solusRaven: the lost one

As you stroll through the dence woods, you come to a clearing . As you begin to step into the clearing you see the still figure of a girl sitting on a mossy fallen log. You notice she's writing in a leather bound book. Her head turns slightly and turns her body in a graceful swift motion, and in an instand her gaze meets yours. She quickly looks up you up and down and catches a glimmer of the sword at your side. With a hint of startlement in her eyes, she jumps to her feet and grabs her own sword in her hand, and raises it in defense. With strength in her voice "Who are you?" you reply " I mean you no harm, I'm just passing through."

Without lowering her weapon and taking her eyes off you "then pass." She steps aside, as she does you notice she has a blood stain on her pant leg. You look at her face then her wound again, then back to her face. "Before i leave can i help you with that wound?" your voice full of concern. "No thank you, i am fine," she says demanding your leave. "My dear girl, I'm not leaving until I tend to that wound." You lay down your sword at the edge of the woods, even taking the dagger from your boot. Raising your hands you walk towards the girl.

She never lowers her sword. You then introduces yourself. "And your name is?." She tilts her head, as a bird would and looks into your eyes. "I am called solusRaven for I don't know what my name is.: She divers her eyes from yours by lowering her head, but not taking her eyes off you. "Let's take a look at that leg, shall we?" you say "If you insist, bit it's fine I tell you." She then lowers her sword and lays it next to her as she takes a seat on the log. As you get a closer look at the girl, you notice she appears young, maybe in her late teens early twenties. Her eyes have no defined color but you can't help look into them. The girl catches you gaze and turn away. As you investiage the wound on her leg you realize it's a few days old, but it's clean and well taken care of. So you rebandage it as you do the failing sun light falls upon the girl head, shimmering on her long wavy blue black hair, reminding you of a ravens wings, flapping in the waning sun.
Few moments have past " I told you it was fine, didn't I. You can be on your way now." She says with and urgency for you to leave. You look at the sky and see sunset is upon you. "It's sunset, and these woods are impossible to navigate through at night. Would it trouble you if I camped here this eve?" "Not like I can stop you, now can I." She says exsaperated, and throws up her hands, and begins to make a fire. She turns and looks at you " I suppose you'd like dinner too?" You reply "I will find something to eat if you wish me too." Stops setting up the fire, " Nevermind," she says under her breathe, as she walks away into the darkness of the woods, you hear her mumble something "Non ut edam vivo, sed vivam edo" It takes a minute or too, to translate it but, then realize she said I do not live to eat, but eat to live. Wonding why she says that, you begin to finsh the fire she had abandoned.
Minutes later the girl returns her hair soaked, but her clothes dry, carring two large fish. She drops the fish right at your feet, looks down at you. "I caught them, you cook them." Then she goes over and sit's by the fire you finshed and runs her long fingers through her hair, watching you like a bird of prey. After a few moments of playing with her hair she picks up her leather bound book and begins to write by the fires light.
You skin the fish and cook them over the fire, glancing at the girl ever so often, realizing as she writes her expression changes, and a look of hurt crosses her face. Debating on interupting her, you ask quietly " what are you writing? if you don't mind me asking. " A look of terror crosses her face " Yes i do mind" she closes the book quickly and get's up and places it into a black velvet cloak, laying behind the log. "Do you have a home?" you ask as you finsh cooking the fish. Unsettled by your question, she replys "Minime!, Omnia mea mecum porto." " I'm sorry, I do not understand what you said." you say as a look of discust crosses her face, " I said, No! All that is mine, I carry with me." she says " My I ask why you are so untrusting?" You ask as if hurt. Her tone has a bit of bitterness to it as she speaks "I have been betrayed by to many to trust anyone, expecially a stranger, that has taken leave, so close to me, for what reason I don't know yet." "As I have said my lady, I don't mean to harm you in anyway, I will leave you in the morning. You have a look about you that makes me feel you have many things to say." You say hoping she will not be upset. She looks up at you with a suprised look " I do have many things to say, but I choose not to say them. I write them instead, for if I even tried to say them allowed I don't think even I would believe them or make any sence of them." She buts