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"Enter" it came from the other side of the door. The young apprentice took a deep breath as he slowly pushed open the door to Sith Lord Croons chamber. The room was dark, and the only light came from the strange statues and paintings around the room. The apprentice knew that every piece of art in this room where centuries old, it was the art of the ancient Sith's. The master was sitting in a large chair in the back of the chamber. Behind him the entire wall was a large window, facing the new imperial city on byss, outside the sun was setting." So you want to know about the galaxy, my young apprentice." a voice said in the apprentice's head. "You have served me well so far, so i'm going to let you access the imperial database." suddenly a small creature appered right next to the apprentice, it was an noghri. "What is it Rizzh" the noghri said something in a language the apprentice didn't understand. The master got a hard expression on his face. " You will have to excuse me, there is something that needs ny attention." The master stood up and walked out the room. The young student started goin throug the datafiles about the galaxy.

Secrets of the Force.

Imperial Capital ships.


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