I can't live without music...I am in this great music club where they automatically ship me a cd every month. The only problem is that the mailman doesn't knock on my door, he just leaves it outside for me to trip over when I leave my apartment.

Here are the cd's that have most recently sent me falling flat on my face...

Obviously, I haven't updated this site in a year--and I get at least one new album every month! oops... Side note: I moved, I now have a mailbox big enough to hold cd's, I no longer trip over cd's outside my door. But, my newest purchase is so great, I couldn't skip it!

IV, by Coheed and Cambria January 2006
So, I won't be telling my Grandma that I bought this CD with money she gave me for Christmas. However, the music is really great! It varies from hauntingly sweet melodies to more metal sounds. I definitely recommend it, though pay attention to the "Strong Language/Violent Content" sticker--they're not kidding! So, this might be one to keep away from the kiddies.

Some other CD's I've gotten in the past year (I can't remember them all, but these are the most memorable): Sleeping With Ghosts by Placebo, The Raven by Lou Reed, Avril Lavigne, Little Creatures by the Talking Heads, East Infection by Gogol Bordello.

Hot Fuss, by The Killers January 2005
Great music. On first listen the reminded me of the Psychedelic Furs in a few of their songs, and they seemed somewhat Bowie-ish. But, they have a great sound that is all their own. Buy this CD!

Black Market Music by Placebo December 2004
I have read reviews of this album that rave at its greatness. I have read others that say Brian Molko and his pals have lost their minds. I loved it! It's amazing how the combination of energetic music and horribly depressing lyrics can work so well! A caution, this album does contain some explicit lyrics, and it has the incredible ability to drive a depressed person even deeper. But, if you like to wallow, you can't beat this album! Plus, for all you Bowie fans, he sings with Molko on the track, "Without You I'm Nothing".

No Angel and Life For Rent, both by Dido December 2004
My sister gave me both as a Christmas gift. Dido has a beautiful voice, and I love her music. These are a bit more "easy listening" than my usual choices, but that doesn't stop me from loving the music!

Without You I'm Nothing by Placebo November 2004
Ok, so I'm a Placebo addict. This album contains "Every You Every Me", the track on the Cruel Intentions Soundtrack that I so loved when it first came out. I had forgotten the band for several years, but a chance hearing of "Pure Morning" on the campus radio station had me hooked once again!

Blink-182 October 2004
"Parental Advisory, Explicit Content. Edited Version also available". WHY? Why ruin good music by editing it for sensitive ears? Either way, it's got some good music, though not my usual choice.