black thing ma bobber on, he wished he could have draged you off to bed!!! Okay..were not going to start that again hehehee!!! oh and your my bitch..get it right!! LIAR!! hehehehe *hugs* you know i love ya!! OLEVIA LOVES ME!!! hehehehee *giggles* okay! ZABADO DO!!! Cum again? hehhe Dude the pic's we took rocked, my camera just s cked!! But not as well as i do!! *giggles evily* ~the bitch patrol

Matt's Girl - 03/15/99 17:08:26
My Email:jencho@99main.com

Leia rules, blah blah and stuff like that. tee hee. EVELYN FOREVER HAVE RULED AND WILL RULE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! Okay, sorry- i kinda got excited for a minute there. Hehehehe.....SMOKEY SMOKEY!! She tells me she loves me! So, you girls come here often? No mom, I wasnt drinking, no mom I wasnt smoking marijuana. Leia you are my bitch and my best friend hehehehe......and Mark sucks. But even if he doesnt love you forever I will *hugs* =) Let's take some more pics!! Good ones this time! hehehehe...... Okay, I will shut up b4 this gets as long (tee hee- long) as Matt's- i mean Kat's e-mail. LOL. I'll see you later! matty matty matty matty matty matty matty matty matt........

~Fallen Angel~ - 03/09/99 07:13:23

Your page was very nice and you seem like a talented person and keep up the good work.

YourEscape - 03/05/99 06:38:52
My Email:commongoal@hotmail.com

You are indeed a talent... Might I always be lucky enough to know and speak with you... "In solace doth thine own passion reside within the deepness of your entwined thoughts. You're special sense of detail tangles mine in the violent splice of life and words we feel compelled to write."

¤Çÿrû§Thê¥îrú§¤ - 02/26/99 09:04:13
My Email:vectoring@home.com

Confutatis maledictis, Flammis acribus addictis: Voca me cum benedictis. You job is to interpet that, :) If you would like to send me an email that is fine to, I am interested in what you might have to say, Until then so long...

Morbid Love - 02/25/99 00:56:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/3130/index.html
My Email:morbid_love_69@geocities.com

hey hey yet another marvelous webpage you have here, Mina..

ill be sure to add it to my links

LadyAriannaW. - 02/24/99 22:52:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Tower/7642

forgetting how to cry they pool in my eyes, lashes holding them back. heavy heart, sorrow, alone once again. holding back everything I feel though I want to let it out. unable, unwilling, silently I scream. tears, I can fell them but they never fall. tears, drops of water when I'm sad. again I try, but I think I've forgotten how to cry. by Me....

LadyAriannaW. - 02/24/99 01:35:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Tower/7642
My Email:xfilescuti@aol.com

Still love the webpage!!! And yes it is still better than mine. Me thinks we are gonna compete over who's page is better. *giggles* love ya lots. LadyArianna

John Maliki - 02/22/99 03:55:49
My Email:You know it my dearest lov

Well i came yet again to bask in your glory and beauty and i can not wait till this weekend. I have been allowed to travel to you home were i shall pick you up and hold you in my arms! I sware you came out of some fairy tale....i just cant wait till i get to....oh what was that...oh yeah the happy everly after part with you. Loving you truely and always, John (oh if you think this is something yet....just wait till prom and your birthday....you will enjoy my plans)

Enos/NightCloud/Ancient One - 02/21/99 20:48:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Enchanted Forest/ Creek/6638/
My Email:Sir_Enos@excite.com

Very cool... like the pics and stuff and the story is cool. hehehe and now I have a challenger to my title of seeing the most movies.. ~growls and then giggles~ Oh Well MinaMinaMina... My lover ... ~giggles and teases Starsky and windy with that alot more~ the page is as great as you are. ~smiles sweetly~ see ya< r>
sara - 02/21/99 20:46:45
My Email:jencho@99main.com

great page Leia! You rock. Superman forever!!!

Vry. - 02/21/99 19:22:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/village/1424
My Email:american_poet_71@hotmail.com

Raven!!*hugsss* love the page, so when is your novel comin out? hmmmm? Well like i said love the page and i will visit as often as i can! farewell.

~Gabrielle~ - 02/20/99 23:47:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/gabriellespage/start.html
My Email:ennoia_@hotmail.com

You're page totally kicks ass.. I love the story,its really interesting.. You should write a book.. I would buy so many copies for all my friends. I really like your page!!!!!! let me know if I can make a link to your page, on my own page!! *hugz* latas.. wicked work!

