ADz's Galactically Skinny Webpage
According to prophecy, my existance primarily entails being an mentally enslaved undead drone in an a wretched hive of scum, villainy, and country music, whispered by the locals in their dark dungeons of sacrifice and chicken grease as "B-Town." But to the rest of the world called between gasps and whimpers and much gnashing of the teeth, "Bakersfield." Actually, it's not a bad place to live. It's big enough to have the essential cool things like malls, etc, and is close enough to pretty much anywhere else that's cool but much more crowded to be.
Awake but still undead, I serve the Dark Lord Davis at his shop of archane herbs and diapers, yes that place of healing at a wretched price, Rite Aid, an excellent store for finding the medical basics of life, plus a loaf of bread, gallon of milk and a box of Trojans. I entered into our story back in the May 8, 1970 issue of Those Wild and Wacky Earthlings. In that pivotal year, the Beatles (in my opinion) got bored of being Beatles, kinda like chat rooms break up, and Star Trek (The Original Series) was off the air for a year. I share my birthday with such notable notables such as Sir Richard Attenbourgh, Melissa Gilbert, and the late and great United States president Harry S. Truman: wise old actor, great president and an actress that was something of a looker.
I like people who like to talk or just hang out and
are light-hearted, and aren't serious about anything but being a
pal. I like people who are fun to be with even when there not a
solitary thing to do.
Obviously, I'm a fan of The X-Files. For the record, I believe Mulder & Scully should have love in their life, just not with each other.
Star Wars has been a MAJOR thing in my life one way or another since I first saw it as a 7 year-old in 1977. I'm lucky to be living in a place that was a breeze to get 12:01 tickets for the lastest movie, The Attack of the Clones.
- Movies: I have a soft spot for a movie called
"Until the End of the World." I like pretymuch any kind of movie, but I am a wuss when it comes to horror films :P. My favorite flicks ultimately become ones I play just for the sound. Anime is something I can spend hours watching.
Thanks to the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block, I get to watch way more than I used to. Thank you Cartoon Network! I also love to watch Futurama and Family Guy - and I was a big fan of Bevis and Butthead back in the day. Yeah, so I'm a bit of a big kid, anything wrong with that?
Culinary delights: anything Mexican, Italian, British or just about anything Chinese. I thank the peoples of these fine cultures for their contribution to the world of eating. I love malt vinegar on my fries and on my fish (a tip of the hat to the Brits). A1 steak sauce on fries is also a GOODIE!
I love 80's music, fast and loud - groups like The Vapors, David Bowie, Men-at-Work, Van Halen... Culture Club; songs like One Night in Bangkok and Land Down Under
The National Rifle Association. (Hey Chuck, you're just a washed up but well heeled actor, not moses. okay?) This isn't 1776 anymore, gentlemen. Perhaps if all these people put their energies toward preserving American freedom and ideals, they wouldn't feel the need to own a gun.
- Less serious, but none the less annoying, is scooping Thrifty Ice Cream at work. I don't know what it is about it, but everyone who works at at Rite Aid that has a hand-dip counter grows to loathe this task and I'm no acception.
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Page updated March 14, 2004
Disclaimer: ADSkinner and all X-Files references are trademark and copyright FOX Television and 1013 Productions. EverQuest is property of Verant and Sony Online Entertainment (SOE). No infringements intended.