
2/13/02 -

What’s new with me

Tomorrow is of course Valentine's day. Or as I like to call it "Singles Awareness Day" Never has there been a day that causes so much happiness and so much pain. Last year for me was great but this year doesn’t look all that promising. We'll see. Dont get me wrong.. I don't really have too much trouble meeting girls... but when I dont have a obvious date like a girlfriend I dont really enjoy going through all the formalities of asking a girl out on a date just so I can tell my friends I "did something" on Valentine's Day. But with the upcoming Valentine’s day I had to re- assess my love life. It got me thinking -- especially since I had a test today... bringing extra Scantrons for hot chicks on test day is a forgotten mack tactic. One would probably ask, "How does a scantron initiate a love thang?" ahhh my friend it does... I decided to put my theory to the test again today. I brought five extra scantrons and arrived to class 10 minutes early. I sat near the back so I could get a good "scan" (pardon the pun) of the classroom. The first to walk in that needed Scantrons were two dudes and a bitchy chick. I held back... I was on a mission. I was on the warpath. They wouldn't do. I was looking for a special kind of person: a double jumbo-bubble bimbo. Then walked in my specimen. She was purrrfect.

"Oh shit, I forgot to get a fuckin' Scantron!"

Ohh she is a feisty one. Papa is pleased.

"Hey chill blondie. I'll kick you down one."

Damn. She didnt bite. The next perfect scenario occurred a few minutes later. I noticed a tender baby fervently gripping a big black book bag.


Ohhh yeah. There went the bobber. Now its time for the ol' yank and reel.

"Say no more sugar. I believe you will be needing one of these."

She sat there in amazement as I handed her the bait. She couldn't believe I knew what she needed. A bimbo... just the type of girl I need. (See everyone... there are benefits of going to state rather UC)

"So, I dont know about you but I am going to get really loaded after this thing. You wanna grab a pitcher at Monty's pub and we can learn more about each other?"

"Gee, I don't know..."

"Come on buttercup, play with me."

"You did give me a Scantron. Well, ok. Meet me in the hall when you're done"

What makes you think you won't come first?"



Perfect. The old Scantron trick came through again... just make sure you find the proper specimen. Any questions? Comments? email me Enjoy the rest of my website. -RiDD

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Last Updated: 2/13/2002
