NOTE TO MY BITCHES!! *laughs* you know who you are!!! All I'm going to say is ZABADO!! Showers, hotel rooms, Needing some more, GET OUT OF MY HEAD, I Know I can't live without it, Superman, tit ahh!!! YOUR WONDERFUL! MMMMMOOOOORRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!, Chromosomes,Wet bloody red drips, Miss America, Meow Mix, Sleeping Beauty, Cupid, Ed the homeless wonder, Loverboy, Mr Porn Star aka..boy toy, SMOKY SMOKY, She tells me she loves me, DRUM SOLO, Long things such as oh yeah.. e-mails, and stuff like that! blah blah blah blah blah! JELLY BEANS, I LOVE YOU GUYS!*mushy moment* your the best friends a girl could ever have, and your more like sisters then friends. Cuz if you can put up with me, with sleep depervation, and psycho crack head e-mails, then well, you desirve better but hey, I do love you guys *GROUP HUG* YOU GUYS ROCK THE STAKE HOUSE!!! *no pun intended* hehehehe ~x~BLACK WIDOWS~x~
Okay now for the fun part...hehehhee
Us in Virginia, from left to right : Princess, myself, and Kitty.
This is me and Princess!!!!!!*she's the cute blond*
My Kitty and Me
MY KITTY and me...*she's the cute short one*
Princess and Kitty
Princes and Kitty on the beach
Princess and Kitty in Virginia
For more pictures of Princess or Kitty, click on the below pictures

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Or if you would like click on the below picture, on our good friend Trevor.
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