XycsoscyX - 02/19/99 07:28:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/8295/
My Email:darksoul@wa.freei.net

I RULE! Anyway, good page, long story, kool, have fun....

LadyArianna - 02/02/99 03:16:08

Darling one great job. Hope you'll add those pics I sent....they would look quite nice....but oh well.

Lady bk - 02/01/99 00:48:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/Crater/2539
My Email:bkvamp@hotmail.com

love yer page geeze that was a lot to read, yep i like yyer page great as was the last one..:) two thumbs up ~blood kiss~

WhirlWindMatriX - 01/30/99 04:08:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/7218
My Email:whirlwind_x@hotmail.com

Second Home:
Shivering in futility Lost in it's embrace Everytime I close my eyes I can still see your face Wondering of your touch Or to feel upon my skin your breath And for that fleeting moment I'd go into final death Your light touch To see your smiling face But will it ever happen Or will I continue in disgrace ~forgets the author~
Looking every good, great story so far ;-) just waiting for you to get on-line so I decided I would stop by and sign this *chuckles* 0:-)


Theo - 01/28/99 05:44:00
My Email:thx@mb.sympatico.ca

Hey Leia...very good work girl and the picture is a good one of you. You sure you won't move to Canada? =o) Oh well....talk to you soon sweetie!

Morbid Love - 01/28/99 04:22:14
My URL:http://www.gerocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/3130
My Email:morbid_love_69@geocities.com


DarkGentleman aka John O'Connell aka Yours till the end Leia - 01/28/99 00:06:38
My Email:Darkgentleman@panetwork.com

Love at First Sight by Wislawa Szymborska They both thought that a sudden feeling had united them This certainty is beautiful, Even more beautiful than uncertainty. They thought they didn't know each other, nothing had ever happened between them, These streets, these stairs, this corridors, Where they could have met so long ago? I would like to ask them, if they can remember - perhaps in a revolving door face to face one day? A "sorry" in the crowd? "Wrong number" on the 'phone? - but I know the answer. No, they don't remember. How surprised they would be For such a long time already Fate has been playing with them. Not quite yet ready to change into destiny, which brings them nearer and yet further, cutting their path and stifling a laugh, escaping ever further; There were sings, indications, undecipherable, what does in matter. Three years ago, perhaps or even last Tuesday, this leaf flying from one shoulder to another? Something lost and gathered. Who knows, perhaps a ball already in the bushes, in childhood? There were handles, door bells, where, on the trace of a hand, another hand was placed; suitcases next to one another in the left luggage. And maybe one night the same dream forgotten on walking; But every badging is only a continuation and the book of fate is always open in the middle. ~~~~~~~~~ When I look at a star, You look at it to; Even though we're so far, We're connected, me and you.

Thomas D Clauser II - 01/27/99 23:03:29
My Email:Wolfebaine@usa.net

Beautiful Work, Dear And Well Designed and Layed-Out....Keep Up The Wonderful Work....

LadyArianna - 01/27/99 23:03:00
My URL:http://geocities.com/Paris/Palais/6716
My Email:Questkat@aol.com

I love it darling...hehehehehe...specially since I'm in it. LA

James - 01/27/99 04:56:41
My URL:http://home.mpinet.net/buckeye/
My Email:buckeye@mpinet.net

Sweet page, Mina! If it's that good and still under construction, I can't wait to see the final product. The gallery rocks too, even though it lacks a lot of ... well, you. :) Keep it up, cutie!

~^~Firefall~^~ - 01/25/99 18:43:29
My Email:Windreaper@hotmail.com

hey sexy, hehe j/k, anyways, luv the pics on here, hope ya get the rest up and runnig soon, well see ya, ~^~Firefall~^~

LadyArianna - 01/24/99 23:19:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Palais/6716
My Email:Questkat@aol.com

I luv the page hun! Of course you already knew that cuz I was there when you were working on it...hehehe. Hope mine will be working soon. luv, LA

solusRaven - 01/24/99 20:08:48
My URL:http://right here
My Email:hehehehe

Hey thanks for coming to my page, it's still under construction, but i hope to be working on it a lot so feel free to come and check it out when ever you like ~solusRaven

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