her head back down but still aware of all your movements. " Maybe you are just tempted to tell the wrong people. Solus I am willing to listen, and you never know I might suprise you." " I don't like suprises" she says with her head still down. " I mean I may suprise you and understand you, or even believe you." A look of hope crosses her face, then disapears. "Why do you even care to know me?" Feeling and even stronger feeling that you want to hear this girls story. " I have a feeling I was ment to stumble across you on my journy, maybe you and your story are the missing link to the success of my jorney." She looks up at you scared, but pushes that feeling and all feelings from her face. "What is your journy?" Glad she's even remotly interested, in talking you give a small smile. " I am in search of one that can help me" "Help you how?" she asked, and you see her eyes begin to darken. ""Help me, save myself." Solus looks up and then turns her head quickly, sencing somthing you don't. A fearful look she could not crosses her face. "Now is a time, I find out if I can trust you." With that said, before you eyes, she turns into a large raven, with wings the color of her blue black hair, and eyes of many colors. Without speaking you hear in your head, "you have not seen me", and she flies up into the trees. You hear foot steps in the dark woods, and quickly grab her things and hide them under your own cloak. As you return to your seat, you see two men decend, from the same clearing you had taken a few hours ago. They look up in suprise as they see you there, as if they were expecting someone else. "May I help you gentalmen?" you ask, trying not to reveal anything. They withdraw there swords, and look at you "We are looking for a girl, a girl with blue black hair, and the voice of an angel. Have you seen her?" Wanting to get more informations from them you look up, and ask "what would you want with the girl?" They move closer, "have you seen her?" you then relize that her plate, is still by the fire. Diverting your eyes from the evidence there was someone else with you, you look up at the two men "no I'm sorry I havn't, but if I do, shall what shall I do?, what is she wanted for?" You motion the men to come take a seat for a while, and they accept, and move over and seat with you. You offer them some fish, and they take it greetly. You hear a voice in you head, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" you ingnore the voice and turn your attention towards the men. "What is this girl wanted for? may I ask?" One man stops eating for a moment "She has refused to marry the king, so we are to bring her back to our kingdom, where she will marry the king or die." you chuckle "that's it, she refused to marry the king?" you start to laugh. The men give you a look like it's not a laughing matter. You quickly stop, " I mean not offence, but to send two men hunting for a girl just for refusing marrage, I find it odd." "This girl, has stolen the kings heart, and if he shall not have her no one shall." one man says. " She must be very beautiful then, why was she not betrothed to the king since childhood?" "She would have been, but she is not from our kingdom or so we believe, she wandered in one night, asking for lodging, and the King saw her, and instently feel in love with her, along with most of the men in the town." " she must be beautiful, how long has she been a run away" you chuckle to yourself again. "It's been many months now, but we have rested for to long we must be on our way, for if we return without the girl, we shall lose our heads." The two men stand up, and thank you then walk off into the dark woods. You sit by yourself, waiting for the girl to return. You begin to think she has left since you tried to find out about her, with out her permistion. An hour or so passes and the large raven returns, and tilts it's head and looks at you. Then in an instant the girl is in front of you her head tilted like the ravens. You smile, at her and take a good look at her and see that she is quiet beautiful, the way her hair falls about her face, and the way her eyes pull you in a gaze, and the shape of her mouth You turn your head as so you are not staring at her. "So your wanted for marrage." You begin to laugh. She get's a small smile, and chuckles, a little more relaxed now, "what you thought I was a crazy murder or somthing?" "the thought crossed my mind," you give her a smile, and she knows you are joking, she smiles back, and realize, that no man in there right mind wouldn't fall in love with this girl. "So will you now please tell me about yourself." she weakly smiles, and in a sweet soothing voice says "yes I shall, but please believe me when I say I am not crazy." You nod your head, and listen to her story.

story continuesclick on the threshold

click on below, for a wee bit about me and my girls..

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