© 2004-2006 Laura K. Melvin


about serendipity David Bowie Amorphous Phrogz trivia The Darker Side, Poetry and Ramblings
serendipity's favorite time-wasters AKA links serendipity's bookshelf serendipity's stereo coming soon to serendipity's butterfly gardens

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Serendipity's Gardens are ALWAYS a safe and friendly place for ALL. Please refrain from any unkind or prejudiced comments in either the guestbook or email. If you enjoy something on this page, I'd love to hear it. BUT, if you use my guestbook to attack me or anything I might choose to discuss on my page, then it will be deleted. Sorry for the mini-rant, but I have had problems in the past, especially related to my writings and ramblings on the Darker Side page.
Thank you, serendipity.

Created August 2001, updated January 2006
Many photographs and artwork created by Laura K. Melvin
for Shadowdancer Creations.  Please ask  before copying.  
Works by Laura K. Melvin may not be copied without permission,
and are not always indicated by copyright information.  Please
ask before borrowing. The triskelion shown above Copyright 
1995 by Quagmyr@aol.com. Used by permission. 

Some artwork on this page has a creator unknown to the webmistress.  
If you see your work here, uncredited, please send your information 
so that we may credit your work.

contact webmistress: serendipity
© 2004-2006 Laura K. Melvin